Trudie Styler

Image of Trudie Styler
Tuscany is so full of history and beauty - you meet wonders of art and architecture on almost every corner. But I love the region's homier aspects: the special sweetness of the tomatoes, the soft mozzarella, the heady scents of basil and garlic everywhere.
- Trudie Styler
Collection: Architecture
Image of Trudie Styler
Meditation is really letting go of all the thought processes or 'mind traffic' that gets in the way of just whatever is between you and space and consciousness.
- Trudie Styler
Collection: Space
Image of Trudie Styler
I have a huge belief in the importance of bees, not just for their honey, which is a healing and delicious food, but the necessity of bee colonies that are vital to the health of the planet.
- Trudie Styler
Collection: Health
Image of Trudie Styler
As a late teenager, I had some puppy fat on me, and I noticed that I could put on weight. I have always been very disciplined because my mother was very beautiful, a very pretty woman, but she was immobilised by obesity. At her biggest, she was about 17 stone. And she was always on some sort of fad diet.
- Trudie Styler
Collection: Diet
Image of Trudie Styler
In a way, bullying is an ordinary evil. It's hugely prevalent, all too often ignored - and being ignored, it is therefore condoned.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
I was in 'Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels,' and I like my bad boy movie movies.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
Every teenager feels like a freak. It's part of being a teenager, part of the individuation from child to adult - those teenage years are who am I? What am I? Where am I going?
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
I had operations up until I was 18, then revision on my scars to put back my eyebrows. So I've had a lot of what is called plastic surgery. And I have huge, huge respect for what that is.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
Our body is the only one we've been given, so we need to maintain it; we need to give it the best nutrition.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
My life is extravagant.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
I've never really had a sense that I am just Mrs. Sting. Indeed, I am Mrs. Sting and very proud and very happy that I am still Mrs. Sting, as opposed to Mrs. ex-Sting. But I'm a very busy person, so I've always done things and got on with my life.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
Sting and I have six kids between us. A lot of members of our family have ADHD and dyslexia.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
I don't have a musical bone in my body.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
Telling women's stories is really important.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
The film industry is driven by male narrative. Heads of studios are often men, teeming with male executives everywhere you look, and so the narratives we have the screenwriters usually for male leads. Women tend to be second string: the girlfriend of, the secretary who becomes.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
At the age of two-and-a-half, I was run down by a truck. I had gone rogue in the house while my mother was bathing my sister. I went outside and met a friend who promised me candy. Afterward, I walked back by myself across the road where I fell down in the street. A 15-year-old boy delivering bread struck me down.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
The standing yoga routines work all the main muscles of the body and improve stamina while increasing your metabolic rate, and there is a specific Yoga Abs workout to build all-important core strength to improve posture and trim the waistline.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
I feel at home wherever Sting is - he's my home.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
I nearly drowned in the Xingu River in Brazil some years ago. When I was given my life back, I decided I wanted to make some changes, so I left acting to concentrate on producing films. I wanted to be in control of my own life.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
When I wake up in the morning, I like to express my gratitude for being on the planet. That gratefulness makes me very present.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
When I first met Clint Eastwood, I bobbed him a curtsy. I still cringe about that to this day.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
Sting and I need to think what our relationship is to England in the long term.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
Rock stars' wives have never been given an easy time. They weren't nice about Linda McCartney till she died.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
My life is to travel, and my life is also to speak out about the horrors of an environment that is being abused at the hands of oil companies.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
I gave birth to our daughter Coco in Pisa, and it was a wonderful time in all our lives.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
My first trip to Italy's Tuscany region was in 1990 when my husband, Sting, recorded an album there.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
I don't want to criticise my country, but there are times I feel Sting and myself have been treated unkindly.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
I don't feel I want to complain about anything that's said about me.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
I have such a fortunate life that of course I will have my detractors. I have a very endowed life.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
I get a lot of mud slung at me, and yes, I do take planes, but I feel that's my life. My life is to travel and also to speak out about the horrors of an environment that is being abused at the hands of an irresponsible oil company.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
When I'm in public doing the glamorous-wife-of-rock-star persona, I don't want to disappoint, but when I act, I really like to leave all that behind.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
The great thing about acting is you don't have to worry about yourself at all. I tend to just get out of the way of me and let something come through.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
I think I became an actress because I didn't know who I was, and I certainly didn't like the person I saw when I looked in the mirror.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
I don't know how happy I was when I met Sting. I always had this difficulty of not really knowing who I was.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
It's important to have frank discussions about what the other wants. To be in a relationship that is like a little lifetime, that's a challenge.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
Eating's pretty major; we have feasts at our house.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
We all struggle to find our place, and schools can be cruel to kids who aren't part of a pack.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
Becoming an actor let me escape the me that I had in my heart, which was I'm a loser.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
I hope when people see that female-led production companies are working, there will be more of us.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
I was not a very... um... not a very popular girl. I think a lot of it was, you know, no boo-hoo about it - but I looked pretty strange for the first few years of my life.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
There are some things I feel the need to pussyfoot around that I would like to... give vent to. But I realise the press isn't the place to do that.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
I wouldn't deliberately go and buy something that one would categorise as an extravagant thing.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
If I'm connected to an idea, it just doesn't let me go. All I have to do is catch up to the image in my head by doing the practical steps to get there.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
I'm not an unkind person, but by the same token, I'm not a people-pleaser.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
I enjoy the riches of life.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
I could only imagine myself being successful.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
I think it's fascinating that people take an interest in a middle-aged married couple and what happens behind our closed front door.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
I love women; I have women friends, but I'm definitely a heterosexual.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
I like juices and antioxidants. I'm a health nut.
- Trudie Styler
Image of Trudie Styler
Ashtanga yoga is a well known practice for keeping yourself fit and healthy. Yoga is good for my body.
- Trudie Styler