Trinny Woodall

Image of Trinny Woodall
My first proper job was as a commodities broker. I went off to work every morning in an '80s power suit. I couldn't afford a good one, so I'd buy nice buttons instead and make it look better than it actually was.
- Trinny Woodall
Collection: Morning
Image of Trinny Woodall
I had a strong faith that I would, eventually, have a baby.
- Trinny Woodall
Collection: Faith
Image of Trinny Woodall
I'm very conscious about putting good food into my body. Years ago, I went to see an amazing healer called Allah, who could read your body. She told me that I can't absorb vitamins very well, and I have to eat the right things to get my vitamins. I've always remembered that.
- Trinny Woodall
Collection: Amazing
Image of Trinny Woodall
If you want to make the best of yourself, you don't necessarily need to diet - you need to wear the right stuff.
- Trinny Woodall
Collection: Diet
Image of Trinny Woodall
I think I just took a while to know myself. I went on a journey to find out. I was a bit wild.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
I would advise women not to be shy about admitting they've had Botox - it just shows you want to look your best, and there's nothing wrong with that.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
Shorts are practically a uniform in every woman's closet. Tailored shorts are okay for running around, and if you're 18, you can get away with cut-offs. But it's very easy to make a mistake with shorts.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
In America, there's a programme called 'The Swan.' They take 12 ugly people and call them 'ugly ducklings.' They spend six months and have everything done - plastic surgery, teeth, everything. And then they have this moment where their family is brought in, and they are revealed. It's scary.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
Ottolenghi sells lots of delicious sweet things, but my daily addiction is their unbelievable dark chocolate salted caramel biscuits. They're the best things in the world - I go through half a packet every night. I bring them out after pudding at dinner parties.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
At school, I was only allowed four sweets every Wednesday, so I've developed an addiction.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
Don't look at your legs and think: 'They're fat.' Think: 'These things carry me around all day, and I don't have arthritis. Oh, and I've got great ankles.'
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
Every morning, I have a drink of spinach, blueberry, celery, carrot and Gillian McKeith energy food with linseed.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
My grandfather was Scottish, born in the slums of Glasgow.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
I judge when I need a top-up of Botox by looking in the mirror to see if I can move more than half my forehead.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
I will admit I am quite obsessive about the world of anti-ageing.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
My pain threshold is quite high when it comes to vanity.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
If you are heading for 60, people will flirt with you; if you are heading for 70, they won't.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
When you're with a big TV channel, there's a sense of having to behave in a certain way in order to get audience figures.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
I think only a woman understands another woman's body.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
English women would rather go out and buy a washing machine than shop for clothes.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
Classically posh girls like Victoria Hervey are now trying to be Hollywood girls. Hollywood girls are trying to be posh girls. Everything is all mixed up, turned on its head.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
So many people hide inside their clothes.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
I've been nine stone for 20 years. I always eat what I want; it's not an issue for me.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
I've had these lips all my life, and I love them.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
I'd never have a facelift, as I have never seen one that looks good.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
I'm not good at cutting off from work.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
I'm having to learn to get the balance right, because if you want a full-time career, and you also want to be a mother who is there for your child, then you have to make sure that when you do spend time together, you're really there for them.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
I'm a mixture of untidy and anal.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
I love the idea of cooking, but I don't like using recipe books, so I'll put a mish-mash together, and it might be amazing by total accident, or it will be a catastrophe.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
I am very precise about what food I like. I'm very much a nursery-food person, and really hate chichi dishes.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
There were times when rehab and the halfway house were very, very tough, but I never felt that I wanted to leave.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
You don't find women with great confidence dressed as if they don't care.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
The idea of what a feminist is has changed so much that there needs to be a new word for it.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
For me as an individual, it's important that I have a career as a role model for my children, that I earn my own money, and I spend it prudently and imprudently.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
It's very exciting to feel like a different woman with a new identity.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
I hate trends, but I love fashion.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
Many women are pear-shaped and tend to wear jeans that are too loose. They need to focus on what jeans will re-proportion their body.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
So many women buy these boxy, shapeless jackets. I always tell them to buy a jacket one size too small to get the right fit.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
A Joan Crawford dress looks really good on an hourglass figure.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
Even my basic, basic wardrobe is still pathetically colour coordinated. It just is. That is just me.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
I would never go out in track bottoms and a baggy T-shirt.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
I enjoy waking up in the morning and thinking, 'Who do I want to be today?'
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
I don't have a problem with the stories saying I'm skinny at all.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
Diets are rubbish. I eat healthily, and often have a day when I stuff myself.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
To me, it is like a diabetic with insulin. If that diabetic stops taking insulin, they will die, and I believe that if I don't follow the 12-step programme, I will regress, and that could eventually be the death of me.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
To me, the word 'workaholic' is a negative word.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
I think I'm very focused and am quite a good multitasker, and I'm quite driven in knowing what my responsibilities are to my family and knowing what I've got to do to do that.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
In some ways, I'm slightly like a single parent, so I need to be able to provide for my family.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
I was a very unconfident teenager. I wanted desperately to fit in.
- Trinny Woodall
Image of Trinny Woodall
I grew up in a very normal home.
- Trinny Woodall