Travis Fimmel

Image of Travis Fimmel
'Vikings' is filmed in Ireland, and 400 people get jobs from that show. Their economy is not that good, so I'm proud of what we've done and will do anything to help that show.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
That's the only thing I'm jealous about 'Game of Thrones': they get to go to Spain all the time.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
I didn't know exactly what a hipster was until we were in Brooklyn. It's like a species. On first seeing it, I was like, 'Oh my God, oh my God...' Pre-tt-y fun-ny.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
It's a bit weird; everybody is trying to be different, but then they're exactly the same as whatever mob they hang out with.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
Like every Aussie actor, I'd rather be working here; it's just we've all been forced to go to the States. Business-wise, as an actor, it's more lucrative, and there's also a lot more of it there.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
I'm a hell of a bloody good dancer.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
I've got Aussie country pride for sure. I just like where I grew up. I think you've got lots in common with the people who grew up the same as you.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
I'm always thinking I'm messing up. I did a lot of classes. I can't stand being on stage or the only one talking in a room, so class really helped me deal with that. It doesn't really get any easier, but it helps you focus on the acting.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
I'm comfortable in any situation. I don't have fears about a lot of things. It's not a survival thing, but on a farm, you always look after yourself. You're very independent, but you're still very family-oriented.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
I like cable: you only work four months out of the year and have the other eight months to do movies if you want.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
I actually don't think Ireland has a summer. I never experienced a summer there. It was just so wet.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
I dress like a bum all the time. I'm a pretty casual fella.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
People take years learning how to act; it's a skill, not just a job. If I tried it out and thought I'd be OK, then perhaps I'd go for it, but it's not the kind of thing you can get into just because of your looks.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
You don't get recognized that much unless you want to get recognized, like if you go to the fancy joints and that. It's like, L.A. - there are 10 restaurants. If you want to be seen, you go.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
It's hard to prove yourself when the substance isn't there in certain roles.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
Half of acting is you're very intimidated, overcoming your fears, letting yourself be vulnerable in front of people and that sort of stuff.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
I'm always just travelling out of a suitcase. You get used to it.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
I hate speeches.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
I think I discovered I wanted to be an actor when I got the first pay cheque.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
I love Mel Gibson... I'd like to ask him for a job.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
If I went on vacation, I'd rather go camping than stay in some four-star hotel... My friends treat me the same at home. They just want to sit down with you and have a beer.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
I've always been fascinated with what motivates people's transgressions and the scandalous journey into infamy.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
I can't drink if I have to get up early, man. It kills me.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
Because the Vikings never documented anything - they couldn't read or write - the history is always gonna be a little up in the air.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
I'm from such a little place, most people live and work there their whole lives.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
It's embarrassing standing in front of the camera and getting your picture taken.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
I got a motorbike at three; we've still got it. It was an R50. Hopefully my little nephews will play on it.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
Any set in the world, I feel ridiculous. There's a lot of ridiculousness in my job. The people are the fun part. But, it's not fun enough to do it for free.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
It's a good challenge as an actor to express feelings without saying too many words.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
Some actors are better with words than me. I prefer to play it rather than say it - and keep people thinking.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
I haven't changed a bit. I go out with my mates, but I probably have to watch what I do a little more.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
Patrick Swayze is a fantastic man and an inspiration to work with. He is a fearless cowboy type and a movie icon.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
I'd rather be a guy that can build a house or fix a car than be able to walk like a ballet dancer.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
As soon as I finish a job, I'm like, 'Geez, I got away with that, and I got paid all right!' But then you get to the press junket, and I'm like, 'Oh God, this is where you earn your money.'
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
I've always built furniture and done farm work.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
It's very hard to play a man without any flaws.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
I don't like getting up in front of people and being the loud one when everybody's out quiet and you're the only one talking. I'm not a fan of that. I'm fine when I get in front of a camera, I don't care. You'll never see me on stage. Not at all.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
There are so many good stories about the Vikings.
- Travis Fimmel
Image of Travis Fimmel
People have such a distinctive look to them these days. Whatever image they're doing, a lot of the time it sums up their character a bit. There are not many individual people anymore - they dress the same as their friends. It's a bit weird; everybody is trying to be different, but then they're exactly the same as whatever mob they hang out with.
- Travis Fimmel
Collection: Character
Image of Travis Fimmel
I’m a country boy, so I really appreciate the country. I love fishing, so I fish between takes on set. During lunch, I go for a fish.
- Travis Fimmel
Collection: Country
Image of Travis Fimmel
I think every job you have to lie to get. You always say how wonderful it all is, that it's an amazing script - "I love you, you're such a great director." I think every actor does that.
- Travis Fimmel
Collection: Jobs
Image of Travis Fimmel
[In acting] I like the fight scenes because you don't have to remember lines.
- Travis Fimmel
Collection: Fighting