Torrey DeVitto

Image of Torrey DeVitto
No one deserves to die alone. No matter who you are, you deserve to have someone by your side. And as a volunteer with hospice, we provide that love, comfort, and respect.
- Torrey DeVitto
Collection: Alone
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I do have the most adorable little Chihuahua mix. I adopted him about 3 1/2 years ago from Much Love pet adoption, and he has been the love of my life ever since. His name is Beau, or as my sister and I like to call him ' mushy mush' because he truly is just a pile of loving mush that just melts in your arms.
- Torrey DeVitto
Collection: Pet
Image of Torrey DeVitto
If I could adopt any zoo animal, it would be a giraffe. I have always loved giraffes. They are so graceful and beautiful to watch.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I started playing violin when I was six, so I thought I could be a professional. It wasn't until I was 15 when I got into acting classes and realized this was what I wanted to do.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
There's a lot more people out there than you would think who cannot differentiate between TV and reality. I do think there's a lot of people out there who think I'm a nasty human being.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I've always said I would want to be a funeral director if I wasn't an actor.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
Not only does virtual dissection save animals, it also saves schools money and helps the environment by sparing the use of toxic chemicals typically used to embalm animals.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
Most Billy Joel songs make me want to cry a little.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
Obviously I ask my family and loved ones for advice here and there, but I kind of have a rule with the people I love that surround me - close family and close friends - that unless I ask for it, I don't really want advice thrown out.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I just think people are so used to seeing me on shows like 'Vampire Diaries' and 'Pretty Little Liars,' which are more geared toward teens. But in reality, I could have a 12-year-old kid.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I have so much respect for people in the service. The mental strength it takes to do what they do is unbelievable.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I feel like - and maybe you're going to think I'm crazy for saying this - 'Vampire Diaries' has crazy fans, 'Pretty Little Liars' has crazy fans, but I swear to you, I have never met crazier fans than 'One Tree Hill's.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I have sat in with the Burbank Philharmonic and the Topanga Orchestra when they need someone if someone gets sick or something.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I love wraps and shawls.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I got followed by the paparazzi because they thought I was Shannyn Sossamon.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I have realized sometimes I do better working under a crazy schedule. It gives me less time to overthink things and forces me to be present.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I was worried for a while that it was some sort of reflection of me that all I seemed to be getting were these characters that were a tad bit loony. But I love it. Those are the most fun characters to play!
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
Going to Africa was being able to take my volunteering and my passion for hospice one step further.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
There were a lot of kids from Puerto Rico at my high school in Florida; people always assumed I was Puerto Rican. Even now in California, I get talked to on the street in Spanish constantly!
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
Before anyone learns my last name, they always assume I have some type of Latin background in me somewhere. I love it! I think the Latin culture is sexy. It's one of my goals to learn to speak Spanish one day; then I will really be able to fool people!
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I love the dancing and the music from Latin cultures. I went to a Flamenco show in Spain once, and it completely took my breath away!
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
Fernanda Andrade and Daphne Zuniga are two beautiful, inspiring women I met and became very close with while living in L.A. Daphne's father is from Central America, and Fernanda is originally from Brazil.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
It's okay to talk about mental health issues. It's okay to admit that you have anxiety. It doesn't take away from your power. It's totally normal.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
When I became aware of how inhumane it is to test on animals, I made a commitment not to buy anything that was.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I think that's the biggest misconception when people want to live a more clean, cruelty-free life is, 'I can't do that. It's going to be so hard.' But I say do some research. You'd be surprised!
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I bargain-shop all the time, but then I started learning about how those products are made and about how if you spend a little bit more money on ethical clothing that are using recycled materials - like, my favorite dresses are by Christy Dawn... the carbon footprint that they're leaving is so minimal, and it's really worth the extra money.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I actually have my first iPhone deformity because it sits on my pinky, and now my bone actually dips in where my cellphone sits.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
When you cry out in pain from a broken wrist, no one questions it. You just go to the hospital and take the necessary steps. Mental illness is just as real, even if it can't be seen.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
For me, calling my mom really helps soothe me when I'm spiraling. Having someone to talk to, whether it's a therapist, your brother, or a friend, can be such a positive thing.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
Having a mental illness does not mean you're weak or can't handle life. You can have a mental illness and deal with it and still be a powerful, confident woman.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
My mom actually would not allow me to watch 'Dawson's Creek!'
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I have no upper arm strength!
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I'm vegan in my fashion and vegetarian in my food.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I don't buy any leather goods or anything made from animal products - no down, nothing. It's something people should be mindful of.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I love salads and vegetable sandwiches.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I work out as much as I can.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
The way I eat is a heavy statement on my belief system. I eat cruelty-free. It is my way of being able to take a stand against doing harm to any living creature.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I enjoy eating so much. I eat for happiness, fuel, and nourishment.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
With my family as my audience, I used to sing, dance, and reenact every scene from 'Grease,' 'Newsies' and 'Les Miserables' as many times as they would let me.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I grew up wanting to entertain.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
Hospice has brought such a light in my life. It is something I will be involved with until I need hospice myself.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I was always a performer.
- Torrey DeVitto
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I just think people are so used to seeing me on shows like Vampire Diaries and Pretty Little Liars, which are more geared toward teens. But in reality, I could have a 12-year-old kid.
- Torrey DeVitto
Collection: Liars
Image of Torrey DeVitto
I feel like - and maybe you're going to think I'm crazy for saying this - 'Vampire Diaries' has crazy fans, 'Pretty Little Liars' has crazy fans, but I swear to you, I have never met crazier fans than 'One Tree Hill"s.
- Torrey DeVitto
Collection: Crazy