Tony Ferguson

Image of Tony Ferguson
I work hard for my stuff. And even when I work hard for my stuff, it gets taken away - which is cool. It's alright. You can't take my smile. And you won't.
- Tony Ferguson
Collection: Cool
Image of Tony Ferguson
I never make the same mistake twice. If you catch me slipping one time, good for you, but it ain't gonna happen again.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
You don't have to use aggression to squash somebody. You have to use your brain.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I speak what's real.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
One day, my bike tire broke miles from home and I found a way to fix it. That's what I learned: Even if you don't have all the tools, you can improvise.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
Once I lose focus that's when I'm going to go tumbling down the hill.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
You put the pressure on this guy. You test his conditioning. You test the cardio. You test the heart, the will. That's how you beat RDA.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
When I first started fighting, it wasn't the easiest thing. I didn't have all the money in the world. I was eating Subway once in a while, some packets of oatmeal here and there. It wasn't that bad, but it's because I was fortunate and had good people there to support me.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I don't follow nobody. If people want to follow me, it's because they see talent.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I can take a hit, I know I can hit back twice as hard.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
Everybody has their good days and their bad days, there's always two sides to a story.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I'm not one to throw anybody under a bus, but check this out: I'll be the first one to step in front of it.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
The torch needs to be held by somebody that's great. Because champions are made in the dark, baby. We don't need the lights and the spotlight. That stuff is for everybody else, man.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
If I have a roof over my head and if I'm cashing checks and choking some necks I'm always happy.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
You dangle a little bit of change in front of somebody and what do they do? They change right up like a chameleon.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I don't want to be a cookie-cutter-poster-boy-bubble-gum-chewing fighter.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I'm the people's champ.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I like food. I like eating.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
Opportunity sometimes comes once in a lifetime.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I'm from the 805, man. I don't have to talk about where I'm from, but I'm tough.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I don't like red. I like blue. That's my color.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I can go down to 145. I can kick everyone's butt there.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I want to be a multi-division champ.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
The money will come to you, you've just got to keep winning.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
This is a man's sport. I fight.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I like to have job security.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I thought this was the UFC and we're supposed to be the best and toughest fighters in the world.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I'm tired of labels. This is my label right here: El Cucuy.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
It's what you do after making a mistake - that's what I like to see. As long as you mature and grow with it, that's fine.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I'm looking for pound-for-pound list to be the best in the world and it takes belts to get there so let's get there.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I like to push my body to just extremity to get past the mental toughness barriers. So fighting at 145, that would be great. If Kenny Florian can do it, I can do it.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I think I would pose a big threat at 145.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
Any of my previous fights before the UFC and 'the Ultimate Fighter' were all main events and co-main events.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I always knew and my parents always knew I was destined for greatness. I didn't know what sport it was going to be in. I played football, baseball and wrestling.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I grew up around really tough-nosed guys so that's all I know.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
A jab is established through timing and that's how I take it. Cause I have a 76-inch reach but I'm not worried about range. I'm looking to establish that timing so I can see when that chin is available or I see that the nose is available, I can pop it.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I could see myself going to lightweight, but I love welterweight.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I wrestled in college at 165.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I would love to fight Khabib, but there's no guarantee he's going to show up and make the weight.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I've been training like an Olympian.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
This is an Olympic-level type of sport and it needs to be cleaned up.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I'm tried of D'arce, D'arce, D'arcing people, but if I have to D'arce somebody else up, the D'arce Knight will return.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I'm a fight finisher.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I'm a fan pleaser.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
I might not always be given the respect that I should have, but it's what fuels me.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
The UFC has a long history of changing a fighter's compensation for a particular bout... There's always changes that's always being made as far as contracts.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
Everybody wants to see this fight. Everybody wants to see these fireworks. They want to see that explosiveness. They want to see me throw Khabib on his back and get that five-point motion with this U.S.A. wrestling. Because if wrestling was easy, it would be called Sambo, my friend. Straight up, I'm going mop that dude up.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
It's interesting how Khabib fights but to me it's just boring, it's lazy.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
Well, being my type of fighter and my type of guy, you know I throw a lot of barrage of punches, kicks, knees and elbows.
- Tony Ferguson
Image of Tony Ferguson
You can't just learn wrestling overnight.
- Tony Ferguson