Tommy Fleetwood

Image of Tommy Fleetwood
I have always been a very patient person, I am a perfectionist but have a high level of patience and think that's one of the things when I started my comeback that really helped... I wasn't rushing anything as long as I knew I was on the right track.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Collection: Patience
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
I think there are certain events that would be an amazing torch for a turn in how the world is getting on, and the Ryder Cup would be one of them that is like a shining light at the end of the tunnel.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Collection: Amazing
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
Every round I have three little targets. Maybe it is just 'talk to myself properly' or 'stand up straight on the greens.' One day I might say, 'Don't talk to anyone.' On another I'll be a lot chattier. Or I might say, 'smile all the way round.' Little things. But little things turn into bigger things.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Collection: Smile
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
I have one idiosyncrasy that helps my driving accuracy. I grip down on the club. This makes it easier to control the clubface.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
Good putting starts with understanding the difference between a stroke and a hit. You want to make a stroke and let the energy of that back-and-through motion carry the ball to the hole.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
You can roll the ball a long way with a stroke that has the force of a five-yard chip. Good rhythm and less effort are how you control the putterface and, in turn, the ball.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
Never rush through the stoke. Nervous or not, take your time, and the result is almost always better.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
I've pictured winning the U.S. Open a lot of times before.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
It's hard if you don't quite feel on your game to go out and put scores on the board.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
I'd much rather be in this position where people might be talking about me as a contender than turning up and sort of being a no-show.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
Being managed by your wife means you just get told what to do all the time as opposed to some of the time.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
If I'm going to be away from my family then I want to make the practice count more.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
I remember going to The Open in 1998 aged seven and snatching a picture of Tiger walking past.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
It is not a cliche to say golf is for the well-off. It is the reality. But the old system which used to make it elite is fading away.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
I don't have the look of a golfer. Do I look like a rock star? I didn't make it playing guitar so I started playing golf!
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
Seriously, as a father, I want golf to be cool for my children. Easy to access. If they want to play in tracksuits and trainers, why not?
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
Golf has been the sport of the social elite, with lawyers and doctors. But I have never been embarrassed by the looks I've been given by others. I have sometimes been looked at with condescension and it still happens now, but I know how to deal with it - I know whose opinions count.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
My game is getting better all the time. I'm consistently working hard, and I feel like I'm always doing the right things.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
Winning is just such a good feeling.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
Everyone wants to look to the future and into the past. I stay focused on now.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
I have the confidence knowing if the game is on I can win the big events. That's a massive difference. Until you've done it and proven it to yourself, you can't know if you can.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
I'm playing in the best tournaments in the world with the best players in the world. That's good stuff. It's great. The extra attention hasn't made a difference to me.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
I think at the end of the day, winning is very difficult.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
Of course it's a big moment for me in my career if I could win on the PGA Tour.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
There's a lot of worse things going on in the world than me hitting a bad five wood.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
You know, some of the performances, I have put myself on the world stage a bit more.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
My ultimate goal in life is to be the best player in the world.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
When you're growing up, what it's really all about is playing so well the crowd get into it, and the roars you hear are those that you are creating.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
You don't know where your career is going to take you. It might all go wrong and I might never play in a Masters again. So it's important to keep things real.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
At Isleworth, they get the greens up to the sort of speeds we see at Augusta, so it's really helpful.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
I tried changing my swing because I thought it would make me better. I thought it would make me a world-class golfer. I was a bit naive and I was a bit silly and just got going the wrong way.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
You never really get a chance to sit back and look at where you are or what you've done. If you stop working, you're gonna get overtaken quickly. You can't really take your foot off the gas - until you decide to pack it in.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
To be on the winning team on your debut is amazing enough anyway but to do so alongside one of your best mates is the stuff of dreams.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
Going into my first Ryder Cup, my big fear was that I would contribute nothing to the team and that we'd lose.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
I'm not saying I'm anywhere near the David Beckham league, but because I played well and Moliwood and probably the hair and everything, I did start to get recognized more and more.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
Struggling has done a couple of things for me. It is an experience to have and it makes you appreciate the good stuff.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
I can always take a moment when things are going well, when pressure might build, to think: 'You've had a lot worse than this.'
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
When it is on, the Ryder Cup is by a country mile the biggest sporting event in the world.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
It is the biggest sporting occasion in the world when it comes around so I want to be there, I want to play multiple Ryder Cups. I just want to be part of that whole thing.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
Race to Dubai winner, playing in Ryder Cups, winning majors - these are all great parts of a career you want to have.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
I had a few moments in Hong Kong, the odd minute where you sit down and reflect more than anything of having that ticked off in your career. It's something special.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
The U.S. Open was something I loved.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
Every time I'm practicing, playing or prepping, Majors are always going to be the ones everybody wants to win. But putting the urgency or too much pressure on yourself is not going to do any favors.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
I'm 28, your career is a long time. We're not tennis players or football players. I'm just about reaching what should be my peak year.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
The frustrating part is knowing that you've done it before, knowing that you can play, but then your game starts going down the wrong path and you lose confidence. It's so easy to just start slipping away.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
The American fans have taken to me, so I'm very grateful for that.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
I shaved my head once and learned that I've got, like, a cone head. So I'm never gonna do that again.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
If you like dry humor, Henrik Stenson thinks he's very funny, but I think I'm very funny in a dry sense as well.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
It's a different style of golf; that stands out for sure when you come over to America. The style of play and the golf courses in America. Most golf courses in America either stretch your game, and test different elements of your game and the margins for error are smaller.
- Tommy Fleetwood
Image of Tommy Fleetwood
I always try and watch how business people think. I like to read a lot about business people. I'm not going to say I've got a great business mind, but I enjoy learning from the world of business.
- Tommy Fleetwood