Tom Stoppard

Image of Tom Stoppard
I wanted to be in the theater. It is simply the way I felt.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
In my mind, I always knew what my father looked like.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
Success is a sort of metaphysical experience. I live exactly as I did before - only on a slightly bigger scale. Naturally, I won't be corrupted. I'll sit there in my Rolls, uncorrupted, and tell my chauffeur, uncorruptedly, where to go.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
I think I enlist comedy to a serious purpose.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
What Tolstoy is on about is that carnal love is not a good idea.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
The truth of the matter is that I used to be much more - as it were - shy. Now I don't care!
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
Everybody I know is writing plays twice a year. It's sort of making me feel I am not up to much.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
I am aware, as everybody has to be, that there's more competition for one's attention nowadays.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
The printed word is no longer as in demand as when I was of the age of pupils or even at the age of the teachers teaching them.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
Even when the writing seems very frivolous, I'm puritanical. I don't mean my subject matter. It's that I'm almost pathologically incapable of leaving something when I'm not quite happy with it.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
I'm very unhappy about my entire life if my writing is going wrong.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
People think I'm very nice, you know. And I'm not as nice as they think.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
I don't find it easy to think of good stuff to write about.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
When I was 20, the idea of having a play on anywhere was just beyond my dreams.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
I think theater ought to be theatrical.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
When you write, it's making a certain kind of music in your head. There's a rhythm to it, a pulse, and on the whole, I'm writing to that drum rather than the psychological process.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
I wish I could remember how to write a play. I can't remember how they happened.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
There are too many things I find it difficult to say 'no' to.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
The thing about talking about human rights is that when one bears in mind the sharp end of it, one does not want to worry too much about semantics.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
I don't believe that we evolved moral psychology; it just doesn't seem plausible to me as a biological phenomenon.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
If I hadn't left Czechoslovakia, I would have been dead.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
To be 64 is appalling, so what does it matter being 65?
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
My desk faces the water, and I'm perfectly happy sitting there. I'm never lonely.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
I'm not interested in clothes; I just like them.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
The days of the digital watch are numbered.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
I just happen to know quite a lot of what happened in Czechoslovakia between 1968 and the fall of Communism.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
A great production of a black comedy is better than a mediocre production of a comedy of errors.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
Any revival in which I am involved is liable to change.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
I'm not like some other writers: I have no actual urgent need or desire to add to what's written. You write it; if you're lucky, it's performed, and that's the end of the whole thing.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
Somebody who likes to do my plays is a good director for them.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
Possibly because I did start off as a journalist, my starting point has always been that you've got to keep an audience with you. Whatever you're doing, you always want a script to be a page-turner. It's very important never, ever, to feel above that.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
When I think of how things could have turned out, I feel as if I've dodged, not just bullets, but 6mm shells.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
Back in the East you can't do much without the right papers, but with the right papers you can do anything The believe in papers. Papers are power.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
It's really hard to talk about writing, and I'm usually conscious if I'm misleading people or misleading the questioner, because the problem with writing is the next line.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
I can't remember what my first script was.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
Like many people, I only knew of Ford Madox Ford through a book called 'The Good Soldier,' which is everybody's favorite Ford Madox Ford if they have one, but I came to read 'Parade's End' when it was suggested via Damien Timmer of Mammoth Screen.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
I cannot say that I write with any social objective. One writes because one loves writing, really.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
For a long time I managed to think two things simultaneously, that I am actually a good playwright, and that the next time I write a play I will be revealed as someone who is no good at all.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
People have quite a simple idea about 'Anna Karenina.' They feel that the novel is entirely about a young married woman who falls in love with a cavalry officer and leaves her husband after much agony, and pays the price for that.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
It takes a lot of effort to be vibrant.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
'Arcadia' is obviously a play that's got interesting things in it that are perhaps quite hard to grasp.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
I'm hopeless at looking into myself and trying to see how things are working and why.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
James Joyce - an essentially private man who wished his total indifference to public notice to be universally recognized.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
One feels that the past stays the way you left it, whereas the present is in constant movement; it's unstable all around you.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
One of the reasons why there are so many versions of Chekhov is that translations date in a way that the original doesn't; translations seem to be of their time.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
My scripts are possibly too talkative. Sometimes I watch a scene I've written, and occasionally I think, 'Oh, for God's sake, shut up.'
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
Like most writers, I just create because I have a story to tell, really.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
It is better to be quotable than to be honest.
- Tom Stoppard
Image of Tom Stoppard
My whole life is waiting for the questions to which I have prepared answers.
- Tom Stoppard