Tom Izzo

Image of Tom Izzo
If you ever get a chance to do something outside the box... I say step outside the box.
- Tom Izzo
Collection: Chance
Image of Tom Izzo
Time doesn't heal, time helps heal and learning helps heal.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
I've taken the blame when I deserve the blame.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
Coaches tell you things for a reason. If they tell you to keep your head up, there's a reason. If they tell you to get the ball ready to shoot, there's a reason.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
I'm worried about what betters the game and what betters the student-athlete.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
What is a leader? How can you be successful without one, whether it's corporately or whether it's team-wise or whether it's school-wise, whether it's community-wise or whether it's nation-wise?
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
All that being a college coach has done, is it's reaffirmed the need to take care of our young people. They're the ones that are going to make a difference. We spend a lot of time blaming them for stuff, and not enough time mentoring them and helping them stand on their own two feet.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
There is nothing, nothing, nothing like experience - nothing. You can't coach it, you can't teach it, you can't do it - there is nothing like experience.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
Sometimes if you have two or three at the top it makes the league look good, of course. But the real value of a league is what are teams 8, 9, 10, 11, 12.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
I get out a lot recruiting. Sometimes it's long distance, sometimes it close.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
When your two major sports, your two revenue sports, are going well, that bodes well for the whole university.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
You've got to be a sneakerhead if you're a coach and you're dealing with 16 to 22-year-olds and selfishly, I kind of like them myself.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
Words can't truly express what Mike Garland means to me. We've been friends since we met the first night in college and basically have lived the rest of our professional lives together. To say he's just my friend doesn't even scratch the surface of our relationship. He's my brother for life.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
A player gets into the Hall because of his abilities. A coach gets in because of his players' ability.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
Two years in a row, I went to Kuwait for a week. I lived in the barracks with U.S. troops; that was pretty interesting.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
In the NBA, you never know who you will play for, who is coaching you, what the general managers are like.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
When you know your players are doing the right things in the locker room, the dorm room, on the plane, it makes you more relaxed.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
I spent years sleeping with both eyes open.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
We're past the days of Vince Lombardi, where you say jump and I ask: 'How high?' But you still have to find a way to get your guys to jump, get them to trust you.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
When I grew up, you trusted anyone of authority. Kids don't trust people any more, and I don't blame them. We have to earn their trust, and it takes time.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
Timing in life can be cruel and it can be funny.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
The early years of my career weren't exactly smooth, as we struggled to make any sort of postseason appearance.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
Looking at the big picture, I know God put me in the right spot, with the right mentor.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
Going into the Hall of Fame isn't something I even dreamed about so it's hard to think about what it will be like until I get there.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
I've always said I wanted to be somewhere where basketball and football were really good together.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
Football and basketball have similar problems and similar positives.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
I'm not a great golfer but I'm a competitive golfer and I think I could be good if I could spend some time on it.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
I'm not into big-time gambling.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
I want to go to Scotland in particular. If I had a bucket list, that would be on my bucket list.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
I love tradition.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
Being a good leader is feeling what's needed to be said.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
The price of leadership is strange.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
No comment always means you're hiding something.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
The upsets are bigger deals when you're thought of as a bigger deal.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
Usually players make the most progress in the summer between their freshmen and sophomore seasons.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
I hope I get remembered as a working man, not anybody that just had everything.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
I guess I was a decent basketball player - pass first, pass second, shoot third... pretty good defensively.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
I have a great appreciation for walk-ons.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
I think it's a shame that all we talk about is the one-and-done players.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
I learned that every opportunity is one that has to be seized.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
I think it's good when you're versatile.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
Really good leaders help others become better than they are.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
You've got to fight through some adversity. You've got to have some tough times. You've got to have some rainy days.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
Remember, talent doesn't win championships, talent doesn't win games.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
I've had incredible mentors, people around me, my whole life.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
I've learned that people that question you are going to question you, the haters are going to hate you.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
We all think there's greener things on the other side. We all take for granted what we have. I don't care who we are.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
I'm a pizza guy, so yes, I love cheese!
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
It's easy to become a better basketball player but harder to become a better teammate or person.
- Tom Izzo
Image of Tom Izzo
You have to get to Mackinac Island once or twice and, of course, coming up to the Mackinac Bridge is just awesome to me.
- Tom Izzo