Tobin Heath

Image of Tobin Heath
Being a part of the Six Star team means I get to be a part of a fierce group of female athletes who have shown women that the right supplements can help us reach our fitness goals.
- Tobin Heath
Collection: Fitness
Image of Tobin Heath
I was always inspired by Brazilian football growing up. Those huge Nike campaigns, the Jogo Bonito campaigns that had Ronaldinho, that's the beauty of the game that I love.
- Tobin Heath
Collection: Beauty
Image of Tobin Heath
I think because of our society, and the way that I grew up in soccer, I had to become well-rounded, but I also cherished the parts of me that made me special. I'm thankful for that because it's made me a better player.
- Tobin Heath
Collection: Thankful
Image of Tobin Heath
I don't want a perfect life, I don't want an easy life, I want to live life to the fullest. To me that feels like conquering as many things as possible.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
Tactical and technical awareness can only improve and sharpen with time.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
I think defending is more of, like, a science, and it's fun to learn that. And then I see attacking as an art.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
I remember playing one of our first matches in Old Trafford, the home of Manchester United, and I remember that feeling of just being in that iconic venue.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
Any footballer's dream would be to play for Manchester United and to play at Old Trafford. The pitch just has this iconic feeling about it. It's elevated like it's almost a stage for the players, and I always enjoyed that you can kind of just slip right off the edges. Seeing the little nuances of it, you know, it's just special to be there.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
There is only one club in Manchester.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
When I need strength in hard times, I know I have a God that can move mountains. Or if I'm going through a time of success, I can just rejoice in the Lord and give glory to Him knowing that He's given me the gifts to be able to accomplish what I have. Everything comes back to Him.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
There's nothing better than being your own boss, especially after when you play soccer, you're just controlled by so many different forces. So owning your own company and being your own bosses, it's so liberating and freeing and you get to finally make decisions for yourself, which I think is really powerful.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
We fight to win games and we fight for things off the field too.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
Our God's going to be victorious. He's the Creator of the universe. I'm just a vessel trying to do my part with what I've been given.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
I hate when the other team has the ball.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
Defending is easy. You just have to want to defend. It's not like defending is hard. It's just, like, more of an attitude.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
I feel like, City, because they're this modern global team, in the United States we think they're a really big club. But here in Manchester, it's not a big club.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
I'm very creative, intuitive - I like to entertain.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
It's a privilege to be able to play a host country in a host nation, because it's just that much bigger and these are the type of games that we love.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
I remember when Manchester United came into the league and I remember saying, 'Wow, this is huge. This is huge for a club like this to have a women's team.' It's so important for clubs with all this tradition, history, power, influence to have a women's team and to see the progress that they've made and what they've put into it.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
When I put on my first Man Utd training kit, it felt enormous in a way that was really special in kind of like a childhood dream type way. Obviously, we don't have that history in the U.S., so to be able to put on a shirt like that as an American was really special.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
Manchester United is an exceptional club and I'm thrilled to be joining them.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
It's really cool to be not just winning and fighting for things on the field, but fighting for things off the field and doing so in a way through sport I think is really powerful.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
I'm a footballer through and through. It's all I've ever wanted to be.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
I think I'm more traditional in how I do media. I want my brand to be about football.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
I grew up loving Brazilian soccer. What made me think soccer was cool was these guys making soccer look like fun and easy, and they would just destroy people. It was an art. I loved that. And that's the way I learned the game and mimicked a style. It's just so beautiful.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
The ocean is so powerful and so healing at the same time. It's kind of like a sanctuary. And the culture of the people in surfing, I love that. It's such a community. It's just got this, like, chill way about it. When you're in the water, it's very inclusive.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
For me it was massive there was interest from Manchester United. To sign for such a club was important to me in my football career.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
Manchester United is like the American team in the Premier League, and everyone knows the weight of it back home. It is so exciting for me to wear a badge that is well known.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
The NWSL is a great league. It's so competitive from every single team and every single game. They have the right people and they are invested in it.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
I'd love to see a global competition other than the World Cup.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
As a footballer, I'm never satisfied with where I'm at.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
I love to continue to evolve as a player, and sometimes the only places you can do that is when you're uncomfortable, and sometimes when you're at home for too long, it's not that.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
Every opportunity that you get in life to do something unique, that's going to challenge you and push you, is an opportunity that I want to take, especially as a footballer.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
I think for people that have supported the women's game for a long time, I think they understand the struggles that we have continually faced and that we've continually fought back against.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
I think that's probably one of my favorite things - learning and creating incredible relationships and making mistakes and being responsible for that.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
There aren't enough women-run businesses.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
I think football in general globally has a unique way of uniting people instead of dividing people.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
When everybody starts a company, they are so energized and passionate about it. And what happens is that a lot of times maybe that's not sustainable.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
We believe that we get so that we can give, and we've been so blessed in the platforms and opportunities that we've been given.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
For the longest time people were like, 'Oh you play soccer, what else do you do?' Cause they couldn't believe that you could just be women's professional athlete. That's really frustrating because it's almost devaluing your actual skill and ability.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
We really believe that mentorship is a powerful tool.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
I think I do get excited by challenges and I do find a sense of motivation and purpose within those.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
I think problems... kind of just excite me.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
I love superhero movies.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
You're able to see situations over and over again and just become comfortable in different decision-making situations. I think that comes with experience.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
Similar to the familiarity I've always had with the ball, there's this familiarity that the game has given me over years of understanding it and living it.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
Ronaldinho is the best. I just like the joy and the love he has when he plays, it just shines for everyone else to see. He always does something nobody expects him to do. I think that's really cool, that creativity you don't find anywhere else.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
As I've gotten older, I've been given more responsibility. I think I've grown into that.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
I love to learn.
- Tobin Heath
Image of Tobin Heath
All of my football, even my introduction, even my coaches, most of them came from Europe, particularly England. So pretty much my whole footballing education and introduction was through English football.
- Tobin Heath