Timothy Morton

Image of Timothy Morton
In the U.K. - correct me if I'm wrong - there is a legal definition of 'not being in possession of yourself' aka 'not being a person.' That's the fun thing: someone such as a lawyer needs to define, using some empirical signal, something supposedly transcendental like 'person,' something lawyers argue and argue about regarding, say, chimps in zoos.
- Timothy Morton
Collection: Legal
Image of Timothy Morton
Kant described beauty as a feeling of ungraspability: this is why the beauty experience is beyond concept.
- Timothy Morton
Collection: Experience
Image of Timothy Morton
Nature was developed to resist the onslaughts of capitalism, but it's really not a very good defense - rather like resisting a steamroller with a Christmas tree ornament.
- Timothy Morton
Collection: Christmas
Image of Timothy Morton
Invoking Nature always measures the distance we have yet to travel to achieve real progress on environmental issues.
- Timothy Morton
Collection: Environmental
Image of Timothy Morton
My mates Dominic Boyer and Cymene Howe have put together thirty one episodes of a really really nice podcast at Rice as part of the Center for Energy and Environmental Research in the Humanities and Social Sciences. The 'Cultures of Energy Podcast' is so good!
- Timothy Morton
Collection: Environmental
Image of Timothy Morton
It's very important that we keep our imagination, which is our capacity to open the future, awake at a time at which the urge to collapse into the fetal position is high.
- Timothy Morton
Collection: Imagination
Image of Timothy Morton
Does anyone recall hippies designing things for Generation X? Does anyone recall the elegance of that? How design was about making things simpler?
- Timothy Morton
Collection: Design
Image of Timothy Morton
We're all human beings, in the end, despite our differences.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
If you have suffered from trauma, one of the most healing things that can happen to you is being seen. Being seen doesn't have to mean that someone actually lays their eyes on you, although that certainly helps.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
Am I simply a vehicle for numerous bacteria that inhabit my microbiome? Or are they hosting me?
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
The waste products in Earth's crust are also the human in this expanded, spectral sense. One's garbage doesn't go 'away' - it just goes somewhere else.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
Ecological thought rejects consumerism at its peril.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
Nothingness is not nothing at all, so it is physical, but not in the sense of constant presence. Nothingness is disturbing. It is there in a mind-independent sense; it is part of what is given.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
Everything is a railway junction where past and future are sliding over one another, not touching.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
A weird thing is a strange loop, what some of us call 'an object.' Thus it is looked down on by the constructivist spokespeople of anti-art, which is also an anti-products movement - the dominant mode of high art since the inception of the Anthropocene.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
The belief that 'animals' are superior or inferior to humans because they live in an eternal now is untrue, because no being lives in a now.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
I love David Bohm. I started to get into speculative realism because I started reading his work.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
Losing a fantasy is much harder than losing a reality.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
Since when did scientific evidence become a reason to shy away from ecological action just because it wasn't popular?
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
I believe art is a way to attune to what reality is, which is a weird reality.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
If you've read 'Dark Ecology,' you'll know there's a whole thing about cats in it, more than once.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
When you make or study art, you are not exploring some kind of candy on the surface of a machine. You are making or studying causality.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
In the end, a lifeform is always a hybrid, a being endowed with some X-power such as being able to breathe for a few seconds out of water. That's how evolution works. Spectrally. We are all mermaids.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
Anyone who has trouble imagining causality as magical and uncanny need only consider the existence of children.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
Unfortunately, there are some ecological phenomenological chemicals within consumerism.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
'Free speech' isn't speech at all if it's being used without listening, attention, or care.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
Aesthetic experiences are powerful, to be sure, and probably inescapable, but Nature will not remain effective for very long.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
Psychologism holds that logical assertions are percolations of brains. Thus logic is a set of rules for how healthy brains operate. Aside from the infinite regress of a brain determining whether a brain is healthy, we have the infinite regress of the idea 'All concepts are brain percolations' being itself a brain percolation, on its own terms.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
Humans can no longer ignore nonhumans: they end up haunting the words we use and interrupting everyday talk.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
Since appearance can't be peeled decisively from the reality of a thing, attunement is a living, dynamic relation with another being.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
You wouldn't believe how many philosophers are afraid of movement.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
Inevitably, ecological awareness has this kind of '70s flavour to it.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
I like to think of myself as the corniest, most awful thing you could possibly imagine.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
I can get quite well known, and then I can unleash this kind of anarchist-hippie thing that I've been holding like a very precious liquid, carefully, without spilling any, for years and years and years. And now I'm going to pour it everywhere.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
It truly seems to me that there is some kind of shift happening towards ecological awareness - not just in terms of PR for the science.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
An artist attunes to what things are, which means sort of listening to the future, which is just how things are - I think time is a sort of liquid that pours out of hatpins, underground trains, salt crystals. So a work of art is also listening to itself, because what it is never quite coincides with how it appears, too.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
The Severing is a catastrophe: an event that does not take place 'at' a certain 'point' in linear time, but a wave that ripples out in many dimensions, and in whose wake we are caught.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
One advantage of arguing that causality is aesthetic is that it allows us to consider what we call consciousness alongside what we call things.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
The trouble with ecological invocations of Nature is that they're like calling for a medieval tool, perhaps a portcullis or an arrow slit, to fix a modern problem.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
I'm not unhappy with the idea of appealing to people's self-interest if that's what makes them understand something about the non-human world.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
Trivially speaking, ecological awareness means realising that beings are interconnected in some way, but then we have to figure out what this interconnection actually means.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
Symbiosis can fail in various different ways: if there's too much stomach bacteria in my stomach, I might have some problems. If there's too little, I might have some problems. There's a sort of dynamic system there.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
We like to think, in our anthropocentric way, that irony means that you transcended something, but actually, what it means is that you've realised that you're stuck in something, and you have this kind of uncanny awareness of that, and there's not much you can do about that feeling of stuckness.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
Our ecological emergency demands proactive choices, not reactive sideswipes.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
The noises Russia makes on the world stage are deeply misogynist, homophobic and racist.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
American voting districts are, across a lot of the country, deeply messed up by having been gerrymandered by right-wing politicians.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
We intellectuals are not stupid: we know the phenomenology of guilt is a bad photocopy of the phenomenology of thought, so it's much cheaper to press that button.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
Unfortunately, of course, guilt is an artifact of agricultural-age religion and is designed specifically to prevent humans from thinking and operating on a collective level.
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
When you watch one person on stage trying to surmount their fate only in that very action to embody it, it's called a tragedy. When you see a lot of people doing it on stage, it's called 'Fawlty Towers.'
- Timothy Morton
Image of Timothy Morton
You don't eat a painting of an apple; you don't find it morally good. Instead, it tells you something strange about apples in themselves.
- Timothy Morton