Timothy Dwight V

Image of Timothy Dwight V
Education ought everywhere to be religious education. At the same time, parents are farther bound to employ no instructors who will not educate their children religiously. To commit our children to the care of irreligious persons, is to commit lambs to the superintendency of wolves.
- Timothy Dwight V
Collection: Education
Image of Timothy Dwight V
The happiest person is the person who thinks the most interesting thoughts.
- Timothy Dwight V
Collection: Happy Birthday
Image of Timothy Dwight V
The very names assigned to angels by their Creator, convey to us ideas pre-eminently pleasing, fitted to captivate the heart, and exalt the imagination; ideas which dispel gloom, banish despondency, enliven hope, and awaken sincere and unmingled joy.
- Timothy Dwight V
Collection: Heart
Image of Timothy Dwight V
To trust arms in the hands of the people at large has, in Europe, been believed...to be an experiment fraught only with danger. Here by a long trial it has been proved to be perfectly harmless...If the government be equitable; if it be reasonable in its exactions; if proper attention be paid to the education of children in knowledge and religion, few men will be disposed to use arms, unless for their amusement, and for the defense of themselves and their country.
- Timothy Dwight V
Collection: Country
Image of Timothy Dwight V
The darling schemes and fondest hopes of man are frequently frustrated by time. While sagacity contrives, patience matures, and labor industriously executes, disappointment laughs at the curious fabric, formed by so many efforts, and gay with so many brilliant colors, and, while the artists imagine the work arrived at the moment of completion, brushes away the beautiful web, and leaves nothing behind.
- Timothy Dwight V
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Timothy Dwight V
It is impossible for the mind which is not totally destitute of piety, to behold the sublime, the awful, the amazing works of creation and providence - the heavens with their luminaries, the mountains, the ocean, the storm, the earthquake, the volcano, the circuit of the seasons, and the revolutions of empires - without marking in them all the mighty hand of God, and feeling strong emotions of reverence toward the Author of these stupendous works.
- Timothy Dwight V
Collection: Strong
Image of Timothy Dwight V
Necessity can sharpen the wits even of children.
- Timothy Dwight V
Collection: Children
Image of Timothy Dwight V
And eyes disclosed what eyes alone could tell.
- Timothy Dwight V
Collection: Eye
Image of Timothy Dwight V
Angels are endowed with the noblest created Attributes. They are endowed with wonderful Power. This perfection of Angels is forcibly indicated by the fact that the name Power, or Might, is in several places given to them in the Gospel. No stronger testimony of their high possession of this attribute can be conveyed by a single word; for it is a direct declaration that their nature is power itself.
- Timothy Dwight V
Collection: Angel