Thierry Mugler

Image of Thierry Mugler
I am not trendy. I am not 'in fashion.' I am simply a positive human being who has a positive outlook on life.
- Thierry Mugler
Collection: Positive
Image of Thierry Mugler
I used fashion to express myself as much as I could. But at some point, it was not enough.
- Thierry Mugler
Image of Thierry Mugler
I want my models to be bigger, stronger and taller than common mortals. I need superwomen and supermen.
- Thierry Mugler
Image of Thierry Mugler
I have always tried to sublimate the body and to make people dream.
- Thierry Mugler
Image of Thierry Mugler
I survived on sandwiches, and I was on stage every night for six years of my life. I was working 16 hours a day between class, rehearsal, being on stage.
- Thierry Mugler
Image of Thierry Mugler
The potential of your body is endless.
- Thierry Mugler
Image of Thierry Mugler
The reason I quit fashion was that I had had enough of spending my time always being on my knees, making other people look amazing and fabulous.
- Thierry Mugler
Image of Thierry Mugler
You're working with models who are looking at their watch, and it didn't work for me. I wanted to have relationships with amazing people.
- Thierry Mugler
Image of Thierry Mugler
I realised I was living in my own universe with lots of assistants. I didn't have a cell phone; I didn't know how to use a computer. Everybody was doing everything for me. So I left and moved to New York. It was the end of an era, and I must say I found myself a bit lost. I wasn't in the protected Mugler universe any more.
- Thierry Mugler
Image of Thierry Mugler
Hindu sages say that you should concentrate while eating. But, we don't have time anymore. Fast food is not quick enough for me. I would like super-fast food in the form of pills.
- Thierry Mugler
Image of Thierry Mugler
Fashion is a movie. Every morning when you get dressed, you direct yourself.
- Thierry Mugler
Collection: Fashion
Image of Thierry Mugler
I made clothes because I was looking for something that didn't exist. I had to try to create my own world.
- Thierry Mugler
Collection: Clothes
Image of Thierry Mugler
I want my models to be bigger, stronger and taller than common mortals.
- Thierry Mugler
Collection: Stronger
Image of Thierry Mugler
To create something to dream about, I need exceptional women, locations and architectures.
- Thierry Mugler
Collection: Dream
Image of Thierry Mugler
I am not trendy. I am not 'in fashion'. I am simply a positive human being who has a positive outlook on life.
- Thierry Mugler
Collection: Fashion
Image of Thierry Mugler
A photograph must come from imagination and not be a reflection of what is.
- Thierry Mugler
Collection: Reflection
Image of Thierry Mugler
The fact that perfume is so close to emotion, that's why I really love it. It's such a good connection between people. When you fall in love with somebody, smell is very important. It could be your memory of the person - it's touching. And it's also playful, because sometimes you choose a different perfume every day depending on your mood. I like to help with that. I like to give a little joy to people.
- Thierry Mugler
Collection: Falling In Love
Image of Thierry Mugler
I think now it's the money who tells the artist what to do - it's not the artist who tells the money what to do. And things move very fast, which is hard, because sometimes you need more time to be creative. I guess no one has a loud mouth like I did. They don't dare to scream loudly what they think. But you can't take fashion too seriously. The whole thing is about giving the woman who wears your clothes some power, some fun, some service. It's great to make it as art. But first, it's a service for someone.
- Thierry Mugler
Collection: Fashion
Image of Thierry Mugler
Perfume must not be linked just to fashion because that means that one day it will go out of style.
- Thierry Mugler
Collection: Fashion
Image of Thierry Mugler
The reason I quit fashion was that I had had enough of spending time always being on my knees, making other people look amazing and fabulous. I used fashion to express myself as much as I could. But at some point it was not enough
- Thierry Mugler
Collection: Fashion
Image of Thierry Mugler
I want something mouthwatering and tasty which reminds me of childhood. The scent of a fairground, candy floss, little cakes, chocolates and caramels. Perfume must not be linked just to fashion because that means that one day it will go out of style.
- Thierry Mugler
Collection: Fashion
Image of Thierry Mugler
Being a dancer I've got the idea that through discipline and hard work, you can develop the ability to be in a different dimension within seconds. You can be vomiting, you can detest who you are, detest the world, detest every single thing, and the next moment you are in the light and you glow. You forget everything, and you are just flying. When you're onstage, you are someone else. Beyoncé is very conscious of this. She said to me, "I'm another person when I'm onstage." And I said, "Oh yes, you are! You are an animal when you are onstage. You are a stage animal."
- Thierry Mugler
Collection: Hard Work
Image of Thierry Mugler
I built a global brand Mugler, and we did things that inspired so many people. I'm proud to have helped some amazing people express themselves in new ways. What I appreciate most in the world is to have met and befriended incredible geniuses, like David Bowie and Cyd Charisse and Celia Cruz, who was the goddess of salsa. I saw people kneeling on the streets for her. Which they did for me in Japan. That was really embarrassing.
- Thierry Mugler
Collection: People