Tess Daly

Image of Tess Daly
I would say that I'm definitely a morning person - I love getting out of bed and seizing the day ahead.
- Tess Daly
Collection: Morning
Image of Tess Daly
Life is a mirror and you get back what you give out.
- Tess Daly
Collection: Life
Image of Tess Daly
Gut health is everything, it's the second brain, where many of our hormones are produced.
- Tess Daly
Collection: Health
Image of Tess Daly
I had no sympathy with my mum and dad.
- Tess Daly
Collection: Sympathy
Image of Tess Daly
I won't let my daughters go on screens at least half an hour before bed because I think it stimulates them a little bit.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
And if my 10-year-old is Googling or looking on YouTube then she's got to do it in a room where we're present. We've put all the child safety settings in place, but you still can't predict what might turn up on a YouTube or Google search.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
I love my girls more than anything else in the world.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
I haven't tried my favorite dance - the Argentine tango - with Vernon yet. I'm sure there would be a lot of toe stamping going on!
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
Storytime is so important. My little one, she's all about that last thing at night. It's such a special time because they just snuggle up and it's just magical.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
I love those moments - the homework, the school run, when I get to chat to other mums. That's real life.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
We're soulmates, me and Vernon.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
Every time we visit my sister Karen in New Zealand I spend the next two months Googling properties and dreaming of escaping the British winter.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
When I worked out on my own, I'd get to the gym but not really know how to use equipment properly.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
When I do yoga, I feel like I'm kind of coming home to myself.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
If I'm not driving my children somewhere, I'm cooking for them.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
If I do take the time to do yoga, even just ten minutes in the morning or last thing at night before bed, I feel better.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
All of my relationships with women are empowering.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
There's this expectation of glamour. Unlike men who can wear suits and nonchalantly stroll on in a flat loafer, I've got to run across the studio floor live in a high heel and a tight frock.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
So many times I've gone flying. I've fallen in audience members' laps, I've fallen down the stairs, I've had a shoe fall off live.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
'Strictly' is feel-good escapism.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
With my physical self I refuse to beat myself up about things I can't change.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
Working in the media, on camera, you could become obsessed with your appearance and how you look. But I have tended to go the other way and I have become less obsessed as I get older.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
I try not to dwell on the negatives.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
If I'm feeling a bit fatter I won't talk about it.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
You know what men are like, they never really grow up, do they? Do they ever catch us up mentally? I don't think so.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
I have been spinning a lot of plates, like every mum.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
I try to prep a lot of things in advance and be organized, whether that's meals, school runs, homework plans, plenty of GCSE revision.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
'Strictly' is there to celebrate success.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
Even when someone fails, there's never an underlying nastiness or cruelty. We're an affectionate show and we're not poking fun at anyone. Strictly' is feel-good television at its finest.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
Some of my friends laugh at me and tell me I'm far too working-class about my childcare, but I refuse to have a nanny.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
I don't want to pump myself full of collagen. That's not what I'm about.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
As soon as you hit 40, you have to defend your right to be that great age,' and still working in the media. But why should I defend my great age?
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
All my adult life, I've worked in media that demand you maintain your shape.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
I did want to tone up my arms. Mine have always been lean but I've never had any muscle tone with it because I never exercised.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
My mum's really the only person who still calls me Helen, and that's not often. She tends to call me 'love,' so when she does say 'Helen' it can take me a while to respond.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
I had people telling me I was too big then telling me I was too thin - sometimes the same people. I learned that you couldn't win, so you can't change yourself to fit someone else's view of you.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
I'm one of those people who had written my will by the age of 35.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
I grew up with the norm being three meals a day. You wouldn't dream of skipping a meal.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
Topshop shoes are great. And always very comfortable.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
If you're on your phone, you're not in the moment. And I'm a big believer that joy is in the moment.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
I never missed a Sunday lunch growing up and I've continued that tradition with my own family.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
I start the day with porridge, blueberries and maple syrup, or I'll puree some mango and throw in some banana slices, then sprinkle some granola and flaxseed on top.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
If I eat refined carbs or foods that have the potential to bloat, I notice the baby pouch again.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
Dinner is usually rice, vegetables and chicken, or I'll make fajitas, and we'll do roast chicken on the weekend.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
I look in the mirror and see new lines every day, I'll see the odd grey hair - but this is life.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
I don't usually show a lot of cleavage, it's not in my comfort zone.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
If I was sugar-free, I'd be psycho.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
We don't have phones at the dinner table.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
I broke my nose playing netball aged 15. I've hated my profile ever since.
- Tess Daly
Image of Tess Daly
We've got a little trampoline at home outside, and that's great for getting your lymphatic system moving and for your circulation.
- Tess Daly