Synyster Gates

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We wanted to do something really, really different, something next level, and use new technology and things.
- Synyster Gates
Collection: Technology
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I hope we're not the last of the Mohicans when it comes to putting on a big, crazy, over-the-top theatrical rock show.
- Synyster Gates
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When kids invest their time and money in coming to see us, we owe it to them to give them the best night of their lives.
- Synyster Gates
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My fans, they know my dad as Guitar Guy or whatever, and he's kind of just this shredder that plays on my records sometimes. But they don't know his ear and how rich his harmonic scope is.
- Synyster Gates
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Breaking Benjamin, they're such incredible songwriters.
- Synyster Gates
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Breaking Benjamin, talk about songwriting, I mean, some of the greatest songwriters of the modern era. And, obviously, it's a little heavier.
- Synyster Gates
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We're happier when we're with friends on tour.
- Synyster Gates
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We spent a lot of time in the studio. I mean, we've spent a lot of time on tour, too.
- Synyster Gates
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He happens to be my father and an incredible musician. When he gets lucky, we let him into the studio for 20 minutes to hear a song which has been previously written for him.
- Synyster Gates
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During our formative years, it was all about, 'What did Metallica do?' and 'How do we do that?' and then you try and find an identity of your own, but they're still... They were the pioneers and the trailblazers.
- Synyster Gates
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It's really fun to just get on a bike and just go and, I guess in a way, to be able to leave the tour and not be confined and all that kind of stuff.
- Synyster Gates
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We tried our best for so long to make the heaviest record we could make.
- Synyster Gates
Image of Synyster Gates
For the first two weeks after he passed, we were done as a band. We were just done. And because of the fans and Jimmy's parents and relatives and stuff like that, they just demanded that we continue on and spread the legacy that is, you know, the crazy James 'The Rev' Sullivan.
- Synyster Gates
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I use Bogner amps and custom-designed Schecter guitars with Seymour Duncan Invader pickups. I beef up my tone with a Boss CS- 3 Compression Sustainer. It's kinda like my secret weapon.
- Synyster Gates
Image of Synyster Gates
I don't like using fourths and fifths. Instead, I'll come up with a harmony line made up of major and minor thirds above the melody, then I'll drop it down an octave so that the melody is on top and the harmony line is major and minor sixths below it.
- Synyster Gates
Image of Synyster Gates
I learned sweep picking from a variety of sources. One was a Frank Gambale instructional video, but he executes his sweeps a little differently.
- Synyster Gates
Image of Synyster Gates
I was living out of my truck for a short while. My dad wanted to emancipate me at 16 and send me to music college.
- Synyster Gates
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If you write a country song, and it's the best song you've ever written but throw it out because you're a metal band, you'd be an idiot.
- Synyster Gates
Image of Synyster Gates
We make sure we have total artistic control with our albums. We were working with Interscope Records, and they had a hard time with us having all the control. So when we signed with Warner Bros., we told them we would be working hands-on with our producer, and they were cool with it.
- Synyster Gates
Image of Synyster Gates
There are those people who try to change what you're doing. We don't like that. When we went into the studio for 'City of Evil,' we had 99 percent of the songs finished and ready to record.
- Synyster Gates
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When we do find someone we trust, like our tour manager, they become an official part of the band. We take our time to make sure whoever we trust has our best interest in mind.
- Synyster Gates
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Our music is being played on MTV and the radio. That's something that still blows us away. And we did it our way.
- Synyster Gates
Image of Synyster Gates
If you want to do things right, you have to dig deep for that inspiration.
- Synyster Gates
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As you get a little older and start drinking a bit more coffee, you start talking about big-boy things a little more.
- Synyster Gates
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Bullet for My Valentine, we're bros. We've been in the trenches with those guys.
- Synyster Gates
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Everybody's lost somebody, and I think they all miss them incredibly.
- Synyster Gates
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My little brother played drums, so we had a drum set over at my house.
- Synyster Gates
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I'm not a big-effects sort of guy - I like to keep it simple.
- Synyster Gates
Image of Synyster Gates
We really wanted to circumvent that online learning curve, where it's virtually impossible to use words to explain music.
- Synyster Gates
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There is no doubt in my mind that I was going to do what my father did, but it wasn't kind of a family-business thing.
- Synyster Gates
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There's nothing like having some healthy competition. We really strive to think outside the box by taking the standard approach the then twisting it a little, all the while trying something new.
- Synyster Gates
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Maybe we'll do some fun stuff here and there, but I don't want to record any more songs.
- Synyster Gates
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When practicing, it's great to break a part down into its different elements, start slowly, and then try to build up the speed until you're playing as fast as you possibly can.
- Synyster Gates
Image of Synyster Gates
We've had some huge moments. But we've always been on a steady, gentle, upward slope, and I think that keeps us grounded. There's been no overnight success here, and we haven't dealt with a whole lot of hot and cold.
- Synyster Gates
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I don't like being locked in a cage on the creative scale. I need an outlet.
- Synyster Gates
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Our singer, Matt, was reading Stephen Hawking and other physics-related books, and I was reading entrepreneurial books, and we all started discussing the new technologies that were taking over the world, from 3-D printing to space travel. These conversations starting leading us to think of how we could portray these things in a musical way.
- Synyster Gates
Image of Synyster Gates
We listen to a lot of hip hop. They're the ones that are trailblazing. It used to be rock, but it's really turned to hip hop, and they're doing really unique and cool things, and we wanted to do that, too.
- Synyster Gates
Image of Synyster Gates
My favorite punk rock song is 'Linoleum' by NOFX. That's pure harmony, the coolest chord changes.
- Synyster Gates
Image of Synyster Gates
Rolling Stones came later for me. I was a Beatles guy. All of us were pretty much more along the lines of Beatles guys than we were Stones or Elvis.
- Synyster Gates
Image of Synyster Gates
Korn is great friends of ours, so to be on tour with friends is usually our number one. We've been very blessed to meet a lot of great bands, successful bands, that we can go tour with.
- Synyster Gates
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I find that drummers are the coolest people in the world. I play a little bit of drums.
- Synyster Gates
Image of Synyster Gates
Just based on the primary adage of the necessity breeding innovation, it was just like 'Well, what makes me the guitar player that I am?' and I feel like I listen to so much different music, and I'm a student of so many genres of music, and I feel like it's fun to apply those things and anything super applicable to any type of music.
- Synyster Gates
Image of Synyster Gates
I am a product of an amalgamation of different teachers. If it was just one teacher, even just my father, I would be half the player that I am today.
- Synyster Gates
Image of Synyster Gates
The thing about me is that I'm very fortunate to have had the opportunities with Avenged Sevenfold in songwriting. I really think it's helped to bolster my guitar playing as well.
- Synyster Gates
Image of Synyster Gates
I try to, at least, think very melodically, and my band forces me to think very melodically.
- Synyster Gates
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We kinda were a radio-rock band. We were still pretty technical, but I think the prog people hated us because we didn't do a bunch of weird time signatures... which are cool at times, but I'm more interested in progressive harmony.
- Synyster Gates
Image of Synyster Gates
We're more about other things over odd timings: orchestration, composition, horn/vocal arrangements - that's where we get super weird.
- Synyster Gates
Image of Synyster Gates
We interact with the crowd, turn it into a party.
- Synyster Gates
Image of Synyster Gates
We listen to a lot of classical and a lot of jazz, and so you get some funky notes here and there. And we get a little experimental in some of the deeper tracks.
- Synyster Gates
Image of Synyster Gates
We have a lot of fun. There are no holds barred when it comes to writing music for us.
- Synyster Gates