Sylvia Thompson

Image of Sylvia Thompson
Finally, a prominent nation is taking on the homosexual agenda and rejecting it outright. A number of African nations have done the same, but third-world countries are not newsworthy to mainstream media. The irony is stunning that a Communist nation would understand that preserving the value of men and women marrying and producing children makes for demographic survival, while many American Christian leaders cower in the shadows, in fear of activist homosexuals and their leftist supporters. I say 'cheers' to the Russians on this one. That nation will probably outlive America.
- Sylvia Thompson
Collection: Christian
Image of Sylvia Thompson
I don't believe there's more than one human man or woman in a thousand who can think internationally, and until the majority can I don't see any hope of lasting peace.
- Sylvia Thompson
Collection: Peace
Image of Sylvia Thompson
nothing makes one so easily a fatalist as indifference.
- Sylvia Thompson
Collection: Indifference
Image of Sylvia Thompson
What has patriotism come to be but greed and false pride, when the only way it can show itself is by shedding blood to gain gold? More economic advantage, more territory, more power.
- Sylvia Thompson
Collection: Pride
Image of Sylvia Thompson
My impression is that the people who say most understand least.
- Sylvia Thompson
Collection: Talking