Suzanne Somers

Image of Suzanne Somers
There is a general knowledge that I am multi-dimensional, that when you are creative you do a lot of things.
- Suzanne Somers
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Suzanne Somers
Forgiveness is a gift you give yourself.
- Suzanne Somers
Collection: Forgiveness
Image of Suzanne Somers
Throughout my life, I have tried to share my philosophy that getting and staying healthy doesn't have to feel like work. I don't diet or slave away in a gym - what I do is make excellent food choices.
- Suzanne Somers
Collection: Diet
Image of Suzanne Somers
After working with many nutritionists, reading books, and practicing trial and error on my own body, I have finally found a way to control my weight without deprivation. I call my program 'Somersizing,' and Somersizing is not a diet. Diet is a nasty four-letter word that conjures up negative thoughts of sacrifice and obsession and guilt.
- Suzanne Somers
Collection: Diet
Image of Suzanne Somers
All those spices and herbs in your spice rack can do more than provide calorie-free, natural flavorings to enhance and make food delicious. They're also an incredible source of antioxidants and help rev up your metabolism and improve your health at the same time.
- Suzanne Somers
Collection: Health
Image of Suzanne Somers
I started dieting. I dieted, dieted, dieted and tried all the diets and I would lose and then I would go back to normal eating and would put it on and then some.
- Suzanne Somers
Collection: Diet
Image of Suzanne Somers
Now I know that that is just the phenomena of eating this way. Most all of my letters say I hit a plateau and then one morning I woke up and the melt had happened.
- Suzanne Somers
Collection: Morning
Image of Suzanne Somers
For years I have been going to the South of France to cool out.
- Suzanne Somers
Collection: Cool
Image of Suzanne Somers
I am in control of how I age, and I am in control of my health.
- Suzanne Somers
Collection: Health
Image of Suzanne Somers
Throughout my life, I have tried to share my belief that getting and staying healthy doesn't have to feel like work. My life is not about deprivation; I don't diet or slave away in a gym. What I do is eat clean, nutritious, real food. I enjoy delicious meals with healthy fats, I eat until I am full and satisfied, and I remain thin.
- Suzanne Somers
Collection: Diet
Image of Suzanne Somers
It is difficult to get organic food at most restaurants, so when possible, eat at home. When not, do your best.
- Suzanne Somers
Collection: Food
Image of Suzanne Somers
I stopped dieting on plain, boring, unsatisfying food and started eating rich, delicious meals full of flavor and, yes... fat. I got skinny on fat and realized I would never have to diet again.
- Suzanne Somers
Collection: Diet
Image of Suzanne Somers
Focus on eating real, whole, natural foods. As I love to say, if you can pick it, pluck it, milk it, or shoot it, you can eat it!
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
When the brain perceives you are no longer reproductive because your hormones are out of balance, it tries to get rid of you, and it usually activates the cancers in perimenopause.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
Artificial sweeteners may trigger cravings for other sweet foods. When your body is not fed nutrients, it asks again and again for more food, triggering heavy-duty cravings for fattening, sugary foods. Artificial sweeteners also mess with your metabolism.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
Your liver is your vital detoxification organ, and if it becomes overloaded with toxins from the food, drink, or medications you're consuming, you'll have more toxins circulating throughout your body, damaging your organs and glands. Detoxing your liver will help it work more efficiently - and help you slim your waistline.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
If you can't afford organic food and are unable to grow your own, it's crucial to wash all inorganic produce very carefully to minimize the toxins you consume. Soak everything for 20 minutes in water with vinegar and salt or water with fresh lemon juice and salt.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
It's always good to leave a little space between eating and lying down in bed at the end of the day. The best thing to eat at night in general is protein, fat, and vegetables. For instance, if you're in an Italian restaurant, have chicken piccata with lemon-butter sauce, lots of vegetables, and a big salad. You'll sleep like a baby.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
The biggest myth about aging is that we can't do anything about it. That it's a road to being decrepit, frail, and sick.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
This year, when I turn 65, I thought, 'So weird;' when I was a kid, people who were 65 either retired or died. I'm so nowhere near that.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
It's not the fat that's making you fat: it's not understanding separating carbohydrates from protein and fat.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
When your body absorbs toxins, it stores them in fat, which is why fiber and probiotics are strategic weapons for weight loss. Fiber keeps your colon healthy and reduces your body's absorption of toxins.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
There's Dick Van Dyke and John Ritter, the two greatest physical comics of our generation.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
They are no longer going to serve you well. You have to commit. I think the biggest word is commit. I hear women say to me all the time, and men - I want to, I want to.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
That's what the gas is about, that's what the bloating is about and that's what the fat storage is about.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
Beef should be organic and grass-fed; fish should be wild, not farm raised.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
I buy extra virgin olive oil by the case (much less expensive this way) and reach for it several times a day. I use it to marinate and cook my protein, saute my vegetables, and drizzle on my salads.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
I do yoga three times a week, and I walk for a half hour every day. In between, I get on the elliptical and my triple thigh trainer - I really do use the Thighmaster! - and do about 20 minutes on each of those. I also walk up and down the stairs a lot.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
Sleep has been provided by nature to do the body's healing work, and it takes seven or eight hours for this process to happen. Commit to getting at least seven to eight hours of good quality sleep every night to keep your body and hormones in balance.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
Reduce the stress levels in your life through relaxation techniques like meditation, deep breathing, and exercise. You'll look and feel way better for it.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
I understood something way back when I was on 'Three's Company.' When I got the part, I was flat broke. I was so happy to get the part, but I kept thinking, 'Ugh - dumb blondes are so irritating; how do I make her likable?' I think that I achieved that. It took a while for people to realize I was acting.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
When it comes to losing weight, balancing your hormones is absolutely crucial. Not only will it help you lose weight by correcting a sluggish metabolism, but you'll look more rested and vibrant, your mood will improve, and you'll get your libido back!
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
A simple rule of thumb is to shop the periphery of the grocery store - that's where you'll find meat, fish, dairy, and vegetables. Choose high-quality protein such as healthy, grass-fed beef and lamb and organic chicken and pork, and eat them in moderation.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
You should drink at least eight glasses of water a day in order to stay regular, lose weight, and detoxify. Our bodies are mostly made of water, and yet we lose two to three quarts of it every day through perspiration and other bodily functions.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
Around age 40 I put on twenty pounds. I had always had a perfect metabolism. But, my metabolism betrayed me as it does most people, except a very rare few who will always be thin.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
I actually have never been to a gym. I haven't had time. I have been working for the last 25 years. I just don't have time to put on a little outfit and go to the gym and work out and clean up and come home.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
I always knew how to cook and at one point in my career where I had done nine television pilots before Three's Company and they all failed, I just got discouraged.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
I eat a lot. I eat three times a day and I snack.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
I happen to have the benefit of having a son-in-law who was the former Mr. France and a trainer. I like being his benefactor and I like the way he works.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
I have my hormones balanced. Most doctors are giving women synthetic hormones, which just eliminate the symptoms, but it's doing nothing to actually replace the hormones you have lost. Without our hormones we die.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
I made a lot of friends over the years and I would always look at what they were eating. All of them were skinny. I would think that I would like to eat like that.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
I started reading and talking and interviewing nutritionists and a thread was starting to form for me which is - a protein digests in a different rate of speed than a carbohydrate.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
Now I understand what was happening. I don't particularly gain water; I don't have water retention.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
Sometimes, when you are in the public eye, you just really need to just be part of the crowd, and look at other people rather than other people look at you.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
Then there are the people who know me from the lectures. What I am really trying to do, what I need to accomplish at this time, is to fill in the gaps.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
What I really need is for people to know that I don't just do this, I do this and this and this and this. We all have creativity in us and we all are multi-dimensional and we are all interested in a lot of things and that women are fabulous. We can handle a lot of things.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
You know, as long as you do everything in moderation, you don't go overboard, you don't, you know, turn your lips into guppy lips - I mean, a little zip or a little zap, that is not a big deal.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
Retirees who are on Medicare will suffer the consequences of 700 billions of Medicare dollars instead being used to cover the skyrocketing cost of Obamacare. In essence, less dollars for seniors means less service. Not fair. The Boomers are going to take the 'hit.' In Obamacare, 'too old' has limitations of service.
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
I'm going to live to be 110 years old!
- Suzanne Somers
Image of Suzanne Somers
I started growing my own organic vegetables... and started a routine of generally going to bed at 9.30 to 10 o'clock every night and sleeping until 7 A.M. I take perfect care of my machine.
- Suzanne Somers