Sushma Swaraj

Image of Sushma Swaraj
India believes that the world is a family, and the best means of resolution is shared discourse. A family is shaped by love and is not transactional; a family is nurtured by consideration, not greed; a family believes in harmony not jealousy.
- Sushma Swaraj
Collection: Jealousy
Image of Sushma Swaraj
Just as 'Islam' literally means 'peace,' none of the 99 names of Allah mean violence. Similarly, every religion in the world stands for peace, compassion, and brotherhood.
- Sushma Swaraj
Collection: Peace
Image of Sushma Swaraj
Terrorism and extremism bear different names and labels. It uses diverse causes. But in each case, it is driven by distortion of religion and a misguided belief in its power to succeed.
- Sushma Swaraj
Collection: Religion
Image of Sushma Swaraj
I served as the chairman of the India-Israel Parliamentary Friendship Group for three years, during which I also had the pleasure of visiting Israel.
- Sushma Swaraj
Collection: Friendship
Image of Sushma Swaraj
To be a leader, you have to travel through the entire length and breadth of the country.
- Sushma Swaraj
Collection: Travel
Image of Sushma Swaraj
History proves that those who seed extremist ideologies reap a bitter harvest.
- Sushma Swaraj
Collection: History
Image of Sushma Swaraj
We believe that when all nations adhere to international rules and norms and when we conduct on the basis of sovereign equality and mutual respect, our nations feel secure, and our economies prosper.
- Sushma Swaraj
Collection: Equality
Image of Sushma Swaraj
As a mature and responsible nation, one of India's foreign policy interests is to evolve a regional architecture based on the twin principles of shared security and shared prosperity.
- Sushma Swaraj
Collection: Architecture
Image of Sushma Swaraj
An environment of peace and security is essential for regional cooperation to progress and achieve economic development and prosperity of our people.
- Sushma Swaraj
Collection: Peace
Image of Sushma Swaraj
Ensuring that the benefits of globalisation are shared widely remains a challenge.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
If things happen for the good, I say that Lord Krishna wished it so, and if anything goes against me, even then I say Lord Krishna wanted it to happen that way.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
People can overlook any shortcoming, but they will not tolerate arrogance.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
A leader is not born out of the blue. You have to know the pulse of the people from Kashmir to Kanyakumari and from Gujarat to Guwahati. You have to relate yourself with them, and only then does one become a leader.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
The fight against terrorism is not a confrontation against any religion.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
I view everything in the context of Lord Krishna's will, and for me, it is fine if things go in my favour or against.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
The Ganga remains sacred from Gomukh, its source, to Ganga sagar, where it enters the ocean. It sanctifies the tributaries, which attain the very nature of Ganga. Similar is Sanskrit; sacred by itself, it sanctifies all that come into its contact.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
We see West Asia as part of our extended neighbourhood.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
Maroon is my favourite colour.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
Reform cannot be cosmetic.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
We do not want talk on terror; we want action on it. Terror and talks cannot go together.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
The OIC has a huge responsibility and a great opportunity to lift humanity to a higher level of peace and prosperity and to make this planet a better place, not just for your people but for rest of the world.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
Our efforts are to be directed towards narrowing the gap between the study of shastras and science.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
India continues to be guided by the principles of being non-interfering, non-prescriptive, and non-judgemental. In other words, India remains ready to provide any support but strongly believes that it is for the Arab countries to decide their destiny without any external interference or diktats from outside.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
The asanas that happen in yoga... namaz also has those kriyas.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
Those suffering from spondylitis and arthiritis are not advised to perform certain asanas.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
Surya namaskar, in itself, is a combination of 12 asanas.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
People do not like negative campaigns.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
The question the electorate asks is: 'What can you do for us? Are you just using us to defeat somebody because you have a personal grievance?'
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
For us, the BSP is like any other rival.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
You know that we are against major foreign equity participation in the field of culture and information. This is not only our view in the BJP.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
The cable law. Prasar Bharati. The Broadcasting Bill. These are all overlapping things.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
We must preserve our cultural identity.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
My aim is to project that the BJP is not only an alternative but a better alternative to the Congress.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
We have to pick up people's issues within and outside Parliament and give a voice to their pain and problems and come across as a party which understands this.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
The home ministry's role should be focused. There are so many items under it today; it has to look after even official languages. There should be a minister looking after internal security, and the remaining things should go under another ministry. Things like official languages can be looked after by the human resources development ministry.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
I think the firmness in one's stance can be conveyed in a different manner without being indecent or using harsh words.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
Sushma Swaraj has no personal ambition. I take things in my stride.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
The BJP is certainly for empowerment of women.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
Wherever Modi has addressed the local Indian communities during his visits to foreign countries, the Indians there are extremely happy. After the prime minister's visits, the Indians in those countries are feeling a great sense of pride, and the respect for them has increased.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
Our government has made infrastructure upgrade and the creation of smart cities major national priorities.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
Being a longstanding partner of the Arab world, we in India are also deeply concerned with the rise of fanaticism, extremism, and terrorism in parts of the region.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
Knowledge in Sanskrit will go a long way in finding solutions to the contemporary problems like global warming, unsustainable consumption, civilisational clash, poverty, terrorism, etc.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
Sanskrit language and the subjects in Sanskrit are both vital alike.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
We attach high priority to India's relations with Israel.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
I am a personal advocate of strong ties between India and Israel, so I am very happy to see that our relations are progressing so well in all fields of our engagement.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
India and Pakistan became free within hours of each other. Why is it that today India is a recognised IT superpower in the world, and Pakistan is recognised only as the pre-eminent export factory for terror?
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
We established scientific and technical institutions which are the pride of the world. But what has Pakistan offered to the world and, indeed, to its own people apart from terrorism?
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
The NSG entry is crucial for India's energy policy.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
India has been a longstanding and reliable development partner of Bangladesh.
- Sushma Swaraj
Image of Sushma Swaraj
We must be prepared to extract costs for those who sponsor and support terrorists, who provide them sanctuary, and who, despite their own claimed victimhood, continue to make the false distinction between good and bad terrorists.
- Sushma Swaraj