Susan Jacoby

Image of Susan Jacoby
I don't see why any president has to talk about his belief in God.
- Susan Jacoby
Collection: President
Image of Susan Jacoby
I think people who love each other and live together and have children together need to agree on the things that are most important in life.
- Susan Jacoby
Collection: Children
Image of Susan Jacoby
If enough money is involved and enough people believe that two plus two equals five the media will report the story with a straight face always adding a qualifying paragraph noting that mathematicians however say that two plus two still equals four.
- Susan Jacoby
Collection: Believe
Image of Susan Jacoby
Feminists who want to censor what they regard as harmful pornography have essentially the same motivation as other would-be censors: They want to use the power of the state to accomplish what they have been unable to achieve in the marketplace of ideas and images. The impulse to censor places no faith in the possibilities of democratic persuasion.
- Susan Jacoby
Collection: Motivation