Subramanian Swamy

Image of Subramanian Swamy
The problem with our country is that we don't ask for equality in treatment. They want free flow of capital into our country. Why do they not allow free flow of labour into their country? Tell me what is the reason why they don't allow people to migrate to the United States as and when they like?
- Subramanian Swamy
Collection: Equality
Image of Subramanian Swamy
I am calling Shaktikanta Das as a corrupt person. I am surprised that the man I got removed from the Finance Ministry for corruption was brought in as governor.
- Subramanian Swamy
Collection: Finance
Image of Subramanian Swamy
Chidamabaram has ruined the economy. He has turned out to be a third-rate failure as finance minister.
- Subramanian Swamy
Collection: Finance
Image of Subramanian Swamy
Alok Verma cannot be sacked based on the Central Vigilance Commission's (CVC) report without being heard. PM Modi should not listen to bogus legal brains.
- Subramanian Swamy
Collection: Legal
Image of Subramanian Swamy
The Kargil war will be an issue that will hurt the BJP.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
I was a very good friend of Rajiv Gandhi, and I had affection for Sonia as his wife.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
It's better to be known as a puppet than pretend not to be a puppet like Nawaz Sharif.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
All civilian politicians in Pakistan are puppets of the ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence), military, and the Taliban.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
Chandra Swami is a good friend of mine, and he has devotees and well-wishers in every party, including the JP. That doesn't mean that he, or anyone else, can influence me.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
With the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Marxists are coming around to seeing my views on the economy with greater perspective. I was the one who propounded that there should be a 'level-playing field' among nations on the economic front, that they cannot have low-interest rates in their countries and argue against cheap labour in India.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
Jayalalithaa was disqualified from contesting elections because of the Tansi case. I was the complainant. The public prosecutor conducted the case, but I provided all the documents and evidence. She was convicted. She could not contest elections, as her nomination papers were rejected.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
Jayalalithaa was brutalised from the age of 16 in the cinema world. She therefore bears a psychotic pleasure in humiliating people as she was humiliated. She was deadened to normal human emotions.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
I am not interested in state politics.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
There is a history which has to be reversed, and that is the demolition of our temples.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
If it's Clinton versus Trump, all Indians are voting for Trump.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
The Delhi elite doesn't like me because I'm smarter than them.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
I know the rule. I know law. I know economics. I know parliament. That's an explosive combination.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
Operation Bluestar was a mischievous blunder, and it should not have been done.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
It's not possible in this world to be friends with everybody. We have to choose friends and then stay with them.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
Russia is a bankrupt country. It just lives on oil revenues.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
Putin should prove that he wants to be our friend by declassifying files of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and Lal Bahadur Shastri.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
I think the first thing we should do is abolish the income tax.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
Why, when India's agricultural products are among the cheapest in the world despite a low yield per hectare, are we not able to double the production and export the products abroad?
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
India can make rapid economic progress to become a developed country only through a globally competitive economy, which requires assured access to the markets and technological innovations of the United States and some of its allies such as Israel and Japan.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
The Indian state has to be minimalist in regulatory interventions in social and economic matters; maximalist in providing the quality of life needs; and optimal in the maintenance of law and order.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
India has always come out of crises renewed and on a higher growth path.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
Black money is a cancer in our economic system, not yet terminal or life-threatening.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
India's educated youth is skill-deficient, risk averse in attitude, and largely unemployable in the cutting-edge manufacturing sector.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
With proper infrastructure and packaging, India can certainly become a global player in agricultural exports.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
As an economist, the only advice I can give the Modi government is to take some steps that will raise the morale of the consumer and investor. That means income tax abolition and reducing the annual interest rate to nine per cent.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
The world has come around to the view that democracy is essential for full human development. And only education and skill development can make this possible.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
The world view of economic development has completely changed: it is no longer believed to be driven by human labour, as Karl Marx said, or by capital, as Alfred Marshall stated, but is knowledge-driven.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
Knowledge is gender neutral, and hence the 21st century offers a great opportunity to level the gender inequity of the last thousand years in India.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
Materialistic progress alone does not guarantee national security. What is essential is the character and integrity of the country's citizens.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
The Indian economy has declined because of the peculiar Indian 'invention' of that perfidious financial derivative called Participatory Notes, or PNs, otherwise known as the crony/crooked facilitator for black-money-based portfolio investment. No other country would think of such a derivative.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
For decades, the Congress party has used its power to make Nehru appear as a giant, rendering all other political personalities small before him.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
As a nation builder, Nehru was a complete failure.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
It has been established that most Indians have the same DNA profile irrespective of caste, religion, or region. Yet we find our text books talking about India being multiethnic.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
Ancient monuments 300 to 1000-plus years old are never 'renovated,' only 'restored,' a distinction that escapes the babus.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
Secular intellectuals may wax eloquent about 'true Islam' being humane and peaceful, on TV programmes, but it is clear that they have not read any authoritative translations of the Koran, the Sira, and the Hadith.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
We Hindus have a long-recognised tradition of being religious liberals by nature.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
India's infrastructure is pathetic, with frequent electric power breakdowns even in metropolitan cities, dangerously unhealthy water supply in urban areas, a galloping rate of HIV infection, and gaping potholes that dot our national highways.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
Auctioning of natural resources such as spectrum, coal, oilfields, and land for commercial exploitation can largely substitute for tax impositions.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
The RSS is an anti-national organisation. The quicker it is disintegrated, the better for India.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
In Islam, the word of the Prophet is final. No true Muslim can disown these verses or say that they would rewrite the offensive verses of the Koran. If they do, then they would have to run for their lives.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
The truth is truth. I have never made a charge in my political career of 30 years where I have been disapproved. No defamation case has succeeded against me.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
As a good Brahmin, I think any money being given to me is dakshina. I will accept money from anybody as long as it is Indian. As a good Brahmin, it is my right to accept money.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
The UPA awarded Brijesh Mishra with the second highest award of the country after Bharat Ratna. I am suggesting that he was a Congress bug, a cat's paw. He was Congress' Trojan Horse. Even as he was the NSA, he worked for the Congress party.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
The effect of the foreign direct investment of Etihad in Jet Airways and the implied bilateral agreement of air services between India and the UAE has primarily damaged Air India, which is a government-owned airline with huge assets that are extremely valuable.
- Subramanian Swamy
Image of Subramanian Swamy
The Aadhar data that was leaked to American companies was, in a way, a betrayal to the country.
- Subramanian Swamy