Stormy Daniels

Image of Stormy Daniels
When I was about eight, my mom started disappearing for days at a time, probably with one of the guys she was dating. There would be no food.
- Stormy Daniels
Collection: Dating
Image of Stormy Daniels
I have two choices: Sit at home and feel sorry for myself, or make lemonade out of lemons.
- Stormy Daniels
Collection: Home
Image of Stormy Daniels
I guess I feel the most powerful when someone tries to take my power or belittle me or insult me, and it doesn't work.
- Stormy Daniels
Image of Stormy Daniels
That's one of the best things about my job. I've had the opportunity to really talk to and meet some really fascinating, weird people.
- Stormy Daniels
Image of Stormy Daniels
The truth has always been my greatest ally.
- Stormy Daniels
Image of Stormy Daniels
My goal is the same as it has always been - to stand up for myself and take back my voice after being bullied and intimidated by President Trump and his minions.
- Stormy Daniels
Image of Stormy Daniels
Let's say you have white milk and chocolate milk, and one of them is good emotions and one of them is bad emotions, and you pour both in: you're still going to fill up and run over.
- Stormy Daniels
Image of Stormy Daniels
Wish I had a PR team. That sounds very fancy.
- Stormy Daniels
Image of Stormy Daniels
One of the really difficult things that people say to me on social media or whatever - is that I need to shut up and go home and take care of my daughter. That's very hurtful.
- Stormy Daniels
Image of Stormy Daniels
My own child doesn't even know that Stephanie is my name.
- Stormy Daniels
Image of Stormy Daniels
Anytime I've been photographed with a glass of champagne in my hand, it's really Red Bull.
- Stormy Daniels
Image of Stormy Daniels
I'm one of the most successful adult movie directors in the business.
- Stormy Daniels
Image of Stormy Daniels
I might be living in a cardboard box under a freeway overpass, homeless, but I won't be silenced.
- Stormy Daniels
Image of Stormy Daniels
I may never have a normal life again.
- Stormy Daniels
Image of Stormy Daniels
I don't really consider myself to be a super feminist.
- Stormy Daniels
Image of Stormy Daniels
I support women. I think we should be treated equal, all of that stuff.
- Stormy Daniels
Image of Stormy Daniels
I'm not, like, some big Hillary supporter. I'm a Republican.
- Stormy Daniels
Image of Stormy Daniels
I get along better with men.
- Stormy Daniels
Image of Stormy Daniels
I always wonder what my life would be like if I had parents like the other kids who went to my high school.
- Stormy Daniels
Image of Stormy Daniels
It's actually sexist to accuse men as a whole of something, you know? It's just - I don't know. A guy can't even open a door for a lady without being called a pig.
- Stormy Daniels
Image of Stormy Daniels
I've been dancing for 20 years. I just kept doing the same job that I've always done.
- Stormy Daniels
Image of Stormy Daniels
I don't think I necessarily try to help women; I just try to help people.
- Stormy Daniels
Image of Stormy Daniels
How sexist and rude to say that my job defines my character.
- Stormy Daniels
Image of Stormy Daniels
Simply because I did not fit in their mold of what an independent working woman should be, the media and political elite have sought to relegate my sense of civic responsibility to mere sideshow antics.
- Stormy Daniels
Image of Stormy Daniels
I'm very food-motivated.
- Stormy Daniels
Image of Stormy Daniels
The deck has always been stacked against me.
- Stormy Daniels
Image of Stormy Daniels
We live in a capitalist society. I think if anyone, in any field, was approached and someone said, 'Hi! You know that job you are already doing? Would you like to do it next week for quadruple your normal pay?' Show me one person who would say no.
- Stormy Daniels