Solange Knowles

Image of Solange Knowles
Everyone talks about how, in your 30s, all of these growing pains transition into wisdom and you feel more self-assured and confident, but I think I had a bit of a jump-start on that at 27.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
Mainstream media tends to showcase a very specific kind of Mardi Gras, but my experience of Mardi Gras is very different; it's very cultural.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I have always had tremendous respect for my sister as an artist, as a woman, and now as a mother.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
If a piece makes you look good and makes it easier to get dressed, it wins.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
Fashion is a strange world sometimes. Amazing, but strange.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I'd rather live in the U.S. than Europe.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I'd rather be on the cast of 'Love & Hip-Hop' than 'Project Runway.'
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I'd rather be the cool aunt than the authoritative aunt.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I'd rather be the protector than the protected. I'm naturally the protector - being a mother and having a famous family. You have to navigate when it's right to protect.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I love hip-hop. I have gone through many difference phases in my love affair with hip-hop.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I don't ever claim to be a hip-hop head.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
My earliest love, which was sort of an obsession, actually, was Nas. I was in seventh grade, I believe, when 'Nastradamus' was out, and I took it pretty far.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
Anytime fashion and music go hand-in-hand and it really is an organic fit, it's amazing.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I can't take any credit for people dressing like me, you know?
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
If I have on a bright red lip, you'll rarely ever catch me with eyeshadow on. It's one or the other for me - pick one feature for the day and really focus on that.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
From a very early age, I decided that I wanted to be able to do my music but still be able to live a normal life.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
It's always been my dream to look like Mariah Carey in my photos with a microphone. I don't know how she does it. When she sings, she looks perfect.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
My blog is actually all self-photography unless it's a photo shoot.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I think many people, especially from other cultures, just don't understand the role hair plays in black women's lives.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I stand for people who are firm in their journey.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I'm such a Southern girl.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
What's important is that my family and I are all good.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I'm not sure if it's cause I'm getting old, but my heels have to be 3.5 inch or less, or a chunky heel.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
My sister and I were not allowed expensive clothes. We so badly wanted these Fila sneakers as kids, but my mother took us down to the flea market and got imitation ones. Look at the early Destiny's Child videos. You'll see.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
It's really special to have a niece because I have a son, so I get to have a little girl, too.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I never borrowed clothes from Beyonce when we were growing up. But now my style is a little more tame and hers is a little more adventurous.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I'm really good at telling people 'no.'
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I think it's really important for every mother to find their own way.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I really enjoy my privacy and being able to walk my son to school every morning and pick him up every afternoon.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I'm super-sensitive when it comes to my sister. I've been known to snap off a little bit behind her.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
People from New Orleans are extremely prideful.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
When Destiny's Child released their first record, I don't think I even noticed. I was still at school, and I had my own life in Houston.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I've always loved Dusty Springfield and Martha Reeves.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I have more to offer than music that is automatically dance.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
My son spends as much time with his dad as he does with me.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
My sound is Solange. It's definitely not Destiny's Child.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I really wanted people just to get to know Solange on my first album, just to establish Solange's sound, just to establish Solange's personality.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
Every teenage artist out there is mostly talking about boys, and I think there's so much more to being a teenager than just boys.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
It's so sad, actually, how teachers and parents tell their kids, 'You're never gonna be anything.'
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I'm happy that I have a beautiful, wonderful, amazing child who's made me a better person.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I don't feel like I owe anybody other than my child and my family anything.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
You just have to know that the more successful you get as an artist, the less of a normal life you have. It's a trade-off.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
There are a lot of times when people are diplomatic about things, and I'm not that type. I'm not afraid to say exactly what I mean.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I can tell you what I really love: when I run into people on the street that tell me they have connected with my music.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I think that some people get wrapped up in their own egos. They need to see certain album sales and certain monuments.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
At 15, saying I wanted to do a reggae album after growing up in a snazzy house in Houston - it was kind of random.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
My mom's best friend growing up was diagnosed with AIDS, and he basically raised me when my mom was launching her business. Although I didn't understand at the time what HIV or AIDS was, I knew that's what he passed away from.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I really fell in love with dance. By the time I was seven, I had dance class six times a week. I was obsessed.
- Solange Knowles
Image of Solange Knowles
I grew up seeing my sister in the studio. I would go to recording sessions and take notes.
- Solange Knowles