Simu Liu

Image of Simu Liu
Kim's' is one of the most unique shows to hit the air, with its focus on individual and communal growth, family, and most importantly: immigrant culture.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
Kim's' gave me my first opportunity to portray an Asian character with significant story arcs and subtleties that most Western Asian actors can only dream of. The show was integral in allowing me to find my voice and shape the perspective and platform that I now have.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
All of the cultural nuances and the traumas and the complexities that come with being a third-culture kid, these are all nuances that the quote-unquote system of Hollywood is just starting to become privy to.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
What needs to change, really, is that we need better representation behind the camera. We need better representation among the people who tell the stories or the people who greenlight the movies.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
We didn't grow up in any sort of meaningful representation in media apart from, you know, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Bruce Lee. But, of course, that was different still, because it always played to this narrative of the foreigner from the East.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
I've seen cashiers, servers, transit operators, bank tellers and customs officers speak much too quickly on purpose as if it pained them to have to spend another second of their lives conversing with my parents.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
The truth is that Asian people have been targeted and discriminated against for far, far longer than COVID has been around.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
To fully understand the roots of anti-Asian prejudice in America, you need to know about the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 that banned all immigration from China, even though it was Chinese immigrants that had essentially built America's railroad system.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
If it's true that I wouldn't have had a career if it weren't for these conversations about diversity, the importance of representation, then I need to continue to fight that battle for the people that come after me.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
I might be tweeting a lot of things in the future, some of which will be absolute idiocy.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
I would do background and extra stuff, I would do student films, I just found every opportunity I could to be on set, and after awhile I accumulated enough work to get an agent.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
Yeah, I went to business school and I actually worked as an accountant for about eight months. It's not what I wanted, but it was definitely a move to appease the parents.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
Things like 'following your passion' and 'finding your creative outlets' didn't mean anything to me because I didn't have that area of my brain.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
The first set I ended up on was Guillermo del Toro's 'Pacific Rim' that was shooting in Toronto and they needed a bunch of Asian extras, and for some reason they put their ad on Craigslist.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
My parents came to this country with literally nothing.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
You know, the squeaky wheel gets the oil, and my parents had spent a lifetime not making any noise, and I was like, what happens if I do this? What happens if I rock this? What then, you know? Will anybody listen?
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
Kids growing up today will have what I never did growing up, which is somebody across that screen reflecting who they are, and showing them what is possible.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
I loved superhero movies growing up.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
I loved Spider-Man, Superman, Batman, but I was always keenly aware that people who looked like me could not look like that.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
I've had dogs in my life pretty much from the moment I've been on my own.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
I was 22 years old, actually, incidentally had just been laid off from my job and I had a dog. My parents just didn't understand any of it.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
I'd just woken up from a nap, it was around 6:30 in the evening. I was eating some shrimp crackers at my desk. Then I get a call from an unknown number in Burbank, California and my heart immediately skips a beat because I know the Disney home office is in Burbank.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
In my entire life, I'd wondered why there were no superheroes out there that looked like me.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
I definitely dabbled and had done a number of stunt jobs in which I was doing fighting.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
Was I a Jackie Chan-level martial arts master? Absolutely not! Not by any stretch of the imagination. I'm an actor. I'm a performer.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
I feel like it's a bit of a misconception that all actors have to be expert martial artists if they're Asian.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
It's important that we meet any sort of hate and negativity with joy and celebration.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
I have always prided myself on being able to speak my mind.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
If I were to fight one Marvel superhero, I think I would fight Captain America. We would start all aggressive and then both realise how much we liked and respected one another. We would be friends.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
Of course, we know Shang-Chi is the, in the comics or in the world of Marvel, he is the master of Kung Fu. He is the greatest hand-to-hand fighter in the universe, and so we had to really bring it and I feel like we did it a really big way.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
I kind of love being a superhero.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
The first time I tried on Shang-Chi's superhero suit - Marvel has never had an Asian lead, so that was such a rare and impactful moment, for me as an actor but also for people who look like me. I nearly cried. It was so emotional.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
Shang-Chi can definitely throw a punch.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
Shrimp crackers are actually exactly what I was eating when I got the call that I was going to play Shang-Chi.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
I had very little time to mentally prepare before I was just kind of thrust into it. And I'm watching all of these movie stars that I idolized sharing the stage with me. And then I'm having dinner with Angelina Jolie because that's how the seating chart worked over at Marvel - and then trying to reconcile all of this in my brain.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
And so it became a priority for me to make sure that all Asian Canadians or Asian Americans or wherever you are, Asian Australians, felt like they belonged.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
Because I think it's so easy to look at someone, regardless of where they grew up, where they came from, the language that they speak, to just look at the colour of their skin and all of a sudden reduce them to harmful stereotypes.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
It does feel like we get to just carte blanche create a superhero origin story for 2021, for this day and age, that is told through a distinctly Asian American lens.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
We've seen a million versions of the Peter Parker radioactive-spider origin story. We've seen Thomas and Martha Wayne at the opera... over and over again in movies and media, and I think we're ready for something new.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
I would never in a million years have expected my life to have unfolded the way it did.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
All I really knew how to do was put one foot in front of the other.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
I think it is so important to have voices in the decision-making process that are sensitive to the groups that your show or your production represents. In the case of 'Kim's Convenience,' that was Korean Canadians, that was East Asian Canadians, and we rightly felt like we didn't have that voice in the writers' room or at the creators' table.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
It's every immigrant child's dream to tell your parents they don't have to work anymore.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
Asian men specifically have not been portrayed as the leading man or sex symbol.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
Who you seen on screen shapes who you are.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
I believe in the cultural significance of the Marvel Universe and 'Kim's Convenience.' They are two weapons in the same fight and they mean everything to me and the possibilities of what they can represent.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
Being a Marvel superhero has always been a dream of mine. And so I think every choice that I made in my career, every step that I took, brought me to that point.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
Not every director can always rise to the challenge of all of a sudden having $200 million thrown at them.
- Simu Liu
Image of Simu Liu
I tend to spend way more time than I should on social media.
- Simu Liu