Shimon Peres

Image of Shimon Peres
From my earliest youth, I have known that while one is obliged to plan with care the stages of one's journey, one is entitled to dream, and keep dreaming, of its destination. A man may feel as old as his years yet as young as his dreams.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
I dreamed of a future as a muscular, tanned, kibbutznik, who plowed the fertile fields of the Jezreel Valley in the day, sang religiously in the dining hall in the evening, and fiercely guarded the farmland at night, riding a noble horse.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
We have to stand together against terror and the reasons for terrorism, which are poverty and ignorance.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
I never was after money. It never attracted me.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
Bringing an end to the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians may help the young Arab generation to realise their aspirations. Israel is more than willing to offer our experience in building a modern economy in spite of limited resources to the whole region.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
The uprising in Egypt was initiated by the young generation. The uprising achieved two things. One is it made the lives of dictators impossible. Today, if you are looking for a safe job, don't become a dictator.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
I felt that if I could make the world better for the young, that would be the greatest thing we can do.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
Poverty and ignorance, which beget terror, are not eradicated by firing artillery shells. Borders do not stop rockets, and barbed wire does not prevent terror.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
And in England there has always been something deeply pro-Arab, of course, not among all Englishmen, and anti-Israeli, in the establishment. They abstained in the 1947 UN partition resolution... They maintained an arms embargo against us in the 1950s... They always worked against us. They think the Arabs are the underdogs.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
It is not rifles but people who triumph, and the conclusion from all the wars is that we need better people, not better rifles - to win wars, and mainly to avoid them.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
Look, we have existed for 4,000 years - 2,000 years in diaspora, in exile. Nobody in the Middle East speaks their original language but Israel. When we started 64 years ago, we were 650,000 people. So, you know, we are maybe swimming a little bit against the stream, but we continue to swim.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
Today, the people are governing the governments. And when they begin to talk to each other, they are surprised, they can be friends. Why should we hate each other?
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
Israel's doors are open to collaboration with Bulgaria.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
They thought that I was a man with reasonable judgment, so I was never under pressure from my parents; I could do whatever I wanted. I never had a negative word from them, nothing whatsoever.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
Bulgaria is a true friend of Israel, that stood up to save the Jewish people 70 years ago in Europe, and who stood by throughout the terror attack that took place in Burgas last July.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
Television has made dictatorship impossible but democracy unbearable.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
He taught me literature, and he actually taught me how to read. He was my personal mentor.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
I have a brother younger than me. My mother was a librarian, so from her, I got the taste to read.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
I joined the army as a private. I was offered a rank at that time, but I refused. I preferred to remain a private. First of all, I wasn't taken by ranks, and before I knew it, they put me in the most sensitive positions anyway.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
If I tax them, in fact, I'm not taxing the capitalists, I am taxing the people who have saved, trusted. It was very controversial, those sorts of things. But finally, it worked out.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
Later on, there were some problems with our navy, so he made me the head of the navy - all things that I hardly knew anything about. I was basically an ignorant young man.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
That was my first lesson from Ben-Gurion. Then I saw him making peace, and I saw him making war. He mobilized me before the war. The man was a very rare combination between a real intellectual and a born leader. There is a contradiction between the two.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
There was one occasion when I was very young - eight years or seven years old - that Jewish businessmen went through the forest, and they were assassinated. And that was for the first time I saw in our paper where there were assassinations in our place.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
What should be the future of Israel? Is the land the most important choice, and for that reason to keep the whole of the land at any cost, or to have a partition and build the Jewish state on part of the land? And the other part?
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
When I look at the record of President Obama concerning the major issue security I think it's a highly satisfactory record from Israeli point of view.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
In order to prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear country you have to introduce a system of verification and inspection.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
Israel has its attractions. It's the most dramatic country in the world. Everybody's engaged. Everybody argues. When I leave Israel, I get a little bit bored, you know?
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
The present Arab uprising didn't stem from Israel. The old guard is trying to keep down the young chickens. The old guard is better organized. They may win elections, but unless they have a solution to poverty, to corruption, to oppression, they will not last. I am with the young people.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
The United States is the only power in history that became great by giving and not by taking. I think the crisis was when the United States had more money than ideas. Money doesn't produce money. Ideas produce money.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
I didn't plan to be a politician. The founder of our country, David Ben-Gurion, called me from the kibbutz to serve in the underground. We were short of manpower, short of arms. I was 24 years old. I was supposed to serve my country for one or two years. I am 89 years old this year, and I keep going.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
The internet, Facebook and Twitter have created mass communications and social spaces that regimes cannot control.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
Israel welcomes the wind of change, and sees a window of opportunity. Democratic and science-based economies by nature desire peace. Israel does not want to be an island of affluence in an ocean of poverty. Improvements in our neighbours' lives mean improvements to the neighbourhood in which we live.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
Israel was born under the British mandate. We learned from the British what democracy means, and how it behaves in a time of danger, war and terror. We thank Britain for introducing freedom and respect of human rights both in normal and demanding circumstances.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
The problem of the Middle East is poverty more than politics.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
One of the things the United States does well is building coalitions. What the U.S. knows is that if you don't have a coalition with you, you will have a coalition against you. I don't want to see China and Russia on the side of Iran more strongly than they are.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
In the Middle East, the conflict today is a matter of generations and not of cultures.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
There is in England a saying that an anti-Semite is someone who hates the Jews more than is necessary.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
One of the most important branches of the Egyptian economy is tourism. No bikinis, no tourism. So they have to decide what to do.
- Shimon Peres
Image of Shimon Peres
The most important thing in life is to dare. The most complicated thing in life is to be afraid. The smartest thing in the world is to try to be a moral person.
- Shimon Peres
Collection: Fear
Image of Shimon Peres
Optimists and pessimists die the exact same death, but they live very different lives!
- Shimon Peres
Collection: Life
Image of Shimon Peres
You're as young as your dreams, not as old as your calendar
- Shimon Peres
Collection: Dream
Image of Shimon Peres
It's better to be controversial for the right reasons, than to be popular for the wrong reasons.
- Shimon Peres
Collection: Controversial
Image of Shimon Peres
If a problem has no solution, it may not be a problem, but a fact - not to be solved, but to be coped with over time.
- Shimon Peres
Collection: Mistake
Image of Shimon Peres
We should use our imagination more than our memory.
- Shimon Peres
Collection: Peace
Image of Shimon Peres
I read when I get up in the morning, when I can during the day and every single evening. Most of my weekends are spent reading great books. Books are my constant companions. If you eat three times a day you'll be fed. But if you read three times a day you'll be wise.
- Shimon Peres
Collection: Wise
Image of Shimon Peres
To find a cause that's larger than yourself and then to give your life to it.
- Shimon Peres
Collection: Giving
Image of Shimon Peres
I don't think anybody who carries a rifle carries the future. Because I don't believe that you can really change the world by killing and shooting. You have the change it by creating and competing.
- Shimon Peres
Collection: War
Image of Shimon Peres
If you eat three times a day, you become fat. If you read three times a day, you become wise. It's better to be wise than fat.
- Shimon Peres
Collection: Wise
Image of Shimon Peres
Our problem is not to submit to the differences but to overcome them.
- Shimon Peres
Collection: Differences