
Image of Sheamus
After four years of experience - and especially after the match with Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania 27 for the U.S. title that ended up being a dark match - you've got to realize that patience is a huge key in this game.
- Sheamus
Collection: Patience
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It's always good to change and keep things fresh, whether it's a hairstyle or wardrobe.
- Sheamus
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The bullies don't realize the effects they're having on the kids who are being bullied. They aren't in that situation themselves and are just looking for an audience.
- Sheamus
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I'm not happy until I'm going forward and accomplishing goals.
- Sheamus
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I eat a huge breakfast every morning. I do a lot of work at the gym, a lot of power-lifting, a lot of cardio, and I study wrestling tapes.
- Sheamus
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Being the U.S. champion is a big deal for me. Knowing that my ancestors built this country, it's kind of like, the Irish were treated badly in this country for a long time, with a lot of tacky Irish stereotypes, so to me, it's kind of like a bragging right.
- Sheamus
Image of Sheamus
There was a time when people were like, 'Oh my God, Sheamus' character is boring.' Well, when you're just in wrestling matches all the time, and you're not doing character stuff, then it can be a bit monotonous.
- Sheamus
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I have been in the spotlight, and I have been out of it.
- Sheamus
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When I first came in, I won a world championship pretty fast. Then I worked with John Morrison and Daniel Bryan, became King of the Ring, went back to 'SmackDown,' became the world champion again, won the Rumble, did a lot of things, went away after an injury.
- Sheamus
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As long as you are enjoying your wrestling and enjoying what you are doing, that's all that really matters.
- Sheamus
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I'd love to play Venom. I'm a huge 'Spider-Man' fan, and Venom was the character that drew me into the comics.
- Sheamus
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It's really a dream come true being a WWE Superstar and being in 'Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.' These are just larger-than-life franchises and great to be a part of.
- Sheamus
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Who wouldn't want to be involved in a movie?
- Sheamus
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When I became a part of Be a STAR and now with Do Something coming together with WWE, we have a much further range and bigger reach to get the message of anti-bullying and the effects of bullying out there.
- Sheamus
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We need to make the bullies aware of what they're doing, why it's wrong, and the effects it has on the kids who they are doing it to. You can see the light bulbs going off in these kids' heads when I say this. I try to put them in the situation of those being bullied. It just makes them aware.
- Sheamus
Image of Sheamus
When I was growing up as a kid, it was always, 'Oh, you're being bullied. Well, toughen up. Get some tough skin and deal with it.' That's how we were told to deal with it, and it's not that simple.
- Sheamus
Image of Sheamus
I'm an Irishman who came up from a small little country, followed his dream, and now I hold the title.
- Sheamus
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I'm grand once I keep winning trophies. That's all that counts.
- Sheamus
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The record books aren't going to lie. They aren't going to say I sold out. They aren't going to say anything.
- Sheamus
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I became more aggressive, more dedicated, more intense - taking it match by match, night by night - to literally crawl and scratch my way back to the top.
- Sheamus
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When I first won my WWE Championship, I just got to TV - I believe I was there five months. Everything just happened so fast; it was like a whirlwind.
- Sheamus
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I feel I've proved myself a lot more, showed my ability, showed what I can do.
- Sheamus
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The Rock has come back; he's been cool with me, and I have nothing against him at all. He's achieved everything in WWE, and of course, he's achieved everything in Hollywood. It's a huge success story.
- Sheamus
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No one has more charisma than me in WWE.
- Sheamus
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I've been playing video games since the Commodore 64 when I was about 5 years old.
- Sheamus
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I grew up playing games like 'War Zone' and the old 'Smackdown,' so I'm very excited to see myself in a game.
- Sheamus
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Even before I got to WWE, I studied Triple H. He was one of my favorite superstars; his wrestling was ruthless, and I think a lot of his style you can see in me a little bit.
- Sheamus
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I do have six anchors put in my labrum; I tore it in half, so it was pretty major surgery.
- Sheamus
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One fella who has really impressed me is Big E Langston.
- Sheamus
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I'm a history buff, so I've been reading lots of books on Irish and American history.
- Sheamus
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I've been trying to learn Spanish, but it has been hard for me. It's a slow process, but I'm trying.
- Sheamus
Image of Sheamus
You look back at the Attitude Era and the level of entertainment we put in the ring now. The Attitude Era doesn't even come close. I'm not afraid to say that, either.
- Sheamus
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You watch some of the stuff Cesaro does in the ring; with his size, the way he moves around the ring, the moves he hits, the way he picks up guys twice his size. It's just a different level.
- Sheamus
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I actually had a 'Wrestlemania' game for the Omega back in the day.
- Sheamus
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I have a PlayStation 3, and I love the 'God of War' games because the fellow's got probably as white skin as I have.
- Sheamus
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I'm always ready to go back on the road.
- Sheamus
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Obviously, 'FIFA Football' was a big game for me.
- Sheamus
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It's always good for people to like you, but as long as people react to you coming out, whether they are booing you or cheering you, it's great.
- Sheamus
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I would love to face the Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase. He is one of my favorites of all time.
- Sheamus
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If you go back to the '80s, I didn't really know much about the characters. I knew what they did in the ring. I knew Hogan went off and spouted lots of crazy promos, and Ultimate Warrior did the same. They really were just characters.
- Sheamus
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The New York crowd is definitely one to voice their opinion. They can be very loud and boisterous.
- Sheamus
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I try to enter every match or every event with the same attitude, because to me, they're all as important as each other, and you're only as good as your last fight.
- Sheamus
Image of Sheamus
I try not to think small minded.
- Sheamus
Image of Sheamus
Us Irish are kind of like that: we're hard grafters. We like to prove everybody wrong.
- Sheamus
Image of Sheamus
The fact that I'm even in a video game blows me away, but 'WWE 12' is even more special to me because they have a whole storyline around Sheamus in the game. It's really, really cool.
- Sheamus
Image of Sheamus
You can never be happy; you can never be satisfied with what you have. You always need to have that want to achieve more, and I definitely want that success.
- Sheamus
Image of Sheamus
When I was a kid, I always had the red hair, the white skin, and freckles. Back then, I wanted to look like everybody else, but now I realize that being different is definitely a major help.
- Sheamus
Image of Sheamus
I like that I can stand out from the crowd.
- Sheamus
Image of Sheamus
I'm either doing a show or in the gym or studying WWE videos or eating. I have to eat a lot.
- Sheamus
Image of Sheamus
You know the way it is: sometimes Americans think of us as their backward little cousin. It's the whole shamrock, potatoes, famine, leprechaun thing, all that drunken paddies rubbish.
- Sheamus