Sharon Van Etten

Image of Sharon Van Etten
I would love to work with PJ Harvey some day.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
People relate to songs so differently. No matter what it's about in reality, people create their own meaning behind it and connect with it on their own terms.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I don't know how to get a crowd singing along. That's not what my music does.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
In my teenage years, there was a lot of angst going on.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
Sometimes music should just be about you sitting on your bedroom floor, or in the back of the car, singing along stupidly. Evan Dando's music was all about that for me.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
Noveller make soundscapes that are creepy, ethereal, really beautiful and all over the place. They can be intense, dark, and groovy but also dreamlike and happy.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I hit 'record' whenever I'm going through a really hard time. I don't listen to it for a couple of days, so I have some perspective. If it's too personal to share, and I feel like would alienate the listeners, then I usually don't share that stuff.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
Hopefully, the stuff that is way too personal that I record and keep - people won't hear it because it's way too personal.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I'm still friends with most of my exes. There are only one or two people that I'll never talk to again.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I moved to New York to pursue music.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I don't want to bury anything in poetry.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
Everything will be okay. I have a sticker on my laptop that says that.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I overthink everything. I'm just like, 'Wait, why do they want to hear me?' I start doubting myself. Other times, I'll just get so emotional during a song. Sometimes I'll cry while I'm singing. It's so weird. I'm such a baby.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I guess I usually write when I'm in a really intense headspace, because it's my form of self-therapy.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I love being domestic: making coffee, just putting on a record, and just sitting, not doing anything. It's so great.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I'm still learning how to be comfortable touring. I haven't found that balance yet.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
Writing songs helped me figure out how to communicate with other people. I finally figured out that if I could express something in a song, I could probably express it in my real life, too.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I've always been really shy. I was always afraid of any kind of confrontation.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
My mom used to ask me when I was gonna write a happy song. I still tell her that it's when I start to write really happy-sounding songs that everyone needs to start worrying.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
Moving to New York City and doing what I do, social anxiety is a really ridiculous kind of curse to have. But I met people along the way who deal with it - performers as well - and they are learning to deal with it daily and deal with it in different ways.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I try to focus on the melodies and try to make everything else minimal. The melody and the lyrics are most important to me.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
One day when I have a band I will have a band name, but since it's just me I feel it should just be my name. For me it doesn't make much sense since the music is from me and about me. I haven't ever been in a band.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I have a day job Monday to Friday. I work at a record label in Brooklyn called Ba Da Bing. It's a great indie label and I listen to music all day. I meet people online and find out about the cool new music blogs.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I'm getting bored performing the same songs over and over. Songwriting comes and goes.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
The only thing that's helped me get through some really hard times was just being able to write and express - it's very cathartic for me. I'm hoping that, by writing and performing for other people, it affects them the same way.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I hate putting negative energy out into the world. But it's either inside or out. I mean, it's either get an ulcer or have a fight.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I'm really out of touch with myself emotionally. I've always had a hard time talking about how I feel.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I think there are times in a lot of people's pasts where they've unintentionally fallen in love with really damaged people. You go out with someone who's a mess so you can feel less of a mess.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
Honestly, live is my favorite way of performing. Every show is a completely different energy.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I'm trying to learn how to cook.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I have this red cardigan that my friend Coco gave me that has holes for thumbs. It's my cozy sweater. I wear it a lot.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I'm a late bloomer in music.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I wasn't a very good salesman.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
Just getting older, you stop caring what other people think, but also, you know who you are, and you know what you want.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I didn't have my first band until I was, like, 30.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
My goal is to become a therapist by the time I'm 50.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I don't think I'll ever feel perfectly balanced, but I feel like I'm figuring it out, and I'm surrounded by really wonderful people that want to see me succeed and be happy. Life is wild.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
In 2015, I told my band that I was taking a break so I could focus on my home life, go back to school, and try to remember what it was like to feel like a human being again.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I started playing, and people responded to it and connected with it and now, I don't even know what I'm really connecting with anymore or if I'm helping people. Now it's more of a business.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
My friends actually used to call me the 'Female Conor Oberst.' I got to open up with him once, and I told him about that, and he thought it was hilarious.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I hate the term 'emo.' It turned into this genre of music, when all music, if you connect with it, is emotional.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I was pretty troubled for a long time. And I didn't know that. As a kid, I never talked about my emotions. My mom gave me a journal, but I didn't know what it meant. I just wrote all the time, not even thinking about it. But it also made me feel better.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
My career is based off of me talking about my emotions.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I'm not a down-in-the-dumps person. I think some people assume that I am because of the music I write.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I'm a really strong person. I've no regrets in my life.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I'm a sucker for a love song!
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
Every time I re-perform a song, I gain some perspective.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
I work a lot with sounds based on stream of consciousness. I like the way it sounds, then I turn it into something that makes more sense.
- Sharon Van Etten
Image of Sharon Van Etten
On first listen, it's nice to just soak up the sound without thinking about what it means. It's like a relationship. Records I've had for years mean more to me now than they did years ago.
- Sharon Van Etten