Sharice Davids

Image of Sharice Davids
To my supporters: you knocked on doors, made phone calls, donated what you could, and got your friends, neighbors, and family members to the polls. I am eternally grateful for your confidence in me and will work to earn your trust day in and day out in Congress.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
I just think it's really important that we don't put people in a position where they're trying to decide between their health and wellbeing and their fundamental right to vote.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
As someone who grew up in a military family, I know what it's like to have those you care about serve overseas.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
The Postal Service is critical to our economy, our seniors and veterans who count on lifesaving medications, our small businesses that need to ship their products, and even to our democracy.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
Public health officials, researchers and states rely on CDC data to track the coronavirus and make quite literally life and death decisions.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
We need to build on the progress of the Affordable Care Act, not tear it down in the middle of a global pandemic.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
To effectively fight the coronavirus crisis, we have to make sure that every person has access to quality, affordable health coverage.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
The Justice in Policing Act would enact comprehensive reforms to law enforcement that would improve police training and practices, while increasing much-needed transparency and accountability.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
Communities do need police, but law enforcement needs to be much more transparent and held accountable for their actions. We also need increased resources for mental health services, affordable housing, education, jobs training, and much more to truly address social and economic issues in our communities.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
Entrepreneurship is baked into the DNA of the Kansas Third District, and I'm proud to work with my colleagues in both parties to make sure our local businesses have the tools they need to take care of their employees, grow their companies, and contribute to our economy.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
It's an honor to be recognized by the U.S. Chamber for my work to advance pro-growth policies that will help move our community forward, particularly in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
The INVEST in America Act will make critical, long over-due investments in tribal infrastructure - something I've been pushing for since I first began serving on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
Especially amid the COVID-19 pandemic, which has disproportionately impacted tribal communities, we must invest in infrastructure in order to advance economic recovery and create much-needed jobs.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
People in Kansas and across the country are feeling the impacts of coronavirus both on their health and on their economic security. The CARES Act, which I voted for, is one small part of helping get them the relief they need.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
Too many Black lives have been lost to injustice and brutality in this country.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
The Paycheck Protection Program has been vital to helping our small businesses and workers weather the coronavirus pandemic. Yet this program has operated with little oversight, and we've seen Kansas small businesses owners struggle to access relief while large corporations with deep pockets have no problem.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
Our veterans have sacrificed so much for our country and to keep us safe.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
I've been a vocal advocate for Medicaid expansion, which is why I co-sponsored legislation to incentivize states like Kansas to expand Medicaid by starting the amount the federal government matches state's investment for expansion at 100 percent.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
I worked diligently alongside our labor community to ensure that the priorities of our community were reflected in the USMCA, helping to secure strong enforcement mechanisms, protections for workers and the environment, and provisions to lower the skyrocketing cost of prescription drugs.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
When Kansans go to the pharmacy to pick up their medication, they deserve a fair deal on their drug prices.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
President Trump used the office of the Presidency to solicit foreign interference in our elections for his own personal, political benefit.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
I will always fight to ensure Kansas families have access to the full range of health care services they need, including reproductive health care.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
For far too long, the voices of Native Americans have been woefully underrepresented in Congress.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
Issues affecting tribal communities have routinely been minimized and ignored.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
Whether it's a mom worrying about affording insulin for her children or a cancer patient fearing bankruptcy due the price of his life-saving medications, the number one issue Kansans talk to me about is the cost of health care and prescription drugs.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
It's essential that we have a coordinated, well-resourced government response to the coronavirus to keep Kansas communities safe.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
For small businesses in Kansas and across the country, the coronavirus has the potential to cause devastating financial hardship that would have a ripple effect throughout our economy. These businesses make up the backbone of our communities, and we have to ensure they are properly supported and protected.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
We have got to recognize the Mashpee tribe, their sovereignty, and their self-determination.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
Affordable health care that protects people with pre-existing conditions is a priority for Kansans, and it's been one of my top priorities since taking office.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
I agree with the overwhelming majority of scientists who recognize that climate change is real, and it's essential that our country honors its commitment to work with the rest of the world to cut carbon pollution and address this crisis together.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
Protecting our environment and natural resources is necessary for both our planet and our economy.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
In Kansas, we are uniquely positioned to capitalize on renewable energy, as our region has some of the highest wind production potential in the world, to create good-paying jobs while growing our clean energy economy.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
We will continue to look for innovative solutions to combat the climate crisis, grow our economy, and leave behind a healthier world for our children.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
The Department of Justice must be nonpartisan and uphold the rule of law. Likewise, the leader of that department - the Attorney General - must always be independent and focused on doing the right thing, regardless of the politics.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
In this country, if you are supposed to show up in court and you don't go, there are real consequences. A subpoena from Congress is no different.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
There's a reason why my mom chose to stay and raise my brothers and me in Kansas - it's a great place to live, work and raise a family.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
We must continue to stand up for what's right and push for bipartisan, comprehensive immigration reform.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
The children and families seeking asylum at our border deserve our immediate attention and humanitarian aid.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
Kansas businesses depend on high-skilled workers to be competitive and to contribute to the local economy.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
Students take out loans with the expectation that they will receive an education that sets them up for success - yet too many students are left with enormous debt from predatory institutions and no education to show for it.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
We should be encouraging - not penalizing - folks who want to pursue higher education.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
Growing up with a parent in the army, I saw firsthand the challenges our service members face when transitioning to new jobs after time in the military.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
There are so many veterans in Kansas with the entrepreneurial skills it takes to run a small business, and we must do a better job at setting them up for success.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
Access to capital is one of the most important first steps entrepreneurs take when starting a business, and it is also one of the biggest difficulties, especially for our veterans.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
Congress must do what we said we would and find ways to pay for bills we propose so we don't leave future generations mired in debt.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
Issues that have relevance to the tribal community have routinely been minimized and ignored.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
When I was sworn into office, I took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States and I take that responsibility very seriously.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
No one is above the law, not even the President.
- Sharice Davids
Image of Sharice Davids
Our country has laws to protect whistleblowers and to protect the security of our elections, both of which are fundamental to our democracy.
- Sharice Davids