Shannon Sharpe

Image of Shannon Sharpe
It trips me out when I hear people say, 'Well, I don't see color.' You see color. Now, how you respond and how you handle the situation once you've seen and noticed color is different.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
In our culture, when the parents are having a tough time, the grandparents take care of the kids.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
Didn't know until my rookie year you could buy chicken parts separate, like drumsticks and thighs and breast. My granny always bought the whole chicken and cut it up.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
My grandma told me, don't get into trouble. I know how hard she worked to take care of her own nine kids and my mama's three. And I just never wanted to hurt her. I never wanted to do something that would embarrass her.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
I tell people, when I train, I don't do a Hansel and Gretel workout. I don't drop breadcrumbs. I saved nothing for the trip home.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
To get down on the ground and get yourself up for an extended period of time at 245 lbs... that takes a lot. When you see those CrossFit guys, none of them weigh 245, I can assure you of that.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
To say someone is the greatest, I just don't want championships to define that greatness. Because under that theory, Robert Horry is one of the five or six best basketball players ever - he has seven championship rings. We know that not to be true.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
Adrian Peterson has home-run speed.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
I don't know if Rush Limbaugh knows the difference between a screen porch and a screen play.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
I like to talk. I admit it.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
People say, 'Since you got rich and famous, you've become insufferable.' I say, 'That's not true. I've always been insufferable.'
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
Everything I am is because of my grandmother.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
I love to work out.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
Bill Belichick makes it real easy for you to root against the Patriots.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
You can't be a poor sport all the time.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
You're not going to win all the time.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
In my 14 years, catching 200 yards or scoring 3 touchdowns in a game, breaking a record - none of those compared to winning the Super Bowl for the first time.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
I like to think my teammates had a good time when I was around.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
Growing up on a farm, I saw that if I didn't go to the military or go to school, and I knew my mom and my family wasn't going to be able to send me to school out of their pocket, so it basically came down to athletics. I knew I didn't want to work on a farm. I knew I didn't want to do manual labor the rest of my life.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
The NFL is made up of 1,800 players, guys from different religious backgrounds, different upbringings. I love Peyton Manning. But I don't want 1,800 Peyton Mannings in the NFL.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
Guys would always start by saying, 'You ain't going to get nothing today, Sharpe!' And I'd say, 'Know what? Don't be surprised if your name is on the waiver wire tomorrow. It could have been prevented. But you wanted to go there. So now when you see your name on the wire, you'll know who put it there.'
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
I didn't bother with trash-talking people's moms, wives, or girlfriends. I was like, 'Hold on, man, you mean to tell me you're making $10 million a year? That's $9 million, $999,999 too much!' That ate them up.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
Some people think all I did was trash talk. But ask my teammates, coaches - they saw how hard I worked, how hard I prepared.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
Most of the great players leave the game under their terms.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
I'm all in on 'Undisputed,' and that's where I was with football.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
I'm not uncomfortable with my looks.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
A lot of guys are going to say, 'Look, if it meant me getting a Super Bowl ring, I'd run right over the top of my brother.' And I would have. But once it was said and done, I would have been very disappointed that I had to get the ring at my brother's expense.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
You just don't wake up one morning and say, 'I'm going to be a talker. I'm going to be a braggart.' It's something you achieve over the years, and you get better at it. Obviously, I've gotten pretty good at it.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
I'm not a good talker, I'm a great talker because I do it so often over a long period of time.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
I don't want to live in a society where we ask sporting leagues or place of employment to dole out harsher punishment than what the criminal justice system would.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
I want to make one thing crystal clear. The NFL does have a responsibility to make sure that their players are upstanding, law-abiding citizens.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
I really carried that seventh-round tag with me my whole career, even at the end.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
Even through all those Pro Bowls, at the end of the day, I was always just a seventh-round pick.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
The guys that are serious serious about football - your Peyton Mannings, your Tom Bradys - I'm not saying don't advertise or do endorsements dollars. But there's a time and a place for everything.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
You can get in front of the media and say, 'Yeah, I'm working hard.' You can't do it in front of those other 52 guys in the locker room. You can't fool your teammates, because they see you. They see you every day, and they see you more than your family sees you.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
I'm not supposed to be phonetically correct or enunciate perfectly.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
When someone keeps doing something, you say that that isn't him, he is just making some bad decisions. Sometimes those decisions reflect the person.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
We have never, ever, in the history of football seen a guy that possesses what Aaron Rodgers possesses. Nobody, no quarterback in history, has the touch, the accuracy, the ability to throw the ball moving left or right, throw the ball from the pocket, throw the ball from different plains.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
There's not a throw that Tom Brady can make that Aaron Rodgers can't, but there are several throws that Aaron Rodgers can make that Tom Brady only dreams of making.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
Talent is what wins games.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
You have to do more than the coaches ask you, or you'll never be a great player in this league.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
I was always a talker. You just don't wake up one morning and say, I think I want to talk a little more.' Some are better at it than others.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
I was a talker back in elementary school. I used to get A's and B's in everything, but I got an F in conduct.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
Most fans outside Denver don't like me, and for good reason. I give them every reason not to like me.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
I'll always respect that institution of the presidency, and I'll respect President Trump.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
No matter what I do, unless I break his records, I'm still going to be Sterling's little brother.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
I'm just a skinny kid from Glennville, Georgia. I'm going to the Hall of Fame. Not to the Hall of Very Good. The Hall of Fame.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
I can't for the life of me - and I've tried - love someone like I love my grandmother, my sister and my mom.
- Shannon Sharpe
Image of Shannon Sharpe
When I went to the Pro Bowl, I went as a tight end. When I made the All Pro team, I made it as a tight end. When they introduced us and I ran out of the tunnel, they introduced me as a tight end. So how is that possible that now that my career is over, they say, 'Well, he put up stats like a wide receiver?' It's not my fault I was ahead of my time.
- Shannon Sharpe