Sean Kinney

Image of Sean Kinney
I think female drummers are great. I think there should more of them.
- Sean Kinney
Image of Sean Kinney
The difference for me is I just don't sleep on friends' couches anymore.
- Sean Kinney
Image of Sean Kinney
There's nothing worse than talking about yourself to find out that you're not that interesting.
- Sean Kinney
Image of Sean Kinney
We've mastered the art of making pretty music that makes you want to die.
- Sean Kinney
Image of Sean Kinney
The next Led Zeppelin is playing somewhere, and they'll likely never make it because there's no infrastructure for it. They'll never get a chance.
- Sean Kinney
Image of Sean Kinney
We got famous off singing about a chicken.
- Sean Kinney
Collection: Singing