
Image of Scarface
The game of golf slows the whole world down and gives you time to think. Inner-city kids could learn a lot about patience.
- Scarface
Collection: Patience
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My marriage to music came from KISS.
- Scarface
Collection: Marriage
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I really believe that God spared me, and I'm thankful for that. Imagine if I would've died when I was seven, 12 years old.
- Scarface
Collection: Thankful
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I want to be the best in what I do, just like everybody else.
- Scarface
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I love golf for the challenge in it. That's the only sport I know that you can do the same thing over and over and over and over and expect different results.
- Scarface
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It's always been my time. I'm a musician, and musicians are time-less.
- Scarface
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I don't feel like I have to fit in. I don't even feel like I even should fit in. I feel like I should just do.
- Scarface
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I'm a musician, first and foremost.
- Scarface
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Pac never had a license. He would mysteriously pop up with all these cars like, 'Get in. We're goin' to jail!' I ain't going nowhere with you.
- Scarface
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Listening to my records, you feel one way about it when you hear it, but reading my words - that makes us a little bit more intimate.
- Scarface
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We all know that I failed as a parent. I'll be a way better grandparent than I was a parent, and that's how I would rather leave that.
- Scarface
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I don't know what's so disappointing about being alive, but I will say that the longer I'm alive, the more I appreciate not dying.
- Scarface
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I pay serious attention to new artists. I pay attention to dope artists.
- Scarface
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My first love was rock and funk. Rap was an accident.
- Scarface
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Rap was an outlet for me to express myself. Nobody was trying to hear no R&B/Funk band from East Houston, so I guess I would rap.
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I like A$AP Rocky, because I think he's really brilliant.
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The more negative hype we get, the more records we sell, know what I'm saying?
- Scarface
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I don't like any of the Geto Boys albums at all. Not one. There isn't a Geto Boys album that I like. I didn't learn anything from it, and it was a bad time in life for me too. With the label, with life, whatever... it's a point in my life where I was the most miserable.
- Scarface
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Mind Playing Tricks on Me' or 'Mind of a Lunatic' were great songs. As far as my favorite Geto Boys album? None of them impress me.
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I think that my favorite album has to be 'The Fix' because I was in a very comfortable place. Mentally, financially... I was in a great place. Def Jam really took care of me, Lyor Cohen took care of me and that's why that great. Kanye West was just starting off and being the great producer that he is - it came out incredible.
- Scarface
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I love Stanley Clark. I love George Duke and Stanley Clark.
- Scarface
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You know what, if Rick Rubin would produce another Geto Boys album I'd do it.
- Scarface
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I grew up in a band, I play everything.
- Scarface
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I don't feel like I'm important enough to do a damn biopic, like who would want to see that?
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I feel like music should be recycled. You take what you get from whoever you get it from, and you put you in it.
- Scarface
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It's a lot of people who can perform, but they can't write. And it's a lot of people that can write that can't perform.
- Scarface
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I've always been infatuated with death. I'm drawn to the permanence of it and the unknown.
- Scarface
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I'm one of the best producers, one of the best singers. You hear me? I'm not just one of the best rappers. I'm one of the greatest ever.
- Scarface
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I never really wanted to write a book in the first place. Never intended to do such. I feel like I wasted a lot of my life, so I didn't feel like it was worthy of a book.
- Scarface
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I love the Velvet Underground, bro.
- Scarface
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Sweet Jane' is my favorite song by Lou Reed the writer, at least the Velvet Underground Lou Reed.
- Scarface
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Girls are really resentful to their fathers when they don't get a chance to spend time with them, but now that my daughter knows everything I say damn near will come true or damn near is what it is, she loves me for that, she respects me for it, and I feel the same way with her.
- Scarface
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I was still in high school when my career started.
- Scarface
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I know how I feel about my music and how passionate I am. I'm not a fly-by-night dude.
- Scarface
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If you notice the videos I been shooting in the past, it's always been relevant to what's going on. It's always been a different look for rap as far as I'm concerned.
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I don't like the lip-syncing-type videos. I like for people to listen to the words and see the visual.
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In my case, I'm kind of set in my ways, I love to be me.
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Music, that's my passion. That's what I love.
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I'm a bred musician - this is generational. For me to just limit myself to rapping is a discredit to my bloodline.
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There are so many other rappers that's way better than me. I'm in agreement with that.
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I've seen a lot of artists fall out with their labels and be irrelevant when they come back.
- Scarface
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Contractual obligations may not allow it, but that's a big dream of mine, to be able to make an album with a rock band.
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I think you have to grow up in anything you do. Not grow up, but you've gotta grow with your fanbase. I think that's the secret of what music is.
- Scarface
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A Tribe Called Quest really made me want to rap.
- Scarface
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America has that agenda, a White supremacist agenda.
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Whoever you are, you have to be that. You know? I was always who I was. I never changed, I never switched.
- Scarface
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I fought COVID double bilateral pneumonia - both lungs - and kidney failure in my house.
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I don't want to be put in a position where I have to make records for anybody other than me.
- Scarface
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I grew up listening to great music that molded my character and my artistry, that helped me.
- Scarface
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That's my passion. To make sure everybody is treated equally. To make sure we get equal justice. To make sure that everybody is on the same level playing field.
- Scarface