Sasha Lane

Image of Sasha Lane
I suffer a lot with mental health and stuff, so I had to find something that was going to make me OK with who I was and also give me some peace and happiness with being alive. So yeah, I've worked hard on myself.
- Sasha Lane
Collection: Health
Image of Sasha Lane
I have an amazing group of people around me who are always like, 'Oh, wow, you're doing such amazing things. But don't get a big head,' and I'm like, 'Thanks, man, appreciate it.' It helps, you know?
- Sasha Lane
Collection: Amazing
Image of Sasha Lane
As far as festivals, nothing tops Cannes.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
Some people are money hungry and don't stop to think of who they're affecting and what really matters. There's a lot of ugly.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
If I dig something, I'll throw it on. I like random stuff you can get at thrift shops.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
I don't really have childhood-type memories. I had to grow up very young.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
I believe that the universe works how it's supposed to work.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
I can't walk in stilettos. I'm more of a boot girl.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
I don't know what's next, and I like that idea. It's a little scary, but it's also beautiful. When you're open, anything can come your way.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
I come from Texas. We're a different brand of people. You're not changing who I am.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
I think there is this whole part of America that people overlook. I think they know it's there, but they tend to overlook it, become ignorant to it, and refuse to see it for what it is.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
Acting... honestly, I'm so uncomfortable and so awkward that I could never think about setting foot in a theater room or acting class.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
You can't just constantly judge a situation or a person because of what you're used to or how they look. They might turn out to be this sweet man who asks you what your dreams are. You know?
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
I love movies like 'Girl, Interrupted' and 'Infinitely Polar Bear.' I love action movies.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
I don't know anything about the film industry. I thought I knew films, but apparently, I don't know films or people!
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
I'm not like, 'I act.' I'm like, 'I'm kinda floating. I kinda did this movie; it was kinda like going to camp, and I don't really know what any of this means!'
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
I'm not embarrassed that I'm mixed. I'm not ashamed that I'm mixed. I very much embraced both sides.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
Everything about acting was either the opposite of my personality or it just didn't seem like something I wanted to be a part of.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
I'm flowing and letting things happen as they happen. I want to be living out of suitcases on the road. I'm open to the universe, whatever comes my way. I feel like a hippie - but hey, it works.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
I am a free spirit. I am very impulsive. I put the most trust in people chance after chance, regardless of how they treat me.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
All I know is real life. I don't know how to act. I don't know how to pretend.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
As far as how I grew up, and who is in my life, it's still a very complicated thing as far as how I want to get that across.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
I've had so many people in my life put me down because of how I look. When I worked in restaurants, I had people say, 'I don't want her to serve my food,' because I looked dirty or something.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
I went to high school in Frisco, Texas, where a lot of people look the same, dress the same, act the same. People are either like, 'You're not black enough for this' or 'You're not white enough for this.'
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
I have such love to the point of obsessions of people and their minds, and I'm constantly trying to find the beauty in things, and I think people are such unique and complex creatures.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
I'm sorry - I know America is supposed to be the land of the dreams and hopes, but it's like, when was that actually a real thing? I think from the very beginning it was all a lie, and it still kind of is. Stop trying to sell the picket fence, because there's another backyard here that you haven't looked at.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
I'm the kind of girl who just, like, rolls out of bed and puts my jeans on and shakes my hair out.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
I'm a really uncomfortable person, so the whole Hollywood lifestyle - attention on me, the cameras, people telling me how to live my life, talking about me in a public way - none of that is appealing to me. Acting is amazing. But everything that comes with it is such a turnoff.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
I'll do anything that sparks me. Sometimes I'll want to do something random with ballet, and then I'll want to be a hippie caterpillar in an animation film. Who knows what will come my way, but I'm going to try and put little hints into the universe, and hopefully they'll float on by.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
I always thought it'd be cool to portray these certain things, make people feel a certain way. I was kind of fascinated with that, but I wasn't the type to do acting school or theater. I didn't have the best views of Hollywood, so it wasn't something that I was going to try and pursue.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
To walk away and be proud of something that you created and something that is going to be out there, I think that's amazing.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
I've been told I stand out, but usually it's like, 'Sasha, you kind of look crazy,' or 'What are you doing?'
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
I'm always trying to find something good in a person wherever I can.
- Sasha Lane
Image of Sasha Lane
I don't want to say no to anything. If I did a blockbuster, it would probably be fun. But who knows? Maybe I would connect to something. But definitely, indie movies are the ones I register with, for sure.
- Sasha Lane