Sarah Shahi

Image of Sarah Shahi
It doesn't matter what people say or what the rules say or what you're supposed to do, you go after what's in your heart.
- Sarah Shahi
Image of Sarah Shahi
I was captain of the volleyball team and the basketball team, and I ran track.
- Sarah Shahi
Image of Sarah Shahi
My father left when I was really young, but he's still living. There are things I wish I'd said that I didn't and I don't think I'll ever get the opportunity to say. He's battled addiction problems his entire life. I wish things were different. I wish there were a way my son could know him, know the good parts of him.
- Sarah Shahi
Image of Sarah Shahi
I think it's important to love what you do and have a good time with it. I go to work every day and have a blast.
- Sarah Shahi
Image of Sarah Shahi
As a parent, you experience the most of everything. The most love, the most fear, the most hurt and the most tired, the most of every emotion.
- Sarah Shahi
Image of Sarah Shahi
It is therapeutic for me to act, to be able to slip into somebody else's skin, and know it's not you, but know that you bring a lot of yourself to it. At times in my life it's provided me with a lot of confusion. It's also provided me with a lot of discovery.
- Sarah Shahi
Image of Sarah Shahi
I've learned a lot with every character, everything from being a cop, to a lawyer to a tattoo artist. And underneath that stuff, I've been really able to find myself through the characters. It's served as a cheap form of emotional therapy.
- Sarah Shahi
Image of Sarah Shahi
So my views on equality are pretty obvious. I mean I did play a highly complex lesbian techno DJ on TV, but I know it's not always easy to come out and tell the world where you stand.
- Sarah Shahi
Collection: Mean
Image of Sarah Shahi
I saw Madeleine Stowe from Revenge recently, and she totally blew me away. And growing up I loved Morticia Addams and Lily Munster on one hand, and Jeannie from I Dream of Jeannie on the other. Two completely different ends of the spectrum, kind of like me.
- Sarah Shahi
Collection: Dream
Image of Sarah Shahi
When I finish a workout, I feel pretty sexy. Even though I'm sweaty and I don't smell like a rose, I feel strong. It does a lot for me mentally and physically.
- Sarah Shahi
Collection: Sexy