Sara Ramirez

Image of Sara Ramirez
When I was a kid, I really loved watching 'Cinderella.' It's a fantasy, and every girl knows that real life isn't always like these movies, but as a child, I just really loved the story of 'Cinderella.' I found it to be so romantic and just a beautiful movie to watch.
- Sara Ramirez
Collection: Movies
Image of Sara Ramirez
I had all kinds of fantasies, like a lot of girls, but did I actually go through the motions of planning a wedding and buying bridal magazines and imagining things and setting up who would play what role? No. Because as I grew up, I started to believe that I would be one of those gals that never got married.
- Sara Ramirez
Collection: Wedding
Image of Sara Ramirez
I actually gained a lot of weight when I started to do 'Grey's Anatomy.' Doing eight theater shows a week, girl, is such a workout. But with TV, you're, like, sitting in your trailer waiting to go to the set. And there's catering and craft service every place you look.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
When I've lost weight, some fans get very upset because they want me to stay curvy. But my own self-worth and wellness regime has to do with my well-being and longevity, so if I make the choice to take care of myself, and the outcome is losing weight, it's disappointing that there might be some backlash.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
The reality shows are getting worse and worse. They're out of control and have been for some time.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
My Mexican specialty is chilaquiles. I make tortillas from scratch, then add garlic, onions, eggs, chopped-up carrots and peppers, Jack cheese, and salsa.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
I'm always going to support the LGBT community and equal rights for the LGBT community. That's going to be with me 'till the day I die and beyond. I mean, that's just what it is!
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
The weird thing about working in television is that you only see the people that you're in scenes with.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
I know my boyfriend loves to have something to hold onto. There's a lot of men out there who do.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
My appreciation for cooking and healthy living came from watching my best friend die from liver cancer in 2008. I realized that I needed to make some big changes if I wanted to be around for a long time, so now I'm more cautious of how much I eat, what I'm eating, and how often.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
I love how Jamie Oliver makes seasonal, local foods in a rustic way, without a lot of fuss.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
I love challenging the status quo.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
At a certain point, you try to avoid reading feedback or blogs because there's always the risk of reading some sort of negative stuff that can be hard to hear.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
There's nothing like the first kiss once you've been pronounced husband and wife. It's such a wonderful moment!
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
I'm always going to support the LGBT community and equal rights for the LGBT community.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
Theater feeds my heart and soul.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
Adoption is a global issue these days - it's certainly current - and it's encouraging for a lot of couples whether they're straight or gay.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
Conflict happens. People aren't happy all of the time.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
The truth is, unlike TV and film cameras, the theater stage doesn't add 10 pounds.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
I'm not going to lie: I still have days when I walk by the mirror on my way to the shower and think, 'Oh God, I didn't just see that!'
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
In all kinds of ways, I used to be really, really hard on myself.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
I've never been very cookie cutter. If I choose something different from the status quo, it's my responsibility and my choice to live my life that way.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
I am completely grateful and pleased for the attention and the recognition I've received for playing the roles that I've played.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
I'm very proud of my heritage.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
There is a large group that's not represented on television - the group that falls somewhere in the middle of straight and gay. That group is looked down on, because people say, 'You can't be in-between. You have to pick one or the other.'
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
TV is a writer's medium.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
I'm not one of those actors who lies about their age.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
My mom brought me up by herself, so I was a latchkey kid. I would walk myself back from school and spent a lot of time at home alone, watching TV. There weren't a lot of Latinas - or any women of color. And the ones I saw were usually presented as stereotypes or treated like jokes.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
I think, at the end of the day, acting and activism are both about empathy. You're trying to get people to see other people as real and human. And to care.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
It's fun when the writers take risk regardless of the reaction that it might get, and that's fun for an actor. You're able to not just play one thing all the time.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
I love voiceover work.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
I'm not typically a roller coaster person, but Space Mountain I really love out of all roller coasters. That and Splash Mountain.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
My kitchen is my baby. I don't have kids, so cooking is sort of like my child. Renovating my kitchen has allowed me to channel my creativity the way parents work on a nursery. The centerpiece is my vintage 1950s Wedgewood stove.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
Eating well is a lifelong priority. My appreciation for cooking and healthy living came from watching my best friend die from liver cancer in 2008. I realized that I needed to make some big changes if I wanted to be around for a long time, so now I'm more cautious of how much I eat, what I'm eating, and how often.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
I think we should celebrate food and not deprive ourselves - I've changed my lifestyle, and I'm much healthier now, but that doesn't mean I never indulge!
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
I never thought that I would co-host something at TED. I've been attending TED conferences since 2009, so I've been in the audience for many, many years, enjoying the very hard work of the TEDsters.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
I used to watch 'The Bachelor,' but it's lost my interest now. The reality shows are getting worse and worse. They're out of control and have been for some time.
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
There are plenty of Latina actresses that no one's ever heard of... Some are really brown, some are light-skinned, and some look like they're Caucasian, but it's like we only want to identify with a certain kind of look and celebrate that under the guise that this is a 'Latina actress.'
- Sara Ramirez
Image of Sara Ramirez
Stay true to who you are. Don't let anyone else define you
- Sara Ramirez
Collection: Stay True
Image of Sara Ramirez
I'm glad to be a role model, but beyond that I'm a flawed human being, someone who continues to deal with my body image and what my purpose is on the planet.
- Sara Ramirez
Collection: Role Models
Image of Sara Ramirez
I know my boyfriend loves to have something to hold onto. Theres a lot of men out there who do.
- Sara Ramirez
Collection: Men
Image of Sara Ramirez
Eating well is a lifelong priority.
- Sara Ramirez
Collection: Eating Well
Image of Sara Ramirez
There’s nothing like the first kiss once you’ve been pronounced husband and wife. It’s such a wonderful moment!
- Sara Ramirez
Collection: Husband
Image of Sara Ramirez
The reality shows are getting worse and worse. They’re out of control and have been for some time.
- Sara Ramirez
Collection: Reality
Image of Sara Ramirez
I love 'Mad Men' & 'Nip Tuck.'
- Sara Ramirez
Collection: Men