Sandra Bullock

Image of Sandra Bullock
I've always wanted to do a female buddy film, the kind the guys get to do.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
I didn't have a teenage or early-20s experience that was free and without worry. I missed the screw-everything, have-a-good-time phase.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
I hate the term 'rom-com.'
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
Being in front of a camera, in a nice dress, getting all dressed up, is extreme. There's a lot of other extreme situations, you know, just getting out of bed sometimes is extreme - but I do it. Just got to do it, just got to get up. Put your sweatpants on, brush off the dog hair and just get out of the house!
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
I don't understand women who try to be glamour queens.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
Competing with other women wastes a lot of time, and I'm just not very good at it.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
Comedy is wonderful when you really nail it and you hear people laughing, but it's not always that easy.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
I always said if it gets to a point where I really want a child, I would adopt; kids are amazing, so I'm getting the selfish stuff out of my system so when I have them I can say, 'Go, run. I have plenty of money, go play.'
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
People came to my parents' parties because they were going to have fun and, if lucky, our mother would belly dance. What they didn't know was that the hostess made sure every morsel placed in front of them was pure and without anything artificial, no matter what the cost.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
Everything in large doses is gonna kill you. Even happiness.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
I spent so many summers and New Years and fun times in New Orleans. It was always a place where I felt I could go and actually let go and enjoy the spirit of something.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
I have achieved everything through either hard work or luck.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
As long as I have enough money for makeup artists, everything is okay. I feel young and very free. But one day, my face will be too old for the camera.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
Once you learn how to say no, that's about the only place that you'll have control of your work and what you do.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
I'd like to think at some point instead of it being a woman's film or a man's film, it is just a great story, and both sexes can go and get the same enjoyment out of it.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
Everything works out the way the universe wants it to work out.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
I have friends and family that are filled with massive amounts of integrity. And it shouldn't be an oddity.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
As connected as we are with technology, it's also removed us from having to have human connection, made it more convenient to not be intimate.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
When you have adversity and you have pain, you never feel more alone than you do at that moment. And you can be surrounded by hundreds of thousands of people.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
I don't like to fly. I've never been a good flyer. I have a lot of friends that have permanent nail marks in their arms... The moaning that comes from me when there is turbulence. It's awkward for everyone around.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
I like lists, I'm controlling, I like order. I'm difficult on every level.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
I would love to be on 'Top Gear' as a star in a reasonably priced car.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
Nobody can make me cry in public. I'll punch them first before they make my mascara smear.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
Children should be allowed to be children and not be sold.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
A sequel is such a daunting thing, because you don't want to lose the magic and the charm of the first one.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
I can't selfishly take journeys anymore because I have to take a little boy along with me.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
The good mamas are often tough mamas.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
I've been on the floor and I've been heartbroken. I didn't know how I was going to stand up. But I just gave it time.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
Would I like to go into space? No. Maybe I'd do it when I'm old and have done everything else on this planet.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
Uniqueness was something my mother pounded into me.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
Sure, I've done movies in which I was embarrassed by my performance, or might not have cared for a co-star. Then I'd have to tell lies, like, 'Oh, we love each other; everything was perfect!'
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
I don't understand why there needs to be a love interest to make women go see a film. I think society sort of makes us feel that way - that if you don't have a guy, you're worthless.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
I will do comedy until the day I die: inappropriate comedy, funny comedy, gender-bending, twisting comedy, whatever comedy is out there.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
I don't think we spend enough time in silence, just realizing what's floating around in our noggin.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
I don't want to be seen as the kind of person who does things and then expects publicity in return.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
I find that with some girls, the words 'work' and 'education' have gotten a bad rap.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
I would say if you are going to party, show up on time to work.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
Every movie is a love story.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
You can't really dance properly to James Brown. If you dance to James Brown, you look like an idiot. There's a lot of jerking.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
Latinos, Asians, African-Americans, women - we're all trying to find our place in this world of cinema and television and theater. And the great thing with comedy is that most of the time, you could be orange. It doesn't matter, as long you're funny.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
I need to know how the clock is made after you tell me what time it is. I want to know all the details so I can understand how it works.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
I was always longing to do, emotionally and physically, what my male counterparts always got to do. I just felt envious, every time I saw a movie that I was in awe of, and it was usually a male lead. And those kinds of roles weren't available. They just weren't being written.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
I've always said that the experience of meeting an artist that you are in awe of and that you hope to create with one day is usually disappointing because you put them up on a pedestal, and then you're like, 'Wow, that's not a nice person.'
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
Composing means you have a beginning, middle and end and a fluidity to what you're doing.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
If a studio sees that a female can bring in audiences, then they're going to make movies with that person.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
I feel like when you have an unauthorized police badge and something that looks like it could be a concealed weapon in the small of your back that when you, someone crosses you, pisses you off, road rage, I think just the slight badge and the little moving away of the jacket and not losing eye contact does amazing things.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
There weren't roles for females in comedies for a really long time.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
Failing is what we do, or stumbling is what we do on a daily basis.
- Sandra Bullock
Image of Sandra Bullock
To me, the good thing about living in L.A. is diversity in lifestyle choices, color, and religion.
- Sandra Bullock