Sandi Toksvig

Image of Sandi Toksvig
I certainly wouldn't want to be a Mini Me of any of the people whose footsteps I've followed in.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
'QI' is exactly what the best TV ought to be - you learn something, but you are also crying with laughter.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
Like most women, my weight goes up and down.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
At my worst, I was a size 22, and at that size, you can't go down the high street and buy yourself things that make you feel good. Your shopping options are limited in a way they aren't when you are a size 12.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
I will try anything that doesn't involve a leotard.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
Cheryl Cole is one of the few incredibly famous people who still seems to say what they think. I really like that; plus, I do fancy her quite a bit.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
For three months, when I was 23 years old, I worked as a clerk at Wandsworth Sewer.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
I'd love to be a joiner or a wood turner.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
I wish I was fitter.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
I was once very unpleasantly groped while I was broadcasting by a famous individual who shall remain nameless. When I told the staff afterwards what had happened, everybody thought it was amusing. There was a shrugged shoulder approach to the whole thing.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
I have to say, I have to tell you that my kids had a most marvelous time having two moms. When my daughter was at university, she got flu. And both mums rushed to be with her. And we were both looking after her and making soup and tidying up. And one of her friends came in and went, 'Two mums? Not fair.'
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
When we laugh out loud and we realize that there are others who think the same as us, then we feel better.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
There was a really long period of time when, if the newspapers ever referred to me, even if I was talking about, I don't know, cake making, they would put 'lesbian Sandi Toksvig.'
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
You have to stand for the things that you believe in. You have to stay strong inside.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
The number one thing in my whole life is my children, and I want to be there for them.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
I was never interested in how I look.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
My dad died of a massive heart attack when he was 59, as he didn't look after himself.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
You want a kitchen put in, I'm your girl. I'm very handy, and I love a practical challenge. I fit all the stereotypes of the lesbian with power tools.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
Mostly, I'm totally happy in my own space at home with the door closed with my family and friends.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
I've met Theresa May, and I think she's a good person. I'm not someone who goes, 'Ooooh, boooo, the Tories,' or 'Ooooh, boo' anyone, actually. You sit down and have a sensible conversation, and she is really, really capable of having a sensible conversation.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
I'm absolutely obsessed with boxing.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
Oh my God, don't ever start a political party. It's exhausting.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
It was actually having a son made me think about feminism.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
I'd love to retire in terms of not having to go to work anymore and earn a living.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
Because of my fighting for LGBT rights, I have seen the possibility of change. And that gives me heart to believe that it is possible to effect change.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
People say, 'When did you decide you were gay?' and you think, 'When did you decide you were heterosexual?' It's not a decision: it's something you gradually begin to realise about yourself.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
I would not be able to keep going at the pace that I do if I had continued at the weight that I was. I feel so much better; I eat better. I sleep better. I actually enjoy exercise.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
Endless books claim that the brains of men and women are wired differently. They have titles such as 'Why Men Don't Iron' and set out to convince us that women are somehow biologically suited to getting the creases out of clothes while men peruse maps.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
Too often, there are complaints in the British papers about the BBC. It's too left wing, too right wing, too pro-Brexit, too anti, and so on. It's only when you go abroad and try to find out what is going on in the world that everyone falls with gratitude before the BBC News.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
The other day, I was taking part in an audience Q&A when I was roundly scolded by a woman for 'allowing the BBC to ruin the English language.' Naturally I felt terrible, as I had no idea either that it was happening or that I was responsible.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
English is full of Scandinavian words. Margate, Ramsgate, Billingsgate, any town with a 'gate' on it takes their suffix from the Danish word 'gade' which simply means 'street.'
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
Language is ever on the move, and most days, I check out the 'Urban Dictionary' where anyone can invent a new and useful word or phrase.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
I always wanted to get married. I was very drawn to the idea of a partner with whom you went through life, a mate who was always in your corner.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
Being attracted to my own sex was as much part of who I was as being short or blonde or drawn to the library, but I was made to grow up feeling 'other.' Most books, films - even advertisements - didn't reflect how I felt, and I often watched the world from the outside.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
When I came out in September 1994, I was, as far as I know, the only out lesbian in British public life.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
I am keen on a spiritual life and have struggled to find a place for my heart in a religious community.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
A lot of what we think of as history is actually just a version of events which may or may not be true.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
I worry that every time I lay down my credit card of choice, it says something about me. About my social standing or how I see myself. The very colour of your card is an indication of where you stand in the wealth stakes.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
I don't know a lot about mountaineering. I once went walking in the Lake District with the legendary climber Chris Bonington and had to have emergency physio afterwards to regain sensation in my thighs.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
I am always slightly mystified by the whole 'Snow White' story. What are the chances of coming across that many diminutive men living in one house in the woods?
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
I am 5 ft. tall myself, and it is rare that I meet someone new who doesn't comment on my height.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
I know we don't all follow in the family footsteps, but you are, I suppose, more likely to consider becoming a butcher if you have spent your childhood watching a parent debone a pig.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
The problem with money issued by any government is that its only value is what those in charge decree.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
I'm ashamed to say, I've done hideous pen portraits of people I don't like in my novels. And they'll say, 'Oh, that person was hideous,' and I'm nodding, and I'm thinking, 'It's you, you fool!'
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
'The News Quiz' is one of the things I am proudest of in my professional life.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
I've played the Royal Albert Hall to 8,500 people, and there wasn't a nerve in my body.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
You can't complain or have a say if you don't vote.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
I don't care if you're from the right or left of politics - there are core objectives we can all agree on: equal pay, equal representation on the media, equal representation at board level, politics, an end to domestic violence.
- Sandi Toksvig
Image of Sandi Toksvig
I have a son and two daughters, and I care equally about all three of them, and I want the world to be a better place for all of them.
- Sandi Toksvig