Sami Zayn

Image of Sami Zayn
I'm a Canadian citizen, but I do have a green card.
- Sami Zayn
Image of Sami Zayn
I have been in the ring with Kevin Owens for about 12 years; I'm used to getting beat up.
- Sami Zayn
Image of Sami Zayn
I've been beat up pretty badly back in my day.
- Sami Zayn
Image of Sami Zayn
I have that inherent performer personality.
- Sami Zayn
Image of Sami Zayn
I feel like you almost have to have this mentality: wherever you are is the place to be, and any show you're on is better because you are there.
- Sami Zayn
Image of Sami Zayn
It's got to be repetition of me over and over again, constantly delivering the goods every time I'm out there. And that's how I'm going to get to where I need to be, which is in an important match at WrestleMania every year.
- Sami Zayn
Image of Sami Zayn
I don't think there's anything that defines WrestleMania more than Hulk Hogan and The Rock standing across from each other and the crowd going ballistic.
- Sami Zayn
Image of Sami Zayn
If I had to explain what WrestleMania was to someone who's never seen wrestling, never seen WWE, never heard of the concept of WrestleMania, I would show them a five second video clip of The Rock and Hulk Hogan standing motionless in the ring while 70,000 people are jumping up and down.
- Sami Zayn
Image of Sami Zayn
Montreal is my home town - I love it to death - but Toronto, I think, might have to be the best market in Canada. From a numbers perspective, it definitely is. The fans are incredible, and every time we go there, it sells out. It's awesome, and the fans are incredible.
- Sami Zayn
Image of Sami Zayn
Lifelong wrestling fans who are discovering NXT and being like, 'Wait, this is the kind of wrestling I used to like,' or, 'I like this' - it's succinct. It's an hour long. You've got some great wrestlers, and you've got great storytelling, and it's simple, and it's gritty.
- Sami Zayn
Image of Sami Zayn
I love hearing positive things; somewhere, way deep down, I'm sure I'm an egomaniac. I guess all performers are, in a way.
- Sami Zayn
Image of Sami Zayn
I believe in just being yourself, and the whole kit and caboodle comes with it.
- Sami Zayn
Image of Sami Zayn
I think you've still got to try to be good, day-to-day. You see a granny, you hold the door open for her. You just try to do the right thing. I don't know if that makes you a saint or the greatest guy in the world, but trying is a start.
- Sami Zayn
Image of Sami Zayn
I always consider myself Syrian. I just happen to be born in Canada.
- Sami Zayn
Image of Sami Zayn
Even when you just hear the word 'Syria,' it packs a lot of political connotations.
- Sami Zayn
Image of Sami Zayn
Any time I'm donating to charity, I feel it's very daunting.
- Sami Zayn
Image of Sami Zayn
If my parents didn't come to Canada in the '70s, I probably wouldn't be living my dream to be a WWE superstar.
- Sami Zayn
Image of Sami Zayn
Your priorities change when you get older.
- Sami Zayn
Image of Sami Zayn
Russ Courtnall was my absolute favorite player. Patrick Roy was there, too, of course.
- Sami Zayn
Image of Sami Zayn
When I was playing street hockey, I really thought that I had some skills!
- Sami Zayn
Image of Sami Zayn
When I was 17 years old, I was given the opportunity to be trained as a wrestler. At the time, I never really thought about making it a career. I only saw it as a chance to do something that I always wanted to do.
- Sami Zayn