Sam Hunt

Image of Sam Hunt
I drove right into the music with the same sort of attitude as I went into the football stuff with. Just found a routine and hard work, and it helped me progress a lot faster.
- Sam Hunt
Collection: Attitude
Image of Sam Hunt
I have two or three guys that I'm really close to. We have a great friendship, and I think that helps our songwriting relationship. It's hard to start... with new people and cover the ground that I've covered with those guys.
- Sam Hunt
Collection: Friendship
Image of Sam Hunt
I was really only around country music on the radio, and I think because I grew up so close to Atlanta, and R&B was such a big part of that culture, by proximity I think a lot of that music influenced me without knowing it.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
I love all kinds of music, and I would write really traditional country songs and songs that were just really out there, that didn't sound country at all, and everything in between.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
I connect music to the emotions that come from relationships, so most of the songs that I write are inspired by those circumstances, emotions, feelings, all that kind of stuff.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
After graduating college, I was coming out of a routine I'd been in for several years, all the way back to high school. It was a year-round process of constantly having to work and be disciplined, and I was able to understand and connect the dots between all those characteristics - especially hard work and success.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
I kind of have my little OCD wood shed at my house where everything is just right when I go write.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
With a song called 'House Party,' you'd expect it to be more about a big party, not as much about a relationship, so we tried to put a little bit of a unique twist on it.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
My style, in terms of what I wear, is kind of representative of the music.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
It's liberating to wear clothes that are outside the boundaries of what I'm supposed to wear, ya know, based on the traditional model, whether that be a country music singer, or being from the country. It's not a rebellious thing.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
Once it's out there in the universe, it's serving its purpose, and I'm proud to have other folks hear the music that I was a part of making.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
I try to stay as naive as possible so I'm not as aware as much of the risks.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
I'm not really a piano player, but I play enough to get away with it.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
At heart, I'm a relationship guy, but my adventurous side makes it hard. I hope I'll find a balance.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
My dad is a football guy, not a music guy. He didn't totally understand when I decided to be a musician.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
In a small town, it's either sports or a band with your buddies. I was always athletic. But in college, I was exposed to all this new music, and I was drawn to hip-hop and R&B.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
I love what Drake does, but I don't want to be called the Drake of country.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
Fortunately, the music from the first record really connected with people, and I was really proud of that.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
There's this sort of model that exists in Nashville that we think we have to abide by: You put out a record, and in two years you have to put out another one and have three or four singles. There are all these rules that I've just sort of thrown out the window.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
I'm going to put music out when I feel like it's ready.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
I was a product of the relationships with my family, the environment I grew up in; all those things I kind of put on the back burner when I got into music, and my life all changed dramatically.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
As much as I enjoy traveling and playing on stage as an artist, I really find my true sense of purpose in a room writing a song.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
I realized after writing songs for years how important it is. Whether it provides a living for me or not, that creative outlet is something I need.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
I really feel like I honed in on a sound and a style of writing that best fits me.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
I like doing stuff like, for instance, in the 'Leave the Night On' video, I had on a plain white T-shirt. I just wanted to do something to it to make it a little different, so I just cut a big strip out of the side, from the shirttail up to my armpit, and cut a big red strip out of another T-shirt and just sewed it in there.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
I definitely grew up as a small-town... I guess you could call it the 'small-town football player,' according to the stereotype. I wasn't involved in music at all.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
On my teams, as a guy who grew up hunting and fishing, I was in the minority in terms of music and lifestyle. I became good friends with people who listened to R&B and rap. But it wasn't just an issue of being around it - I was naturally drawn to it right off the bat.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
Traditionally, music has been a means of separating ourselves as people from another group of people.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
The most flattering thing I hear is, 'I didn't think I liked country music before I heard your record.'
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
A lot of times, songs can blend together on the radio because there's so many great songs out there.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
I wasn't intentionally trying to be different, but that was an element of what I naturally do that happened to be unique enough to spark a curiosity for people.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
I don't let many things that are superficial keep me in a box.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
I learned from making a few of these low-budget videos early on that the best way to go about doing it is just to keep it honest and real.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
It's just really fulfilling to celebrate with a group of folks, a team, than it is personally.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
The first song I learned on the guitar was a Kenny Chesney song called 'What I Need to Do'; it was just an easy song to play... and it was really cool to see that come full-circle a few years later and have him record a song that I was part of.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
I try to make music that's relevant to my life and relatable to the culture I live in.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
Putting out music as it's made, versus holding it until an album's finished, allows me to be more timely and maintain balance.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
I do feel pressure internally and externally to put out music, but that excites me because I love songwriting, and this brings me back to why I got in music in the first place, so I'm excited about that.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
New experiences give you new perspectives on life.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
Prior to getting into music, I interacted with, on a daily basis, about 5-10 percent of the people that I've interacted with since then. I've been meeting people from different backgrounds and different cultures. That did allow for a lot of change. I've changed as a product of that, but it's been positive.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
I grew up really close to Alabama, about 10 minutes from the Alabama line. We'd make trips to Alabama, and I feel at home there.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
Folks in Alabama seem like folks in Georgia to me. I feel like you can just about combine the two.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
From the pop side, people like Usher, and when they first came out, I listened to guys like K-Ci and JoJo; that '90s R&B thing really caught my ear.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
Shane McAnally is a really good friend of mine. He's one of the first guys that really embraced what I was doing with an open mind.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
I didn't know what to expect, having not been an artist before. From the outside, you only see romantic snapshots of what seems like a great lifestyle, and it is, but it's also grueling.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
There's such a strong community element in country - it's like a family. So I don't want to do anything that can come off, even if I'm not intentionally doing it, as giving the perception that I'm trying to abandon that family.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
There's a system in place in Nashville, and for a long time, I was trapped in this idea that the only way to do it was to come to town, get a record deal, and do it the way they say. And that system works. But it caters to a specific kind of artist, and I didn't necessarily fit that mold.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
You think about the artists I look at as icons, and you assume they were instantly embraced. That's usually not the case. In reality, they had to overcome a lot of noes to get where they wanted to be.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
To me, country songs are simple.
- Sam Hunt
Image of Sam Hunt
I didn't really know you could make a living in songwriting. I was just very fortunate to have the opportunity to play a few songs for a guy there named Jimmy Ritchey. Through that meeting, I met another couple guys and ended up getting a publishing deal in Nashville.
- Sam Hunt