Sally Brampton

Image of Sally Brampton
"Sometimes", says a fellow depressive, "I wish I was in a full body cast, with every bone in my body broken. That's how I feel anyway. Then, maybe, people would stop minimising my illness because they can actually see what's wrong with me. They seem to need physical evidence."
- Sally Brampton
Collection: People
Image of Sally Brampton
As weird as it might seem to some people, there is nothing I love more than an empty house and the sound of silence.
- Sally Brampton
Collection: People
Image of Sally Brampton's what charity truly means, that compassion for each other's vulnerability
- Sally Brampton
Collection: Love
Image of Sally Brampton
I find it easy to spot a depressive. The illness is scrawled across them like graffiti.
- Sally Brampton
Collection: Graffiti
Image of Sally Brampton
In this cash-rich, time-poor culture of ours, the most precious commodity we have is time...volunteering our precious time, is in this brutally self-involved world, the most truly selfless act
- Sally Brampton
Collection: Love