Ryan Reynolds

Image of Ryan Reynolds
I played rugby for years, and I had a rugby jacket that I lost when I was 14. Somehow, my brother found it in storage 15 years later, and he gave it back to me for my 30th birthday. That was amazing and probably one of the best gifts I've ever received.
- Ryan Reynolds
Collection: Amazing
Image of Ryan Reynolds
I don't think you can help but personalize a role. You almost play to none of the preconceived notions of it. It's more or less a personal experience and journey.
- Ryan Reynolds
Collection: Experience
Image of Ryan Reynolds
I firmly believe that you can't manufacture chemistry with anyone, let alone a kid.
- Ryan Reynolds
Collection: Alone
Image of Ryan Reynolds
When your dad's a cop, calling 911 is really just like calling Dad at work.
- Ryan Reynolds
Collection: Work
Image of Ryan Reynolds
Fragrance is a very personal gift, and I think that's why it makes a great Christmas gift. There's a very distinct signature to it, so if you give it as a gift, I like to think that it's from a person that thinks very highly of you.
- Ryan Reynolds
Collection: Christmas
Image of Ryan Reynolds
I remember being upset because I was finally legal to drink in Canada, and I decided to throw that all away and move to America, where I had to wait another two years. I came here to do improv and to try to join the Groundlings.
- Ryan Reynolds
Collection: Legal
Image of Ryan Reynolds
There's nothing my brothers and I didn't put a hole in. We turned our home into a Wiffle house.
- Ryan Reynolds
Collection: Home
Image of Ryan Reynolds
By the time I came to L.A. I'd already cried on movies of the week with two of the women from 'Knots Landing'.
- Ryan Reynolds
Collection: Women
Image of Ryan Reynolds
I think we can all use a little more patience. I get a little impatient sometimes and I wish I didn't. I really need to be more patient.
- Ryan Reynolds
Collection: Patience
Image of Ryan Reynolds
The problem with romantic comedies is you know the ending by the poster. So they're not movies you can keep doing over and over again expect satisfaction somehow.
- Ryan Reynolds
Collection: Romantic
Image of Ryan Reynolds
If you ask me to describe my relationship, I mean - words are too clumsy to accurately describe how I feel in that regard, particularly in an interview. It's a strange thing.
- Ryan Reynolds
Collection: Relationship
Image of Ryan Reynolds
Any kind of crisis can be good. It wakes you up.
- Ryan Reynolds
Collection: Good
Image of Ryan Reynolds
Making a mix CD - albeit slightly old school - is generally a pretty cool gift and something I like to receive, or giving someone a book that moved you. Writing an inscription inside makes it even better.
- Ryan Reynolds
Collection: Cool
Image of Ryan Reynolds
I have a discipline that has served me very well in my career and in my personal life... and that's gotten stronger as I've gotten older. I've always felt if I don't just have a natural knack for it, I will just out-discipline the competition if I have to - work harder than anybody else.
- Ryan Reynolds
Collection: Work
Image of Ryan Reynolds
I think every relationship is going to go through a few rough patches. Those are what make it stronger, I think.
- Ryan Reynolds
Collection: Relationship
Image of Ryan Reynolds
I don't get a lot of romantic comedy scripts.
- Ryan Reynolds
Collection: Romantic
Image of Ryan Reynolds
I believe in energy like dark energies. I believe that when a family moves into a house where six murders took place, there's going to be some bad juju in that house. But then again what the hell is wrong with you to be moving in that house to begin with?
- Ryan Reynolds
Collection: Family
Image of Ryan Reynolds
A producer is someone who actually calls the shots. An executive producer is just a guy that eats more food at craft service.
- Ryan Reynolds
Collection: Food
Image of Ryan Reynolds
I'll say this: The media wasn't invited to my marriage, and they're definitely not invited into the divorce.
- Ryan Reynolds
Collection: Marriage
Image of Ryan Reynolds
I think we know too much about actors as it is and their personal lives and it's this information age where we're stimulated constantly by the celebrity buzz effect or whatever it is, these web sites and blogs and different things.
- Ryan Reynolds
Collection: Age
Image of Ryan Reynolds
I've had the pretty good fortune of working with some decent guys and gals.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
I'm terrified that I'm genetically predisposed to only having boys. That's frightening. By the time I was 10 years old, and I'm not exaggerating, I knew how to patch drywall.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
I see guys with, like, eyebrow art, and I wanna tell them, 'You don't have to go too crazy on your brows. Take it easy, man!'
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
Character acting is a much braver pursuit than a guy who runs around and intermittently clenches his jaw muscles.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
When I'm not training for a movie, it's more relaxed. I do a lot of running. Usually I'll run four to six miles about three times a week. You try to eat right, but you don't always.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
He has such a clear vision of exactly what he wanted out of each character, out of each set, out of each wardrobe change, out of each emotional beat, and action.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
My very worst day on 'Green Lantern' was nowhere near as difficult as my finest day on 'Buried.'
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
I know there are actors we all want to beat up a little. I think it's important to do whatever it takes, and whatever it takes sometimes involves some physical or mental discipline. There's a lot at stake.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
There's a very real possibility in this industry of going out and leading your life and then going home and being a voyeur of your own life. You can literally go watch yourself - where you went last night, what you did, what the things that people presuppose about you. It's kind of crazy.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
There's an old saying that you don't ever finish a movie, you abandon it, and I really believe that. I never walk away from a take and pat myself on the back.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
I think everybody involved in a movie thinks about the box office. It's the 'biz' part of showbiz.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
I've always just liked working. I like being a working actor.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
I think there's escapist moviemaking, and we want to be captivated and taken away. If it's done right, you can craft an incredible film. There have been superhero films that I think are brilliant pieces of art.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
It's tough. It's very tricky to throw a morally flexible character onto the screen and have an audience empathize. It's always an exercise in restraint.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
I come from a family of cops, and all of them share that understanding that they put their lives on the line.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
As a kid, I think I wanted to be the on-set dresser for 'Charlie's Angels'. My goals weren't lofty. No. I just wanted to someday quit my paper round and that was about it.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
It's a nice visual. I had just done Blade and I put on more weight for Blade and I thought I might as well use it so I kept it and added a little more. I wanted him to be a big bear.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
It was comical because you're at a firing range, all these people are so seriously shooting their little guns.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
My father was a police officer before he retired. One of my brothers is also a police officer, and I think they kind of expected I would do something along those lines, like become a fireman or something.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
When I meet thousands of fans of the comic - when I realize every one of them can recite the Lantern Corps oath ('In Brightest Day, in blackest night...') - I know how important this is to people.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
I had to wear that suit, so I put in my required time in the gym. But I'm not one of those actors who romanticizes his trials working out and brags that he can bench press a panda now.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
I love doing six versions of any joke, so if they'll give me six takes, I'd love to do it.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
I'm not one of those actors who romanticizes his trials working out and brags that he can bench press a panda now.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
I grew up in Vancouver, British Columbia.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
My family is as far from a stage family as you could ever possibly find.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
Even if my father wasn't speaking to me, he would never, ever miss a baseball game.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
I'm six foot two. If I need security around me, there's a problem.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
I did as much as I could in Vancouver. You can only play so many ex-'Falcon Crest' sons in so many movies of the week before you burn out.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
Guys are lucky: We can wear a suit over and over, just with different shirts and ties.
- Ryan Reynolds
Image of Ryan Reynolds
You know, there's nobody where I've said, 'Man, I really want that guy's career.' I mean, each of us has to make our own go of it.
- Ryan Reynolds