Ryan Gosling

Image of Ryan Gosling
You can't geek out with a lot of people about Linda Manz.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
It's not like I set out to be 'the indie guy.'
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
When my films don't do well, I'm hurt and surprised. It's discouraging.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
What a lot of people don't understand about the NC-17, which I didn't understand, is that you can't show it in major theater chains - and you can't even air spots for your film on television. It really stigmatizes the movie.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I'd like to see some Broadway shows at some point in time.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
Now that I'm an actor and I have movies, press, I have more occasions to wear suits. I like wearing suits.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I feel like I'm always trying to make a movie about the Two Faced Man in some way.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I feel like one of the things that I watched that I felt was really helpful in some way but, more than anything, is worth mentioning was this film 'Boogie Man.' It's a documentary about Lee Atwater.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
When I was a kid, I was kind of obsessed with that movie 'Dick Tracy.' Burger King had all this 'Dick Tracy' stuff, and I collected all of it, and I had the posters, and I watched it on a loop.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
They say never meet your heroes. But the addendum to that is 'unless they're Harrison Ford.'
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I've learned it's important not to limit yourself. You can do whatever you really love to do, no matter what it is.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
There's something messed up with my brain.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
All my characters are me. I'm not a good enough actor to become a character. I hear about actors who become the role and I think 'I wonder what that feels like.' Because for me, they're all me.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
Show me a man who wouldn't give it all up for Emma Stone, and I'll show you a liar.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I think 'Believer' and 'Leland' were such great things to have been a part of, and I learned a lot.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I'm waiting to get old - I think old guys with tattoos look good.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I love being Canadian. I think growing up in Canada gives you a world perspective that I certainly enjoy.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
As a kid I decided that a Canadian accent doesn't sound tough. I thought guys should sound like Marlon Brando. So now I have a phony accent that I can't shake, so it's not phony anymore.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I'm just sort of making it up as I go along.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
Falling in love is a narcissistic endeavor. You play the role of lover, and you find someone to act it out on.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I've been thinking about a bank robbery my whole life.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I make a mean tuna fish sandwich.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I think the 'Law of Attraction' comes from a rich, white, privileged perspective.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
Muscles. We're talking about muscles? They're like pets, basically, and they're not worth it. They're just not worth it. You have to feed them all the time and take care of them, and if you don't, they just go away. They run away.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I'm attracted to films that have strong female characters because there are strong female characters in my life. That's my own reality, so it's a doorway into a world for me.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I left Canada to come to Hollywood to make movies.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
It's Shane Black. He's a world unto himself. His world is so fun and crazy.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I have a friend that is a WWII buff, and we sat and talked a lot about stuff like the war and the reasons behind it, and you now it's all in the uniform. Once you're in it, it usually does all the work for you.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I've lost perspective on what I'm doing. I think it's good for me to take a break and reassess why I'm doing it and how I'm doing it. And I think this is probably a good way to learn about that. I need a break from myself as much as I imagine the audience does.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I did this scene in 'Lars and the Real Girl' where I was in a room full of old ladies who were knitting, and it was an all-day scene, so they showed me how. It was one of the most relaxing days of my life.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I've been doing this since I was 12... I don't want to act much longer; I can't do one thing my whole life.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
When I made 'The Notebook,' the director, Nick Cassavetes, who is John's son, used to show me his father's movies.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I grew up Mormon. I wasn't really Mormon, my parents were.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I wish I could be Peter Falk.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I guess there's something about you don't know why you're attracted to a character, but you're attracted to them enough to want to - it's like when a song comes on, and you feel like dancing. You don't know why; you just want to dance. It's hard to analyze that feeling, and if you do, you get far away from it.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
Sometimes I think that the one thing I love most about being an adult is the right to buy candy whenever and wherever I want.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
When you meet your kids, you realize that they deserve great parents. And then you have your marching orders, and you have to try and become the person that they deserve.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I had my hustle. It was whatever I could do to not end up working in a factory. If I had to shake it like a showgirl, I was going to do it.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
If you do one good thing, that doesn't define you either. Being around the kids in the juvenile center, they were engaging, they made us laugh but they were there for doing something terrible.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I try not to discriminate against genres.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
There's good things about going to church.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I had to keep reminding myself in 'Blue Valentine' that I was actually making a film.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
When you drive, you can kind of put your identity aside in the passenger's seat because you're not being watched, and you can just be the watcher.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
You know us crazy kids. We'll do anything crazy to our hair.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
The people of Disney are so incredibly amazing; they are so nice.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I don't like the process of meeting someone and you make a film and that's it. You think you're just getting started, and then it's over.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
The theme for me is love and the lack of it. We all want that and we don't know how to get it, and everything we do is some kind of attempt to capture it for ourselves.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I feel like I think like a woman because I grew up with my mother and my sister, so I've just been programmed to think like a girl.
- Ryan Gosling
Image of Ryan Gosling
I was highly influenced by violence.
- Ryan Gosling