Ruud Gullit

Image of Ruud Gullit
You only stop learning when you quit.
- Ruud Gullit
Collection: Learning
Image of Ruud Gullit
Politics and football don't mix.
- Ruud Gullit
Collection: Politics
Image of Ruud Gullit
I know what it's like to win things. You need a certain type of player with a determination to win. You see it in the eyes.
- Ruud Gullit
Image of Ruud Gullit
I am very fit and by playing sweeper I can control the speed of the game.
- Ruud Gullit
Image of Ruud Gullit
You can't live in history. You've got to build for the future.
- Ruud Gullit
Image of Ruud Gullit
People have expectations of me but I'm not a magician.
- Ruud Gullit
Image of Ruud Gullit
Every week you have to play well to be the champion.
- Ruud Gullit
Image of Ruud Gullit
When I was young I was one of the second generation of black people in Holland. My father was the first. My mother was white, and living with a black man at that time and having a how-you-say half-caste boy is not easy.
- Ruud Gullit
Image of Ruud Gullit
To play Holland, you have to play the Dutch.
- Ruud Gullit
Image of Ruud Gullit
I'd like to meet god. Not to question it, just to have a peak at what it is. I say 'it' because we don't know what it is.
- Ruud Gullit
Image of Ruud Gullit
Sometimes I miss coaching, but often things are not how they appear in football.
- Ruud Gullit
Image of Ruud Gullit
If you look at my career, I've never gone to a team that had fulfilled their potential.
- Ruud Gullit
Image of Ruud Gullit
I've taken challenges with the big risk that it can all go wrong. But that's what I like and I'd rather do that than be safe all the time.
- Ruud Gullit
Image of Ruud Gullit
We Dutch, we like to have an opinion, a strong opinion. We think we know everything better.
- Ruud Gullit
Image of Ruud Gullit
If there is a problem, and you don't say anything about it, it's like a cancer and it becomes bigger.
- Ruud Gullit
Image of Ruud Gullit
If a player is racially insulted, he should have the right to leave the field.
- Ruud Gullit
Image of Ruud Gullit
When I played, I received racial abuse but I was just one of a few black players and we weren't backed up by the authorities.
- Ruud Gullit
Image of Ruud Gullit
I like stubborn players. At least they have an opinion. If they are right or wrong, this doesn't matter for me.
- Ruud Gullit
Image of Ruud Gullit
You have to be open to everything.
- Ruud Gullit
Image of Ruud Gullit
Football develops, it becomes quicker, players develop as athletes.
- Ruud Gullit
Image of Ruud Gullit
Being a football manager is no fun at all. You have to put up with all the hassle. It is not surprising that so many turn grey or have heart attacks.
- Ruud Gullit
Image of Ruud Gullit
Often there is a wall between the journalist and the star because there is usually not much time to get to know a person, and the star is always asked the same questions, and may be defensive.
- Ruud Gullit
Image of Ruud Gullit
I am happy with everything I achieved in my football career. I don't think I could have done any more.
- Ruud Gullit
Image of Ruud Gullit
To play for your country is the best thing that can happen.
- Ruud Gullit
Image of Ruud Gullit
In L.A., nobody is talking about football. No television stations. You see it nowhere.
- Ruud Gullit
Image of Ruud Gullit
You know, if you play on home soil sometimes funny things can happen and you have that push of the crowd.
- Ruud Gullit
Image of Ruud Gullit
We must have had 99 per cent of the match. It was the other three per cent that cost us.
- Ruud Gullit
Collection: Funny
Image of Ruud Gullit
If I'd wanted to be an individual, I'd have taken up tennis.
- Ruud Gullit
Collection: Taken
Image of Ruud Gullit
I'm looking forward to seeing some sexy football.
- Ruud Gullit
Collection: Sexy
Image of Ruud Gullit
The more time you have, the more mistakes you will make.
- Ruud Gullit
Collection: Mistake
Image of Ruud Gullit
To play Holland, you've got to play the Dutch
- Ruud Gullit
Collection: Play
Image of Ruud Gullit
Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeereereeeeees. I believe in miracles.
- Ruud Gullit
Collection: Believe
Image of Ruud Gullit
Man City needed something and when Johnson did something, something happened
- Ruud Gullit
Collection: Men
Image of Ruud Gullit
Mandela means a lot to the world. He's something special. There's only a few people in the history of mankind with that kind of charisma.
- Ruud Gullit
Collection: Mean