Ruth Westheimer

Image of Ruth Westheimer
A friendship has to be cultivated. A friendship you have to give time.
- Ruth Westheimer
Collection: Friendship
Image of Ruth Westheimer
When the first armies were formed, combat took courage, which women share equally with men, and strength, which we do not. But though I am only 4 feet 7 inches tall, with a gun in my hand I am the equal of a soldier who's 6 feet 7 - perhaps even at a slight advantage, as I make a smaller target.
- Ruth Westheimer
Collection: Strength
Image of Ruth Westheimer
My mother was a very quiet woman and people say that she didn't get much of a chance to talk because my grandmother and I talked so much.
- Ruth Westheimer
Collection: Chance
Image of Ruth Westheimer
Yes, for me Hanukkah is very sad. But the life force that's in me makes it a wonderful holiday, too.
- Ruth Westheimer
Collection: Sad
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I have in my bones, and in my blood, the knowledge that you have to help the people who are persecuted.
- Ruth Westheimer
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Ruth Westheimer
Travel has always been one of the best ways to make new memories and reconnect with your loved ones.
- Ruth Westheimer
Collection: Travel
Image of Ruth Westheimer
A lesson taught with humor is a lesson retained.
- Ruth Westheimer
Collection: Humor
Image of Ruth Westheimer
When you feel yourself being critical, whether it is of yourself or another person, stop yourself. Look for positive aspects to admire.
- Ruth Westheimer
Collection: Positive
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I don't have scientifically validated data, but once two people have found each other and found interest in each other, my hypothesis would be that the relationship has a good chance of being successful.
- Ruth Westheimer
Collection: Relationship
Image of Ruth Westheimer
At first I was against Internet dating because there are some inherent risks, but I've seen so many happy couples who've met on the Internet that I've changed my mind.
- Ruth Westheimer
Collection: Dating
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I hear you younger people saying how many friends they have on the Internet. That's nonsense. That's not friends, that's acquaintances. The word 'friendship' has lost its significance.
- Ruth Westheimer
Collection: Friendship
Image of Ruth Westheimer
You walk into a restaurant these days, and what you see is everyone with their phone next to them. That is terrible. Instead of concentrating on the relationship, on the needs and activities and interests of the other person, they are constantly looking at their phone.
- Ruth Westheimer
Collection: Relationship
Image of Ruth Westheimer
There are times when you should never give a cheater a second chance, but there also are exceptions.
- Ruth Westheimer
Collection: Chance
Image of Ruth Westheimer
My son told me to stop singing 'Happy Birthday' when he was 4.
- Ruth Westheimer
Collection: Birthday
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I love being Dr. Ruth, so I have never thought of retiring.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I am fortunate.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I don't let people call me before 9 A.M.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I got the Margaret Sanger award. I was kissed by President Obama.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I was already 50 when I started in television.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I don't talk around issues.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I'm not a sex symbol, at least in the conventional sense.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
Many years ago, I went with my husband and daughter to Denmark. In those years, you could bring $400 worth of furniture without taxes. We had three people, we bought $1,200 worth of furniture.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I went to an Orthodox Jewish children's home that became an orphanage.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I'm a super good shot.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I read the horoscope, and when I like it I smile and when I don't like it, I say, 'Dr. Ruth Westheimer, what's the matter with you?'
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
It's good to be a widow in New York, because I can do something every night.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I don't want people to be lonely. I would like them to find partners.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I have nothing against the Internet meeting places, as long as people use them intelligently.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I don't know how to play Canasta.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
Young and older people need to learn relationships take time and effort.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I was one of the first ones to participate in fundraisers for AIDS.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I'm all for any place, any way, any media that can help people connect with somebody and not be lonely.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I tell people with children still in the house to go out once a week and talk about anything but the children. Otherwise, once you are an empty nester you might have nothing to talk about.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I have the habit of always saying thank you to police and guards who watch us.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I think I was fortunate that even in the children's home I had a boyfriend. How important it was, as an orphan at the age of 12, to be caressed and to be kissed and to know that there is someone who really deeply cared about me.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
Many of the girls who were in the orphanage with me became either nurses or social workers.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I am not an expert on that whole issue of gender.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
Every person has to be respected.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
Never to forget the Holocaust was not only against Jews. It was mostly against Jews but it was also against homosexuals, gypsies and, let's not forget, people with disability.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I'm a black-diamond skier and can dance the whole night - if I find a good partner!
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
There will always be issues where an abortion is necessary.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
It matters a great deal that I come from a Jewish background.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I have to be true to what I think because that's my whole career.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I have never, ever been embarrassed by saying, 'I don't know.' I think maybe that's part of that longevity of my career. Sometimes I have to say, 'I don't know but I'll find out. Call me next week.'
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I am not against people finding people to date on social media. That's the way it goes now.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I never talk about anything Hollywood or about politics. I will talk about how concerned I am about funding for Planned Parenthood, and how very sad it makes me when I see anything about children being separated from their parents.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I use humor to educate.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I certainly believe in equal rights.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I went on a kibbutz for two years. I then realized I have to study. I have to learn something.
- Ruth Westheimer
Image of Ruth Westheimer
I am a very good sniper, and I can put five bullets into that red circle and I know how to throw hand grenades.
- Ruth Westheimer