Rush Limbaugh

Image of Rush Limbaugh
Washington is politics! Somehow if people have political objectives, then those objectives are automatically disqualified? If that's the case, the Democrats have no business being legitimized about anything because everything they do is political.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
We're led to believe everybody opposes it and disagrees with political correctness, but yet everybody's scared to death of it. So who is it? Well, it's the power structure wherever you happen to be.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
I'm whispering so that the media doesn't hear me.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Real prosperity comes from everybody in the country working together in a growth mode. Real prosperity comes as a result of people's own initiative and efforts and so forth. Prosperity, if it comes from the government, is not prosperity. It's an existence or a subsistence or whatever, but it isn't prosperity.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Obamacare won't just bankrupt the country. It may bankrupt small businesses. It may bankrupt individuals.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Why is freedom such a hard sell? That's the question. In this country, why has the idea of individual liberty and responsibility become such a hard sell? That's something I never thought would happen here.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
I used to have a phrase: Liberalism is spreading misery equally. And now the ruling class throughout Washington seems to have adopted this.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
The Republicans have bought into the idea that people hate them because they're opposed to everything.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
I never open the newspaper, never. I never go to a website; I never turn on the T.V. hoping to find something I can attack. It isn't what I do. I defend.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
I am opposed to Obama's efforts to destroy the American economy. I'm opposed to Obama's efforts to so-called fix the health care system. I'm opposed to the way Obama wants to go about fixing unemployment.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Liberals sit from this lofty perch of pomposity, but they are the champions of ignorance. They don't know what they're talking about.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
As a professional broadcaster, I can tell you that over the course of my career, there is an adage: don't ever apologize.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
The thought that so many people get their news from social media really is scary.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
The media is a like any other group of people. Their universe is all that matters.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
I've had so many people tell me that they are shocked that AM radio still even exists with all the different listening options.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
We keep waiting for the American people to wake up, and they keep hitting the snooze bar. But something, folks, someday, will wake them up. Of that I'm confident.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
To somebody like Obama, substantive opposition is not tolerable. The objective is to eliminate all opposition - be it a political party, be it media, or what have you.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
I've given up on being accurately portrayed in the media.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
I have no interest in being wrong, so if I am, please correct me. I don't want to be wrong. There's nothing in it for you or for me to be wrong.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
I'm not afraid of having an agenda. I do have an agenda. It's a positive agenda.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Freedom without virtue isn't freedom - it will eventually destroy a society.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
I will be the first to admit that getting votes and getting an audience are two different things. For example, a politician really can't be elected if he's hated by half the people. A talk show host, however, can be an overwhelming national phenomenon while being hated by half the people.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
If you get rich in the name of the poor, fine and dandy. The problem is when you earn it. If you earn the money in the private sector by starting a business and hiring a lot of people, that's when you become the enemy.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Human nature fascinates me.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
I can't figure Twitter out. The way Twitter is formatted, I can't tell who is saying something and who's replying to something. I don't know who the tweeter is and who's responding to the twit.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
A United States collapse would be much different than a Greece collapse. Greece can collapse, and there's a ripple. We collapse, and the world feels it.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Folks, just a few minutes of my voice can change a life.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Health care's like any other product or service: if the consumer is in charge of spending his money on it, then the market will make sure that it is affordable.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Liberalism has consequences. It has never worked, folks! It has never worked. And it has never fulfilled its promise.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Great presidents don't just fight good fights - they win them.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
It's impossible for a Democrat to be a failure. It's impossible for a Democrat to be a reprobate. It's impossible for a Democrat to be a mess. It just isn't possible, as far as the mind-set of the media is concerned.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
The Constitution is constant. There's not one elected official who has the power to change it. There is a way to amend the Constitution, and the Constitution spells out the procedures that must be taken to change it. Presidents cannot. Now, I know this is gonna shock many of you in the low-information community.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
When you don't behave the way liberals think you should, their effort and their intention to control you compounds.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
I never try to get noticed. It just happens. I never try.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
There are many lessons people can learn about the left. One of the key lessons is they never give anything up. Once they begin a quest, they don't stop until they've got it. The other thing that you need to learn is, they're never happy even after they succeed. They are never happy because there can never be enough to satisfy them.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
I say what I mean. I don't speak in code. That's why I am a star and ace communicator.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Collective solutions to individual problems is very seductive. It's how Obama gets elected, by the way.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
I had to learn early on that where conservatives are concerned, the truth about them is the last thing anybody wants to report. It's the lies and distortions, the mischaracterizations, the character assassinations, that people want to report.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Everybody wants to be loved by everybody, and they'll do everything they can to be loved, including not be who they really are, from person to person.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
You know when people start talking about freedom they have to be old. They gotta be old-fashioned and really out of touch. Freedom? Well, what's that? Who needs any of that?
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Obama has now lost his trustworthiness. He has lost any hope of majority support from the American people for his agenda. Obamacare has wiped that out. It really has.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Obama hasn't lost his standing because of tricks played by the Republicans. He hasn't lost his standing because the media's not fair to him. He hasn't lost his standing or his approval number because the media spent four years attacking him like they did George W. Bush. This is all on him.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Obama's not down for the civil rights struggle, and he certainly wasn't down for the apartheid struggle, but he's clearly gonna take advantage of it and insert himself in such a way as to make it look like he is single-handedly responsible for apartheid going by the wayside.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
I tell you, Bono may have a point. South Africa needs a Walmart.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
The Founding Fathers are not just some people that happened to get mad a long time ago and want their freedom. They were special people in addition to what their natural yearnings were.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
There hasn't been anybody else write a Constitution like Madison. There just hasn't been, because that person hasn't existed anywhere but here.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
If you want to know what the biggest thing in your way to an improved standard of living, higher pay, a more rewarding career is: Barack Obama and the Democrat Party and their economic policies. They are the roadblock.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
Everybody in politics claims to want to get everybody out of poverty. What's the opposite? Wealth. And what is often criticized by the left? Wealth.
- Rush Limbaugh
Image of Rush Limbaugh
If you compare charitable donations, you name it, religious tithing, giving, Americans trump citizens of the world hands down.
- Rush Limbaugh