Rupali Ganguly

Image of Rupali Ganguly
We will all agree that the role of a home-maker is not an easy one, and seeing all these ladies do it with such finesse is really inspirational! All of these strong women have inspired me a lot to get into the character as 'Anupamaa' truly resonates with their lives.
- Rupali Ganguly
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Rupali Ganguly
Thinking of it now, I didn't do a thing for my wedding. I was sleepwalking through it at all.
- Rupali Ganguly
Collection: Wedding
Image of Rupali Ganguly
I didn't want a big, dramatic wedding, but loads of drama happened anyway.
- Rupali Ganguly
Collection: Wedding
Image of Rupali Ganguly
Bigg Boss' made me famous, and I enjoyed the attention.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
Offers have to be really interesting for me to take them up either in movies or TV.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
Historically Indians have been frugal in terms of living, using only as much is required. Now convenience has taken over our simple and sustainable ways of living. We used to wash clothes with our hands, we used buckets and a mug for bath, there was emphasis on ventilation - but all that is lost to the fast pace of living.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
God's every creation is beautiful.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
I know what I do for the environment is not enough, I can do so much more but we're so used to and we're so conditioned to certain kind of luxury in our lifestyles, that we kind of disregard the environment at the cost of our future generations.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
I am extremely scared of water, darkness and am claustrophobic.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
I have known Akshay from the days he was a struggler.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
I am an avid television watcher.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
I have been a cry baby since my childhood. Even teachers were scared of my crying.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
Bigg Boss' taught me to be a better person. But my mother will still vouch that I am the same devil.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
Some people are physically or mentally challenged. I'm emotionally challenged!
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
I always wanted to open an old peoples home and an animal shelter.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
To be 40 plus and not have a 26-inch waist when you're playing the lead can be challenging at times.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
You can't predict the fate of a show.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
I have been part of some fantastic shows and played great characters, including a double role in 'Dil Hai Ki Manta Nahi' and a negative one in 'Sanjivani' because I was bored of playing positive characters.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
Every artiste vies for that one role, which takes her a level up, where people start recognising your work and acknowledging the fact that you are a good actor.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
They call me garbage queen at home, because I'm extremely particular about reduce, reuse and recycle.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
I don't let any food go to waste at home.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
I'm that woman who would reuse all the plastic bottles that come home, wear the same clothes time and again, because why not?
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
I am like Monisha Sarabhai in real life.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
I like laughing and having fun all the time, and I make sure people around me have fun, too.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
I like watching lots of television when I have time on my hands.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
Family for me is my priority and nothing replaces them for me.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
Ashwin means the world to me.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
I've never had an adventurous streak in me.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
The whole casting of 'Anupamaa' is so unconventional.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
Since my childhood, I have seen 'Nagina,' 'Chalbaaz' and 'Mr. India' so many times.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
In fact, many of us from my generation of actors are in the profession because we were all deeply inspired by Sridevi.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
I have met many superstars at our place and parties also but I have never taken a photograph with anyone. Sridevi is the only actress with whom I have clicked a picture.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
I cried inconsolably when Sridevi passed away, I also went to see her and paid my last respects.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
I feel like I am married to my best friend. I share everything with him - whatever happens on the sets or otherwise. In the same way, he shares everything with me, too.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
Though my father guided me on how to act, unknowingly, she has been my teacher. The one actor who I look up to and learn from has been Sridevi. She has been my inspiration.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
Ask my family about my obsession for discounts and they will tell you.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
I believe it is better to take extra precautions now than to regret later.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
My son is no less than a miracle for me.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
I had major thyroid issues, so your fertility count does go down.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
Having a child was difficult.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
From 58 kilos when I delivered Rudransh, I went up to 86 kilos.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
Who gives anybody a right to judge a mother? Nobody knows the kind of issues that a woman is going through.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
Everyone loves winning.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
I'm really shy and I'm scared of people judging me.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
I'm very boring.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
Ashwin and I don't like elaborate weddings, so we had a court marriage.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
In the run up to the big day, my brother kept saying, 'you are getting married' every five minutes. Because everything happened in such a hurry, I even forgot to invite many of my friends.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
Sarabhai' is a monster that continues to grow and win millions of hearts.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
Every woman across the globe is my inspiration.
- Rupali Ganguly
Image of Rupali Ganguly
According to me every woman who maintains a balance between her professional and personal life or chooses to be a home-maker in order to take care of her family are all my inspiration.
- Rupali Ganguly