Ron Johnson

Image of Ron Johnson
In an era of unprecedented medical innovation, we have to do more to ensure that patients facing terminal illnesses have access to potentially life-saving treatments.
- Ron Johnson
Collection: Medical
Image of Ron Johnson
Many of us have felt that sense of desperation - of urgency - when we learn that we or someone we love is fighting for their life.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
This is nothing negative about the other candidates. It's just a recognition of the fact that Governor Romney has won more delegates. He's the only person that really has a chance to take the winning number of delegates into the convention.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
I don't think we can do anything about controlling what our climate is.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
I am the epitome of a citizen legislator.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
I want to err on the side of constitutional liberty and freedom.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
Donald Trump's a change agent. So am I.
- Ron Johnson
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George H.W. Bush assembled a 'coalition of the willing.' We need to do that again.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
Never denied climate change. It has always changed and always will.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
We have seven months before the election. Our top priority as fiscal conservatives is to make sure President Obama retires.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
We need different perspectives here in Washington - someone who has private-sector experience, somebody who's actually created jobs, manufactures products, understands the incentives and disincentives, the intended and unintended consequences of legislation.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
I don't respect phoniness.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
I realize the voters elected President Obama in 2012, but they also, in 2014, elected enough Republican senators to gain a majority in the Senate, so we control the confirmation process. And these are two supposedly coequal branches of government involved in this filling of a Supreme Court vacancy.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
I think justice Scalia is really the gold standard of what a justice should be. Somebody, regardless of how he feels on an issue, is going to look at the text of the Constitution, look at the text of the law, and make his judgment.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
One of the promises I made when I ran was, I'll never vote with my reelection in mind.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
We certainly should support both parties having observers at the polling stations to make sure that neither side does anything that allowed a fraudulent vote. That's a very healthy check on the process.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
The best way to prevent the homegrown-inspired attacks is literally positive engagement with Muslim communities. Making sure that any immigrant population that comes into America assimilates, becomes part of our culture. That has been our history; it has made us strong.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
The people that are proposing banning assault weapons, well, first of all they're already banned. Assault weapon is a fully automatic, those are already banned.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
The fairest and most democratic process in terms of Supreme Court nominees is let the American people have a voice.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
I think people realize I'm truly an outsider.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
You don't get further outside than I do going into Washington, D.C.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
As long as ISIS is not overtly losing, they'll continue to be perceived as winners.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
The whole climate change debate gives - and there are all kinds of quotes from adherents of and promoters of climate change - the reason they're doing it is it's such a great opportunity to control, you know, pretty much, government, and control your lives.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
The arrogance of liberal progressives is that they're just a lot smarter and better angels than the Stalins and the Chavezes and the Castros of the world, and if we give them all the control, and they control your life, they're going to do a great job of it. Well, it just isn't true.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
It's not law-abiding gun owners that are the problem here - it's Islamic terrorists.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
I guess when you take a look at the book 'Atlas Shrugged,' I think most people always like to identify with the main character - that would be John Galt. I guess I identify with Hank Rearden, the fella that just refused until the very end to give up.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
I have a great deal of respect for Wisconsin workers.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
I don't like outside group ads. I don't like attack ads. I particularly don't like them now that I'm in the process and they are being used against me.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
What happens outside of the campaign is outside of my control.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
Iran is Iran. It has a regime that is destabilized in the region, that is spreading terror.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
I think it's unrealistic for public-sector employees to believe that they are immune from modifications to their pay and benefit packages.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
The federal government is way larger than it should be.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
I really don't think that the public-sector employees should be unionized.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
It is past time for Congress to get serious about our spending crisis and impose fiscal restraint.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
Trust me: our critical infrastructure is vulnerable to cyber-attack, to potential terrorist attack, and we are not taking this threat seriously enough.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
We all have the problem of what do you do with the not-guilty-yet in free and democratic societies where you have the presumption of innocence. It's a very difficult problem.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
If you're looking for a metric that we have to measure, that we have to control, it's government in relation to the size of our economy.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
I absolutely do not believe in the science of man-caused climate change.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
We have to get the oil where the oil is.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
Some stimulus is not a bad thing.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
I am going to certainly endorse the Republican nominee, and obviously it looks like that will be Mr. Trump.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
Any individual that would be running for office, if they would say something that crosses a line and, in the end, is so significant, so major, that you couldn't support them, I'd have to withdraw support from any individual, okay?
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
To me, support versus endorse are two totally different things.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
From my standpoint, we ought to be talking about... how do you make Wisconsin a more attractive place for risk-taking, business investment, business expansion.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
Far too often in the political realm, we demonize success; we demagogue against it. What we should be doing is incentivizing success.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
It doesn't make any sense to continue to elect people like Ron Kind or Russ Feingold, individuals that literally are dedicated to growing the federal government.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
Mankind has actually flourished in warmer temperatures.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
How many people are moving up toward the Antarctica, or the Arctic? Most people move down to Texas and Florida, where it's a little bit warmer.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
Scott Walker has provided some really excellent leadership in Wisconsin.
- Ron Johnson
Image of Ron Johnson
I have to - I think an endorsement is something incredibly important. I would never do it just strategically. I would have to have full confidence that I have got no questions about the person.
- Ron Johnson