Romesh Ranganathan

Image of Romesh Ranganathan
The key to a happy marriage is myself being absent for long periods of time. My wife Leesa and I will celebrate our tenth wedding anniversary next year, but if my comedy gigs petered out and I was around the house more, we'd 100% be getting divorced.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Collection: Marriage
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
We've all seen comedians look like they're reaching just a little bit too much for the laugh. This is counterproductive. The conceit of standup is that it is effortless, which makes the prospect of generating new comedy a tricky one: you are trying to be funny without looking like you are trying to be funny.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Collection: Funny
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
I realised I had an issue with my mobile phone use when a friend started explaining the virtues of the Fast 800 diet and, while still engaged in the conversation, I pulled out my phone and ordered the book before they had finished their sentence.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Collection: Diet
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
I've had a Hindu upbringing. There's a lot about it I think is cool. Temples are amazing. It's a nice vibe when people are praying. And there's lots about it where I understand why they believe those things. But I'm not practising.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Collection: Cool
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
Mum came to Crawley from Sri Lanka at 19 after marrying my dad. Later, Dad had financial problems and they split for a while.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Collection: Dad
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
My parents are super westernized. My mom listens to western music, my dad was like a pub landlord so he properly embraced English life. But the truth is they both came from tiny villages in Sri Lanka.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Collection: Mom
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
My childhood memories are filled with hugs and kisses from both my mum and dad. My mum has a thing about kissing you an odd number of times: if she kisses you once, all good, but if she kisses you twice, then you know another one has to follow and, weirdly, she tends to go for the forehead.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Collection: Dad
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
In the past, I have been guilty of returning from work with some parenting words of wisdom, ignoring the fact that my wife has been dealing with the situation for a while. The correct strategy at these times is to wind my mansplaining neck in.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Collection: Wisdom
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
I chose to be a maths teacher because I thought the marking would be easy. You'd just tick and cross, whereas if you're an English teacher, you've got to read essays. Then they said I had to analyse the methodology. It takes an eternity, it's insane!
- Romesh Ranganathan
Collection: Teacher
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
Sri Lanka's interpretation of western cuisine is pretty diabolical. Sri Lankan food itself is ace, however, and they bloody love a buffet. Even if you go to a basic-looking cafe, they can knock up four or five different curries for you very quickly.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Collection: Food
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
I have always told my family that I don't want my birthday to be celebrated and that they shouldn't get me anything, even though if they didn't I'd probably write a standup routine about it.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Collection: Birthday
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
My beard is just an ongoing effort to hide my face as much as possible.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
Veganism is a point of contention all year round. So much so that many vegans cut themselves off from the rest of society, huddling together for warmth and smugness, and using online forums to vent their disgust at the morally corrupt dairy- and meat-eating savages who make up most of the populace.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
New Year's resolutions have always been something to beat myself up with by the second week of January. It seems perverse to set yourself up for failure right at the start of the year.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
Because let's be clear about this: birthdays are for children. It's the one day of the year where they get properly spoilt and are the centre of attention, and they get the presents they really, really want.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
It is fair to say that I am generally very bad at keeping in touch - with everyone. When I read a text, my brain seems to think that I have replied to it, and so I am often genuinely surprised when people tell me I haven't.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
I thoroughly enjoy my children's birthdays, despite the fact their parties are an apocalyptic mix of hall-booking, Nerf-gun-hiring, refreshment-organising and talking to parents whose names you've forgotten.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
I owe much of my success to Seann Walsh. He kept recommending me for Live At The Apollo until eventually the producers offered me a gig.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
My comedy career aside, I am a father of three, a husband, a son, a brother and a vegan.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
My mum's financial plan is: Romesh becomes a millionaire.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
I used to think that people just hate vegans; I have since discovered that everybody hates anyone who abstains from anything.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
What I'm like with lack of sleep is that I let the devil in, so if I'm tired the slightest thing will put me into a bad place.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
I would not have succeeded as a comedian had I not had some hugely lucky breaks.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
I loved stand-up, but I never thought you could do it as a job.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
Being away a lot on tour means that my family has to suffer an inordinate amount of overcompensation, as I return home with skewed ideas of what counts as quality time. I will force everyone into a cinema trip, insistent that three hours in the dark in silence is the perfect way for us all to re-engage.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
Trying to be funny is arguably the least funny thing you can do.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
The error that many vegans make is forgetting that our food has novelty value. Non-vegans think our food is awful, but are fascinated by the prospect of something vegan being delicious. They want to disprove it.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
My wife and I have three boys, and it turns out this is the perfect number to ensure that you are never doing something that everybody wants to do.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
Teaching is so solid and reliable, comedy is not.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
Everyone seems so excited by the fact that music is more accessible, people can find new artists more easily and it's cheaper, without focusing on the potential negatives, not least of which is that idiots can more easily listen to your favourite music.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
I have long believed that success stories need a bit of balance. We only hear from people who risked it all, and found it paid off.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
My life consists of intense focus on urgent areas of development, and then abandonment of that focus shortly afterwards.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
When my wife and I promised the rest of our lives to each other, I doubt either of us suspected that life would involve quite so much TV.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
People say that I'm quite grumpy and negative on stage and that I surely can't be like that off it, but I really am.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
If you're racist and you come out and say it's because of Brexit, then great. Then I know definitely not to talk to you, rather than you give me a sideways glance in a shop. Now I know, I've seen your Facebook post.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
David Beckham is always seen as the thickest man on the planet, too daft to complete a jigsaw puzzle. But then you watch old footage of him playing and every time he plays a ball across the field, he's intuitively working out the trajectory of the ball.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
People assume that your audience is full of people who love you. But, typically, it's one person in four who's chosen to come and has convinced some other people to go with them.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
When you spend your day writing comedy, particularly with others, the discussion of jokes and how far to push things with a group of unoffendable colleagues means that your grasp of what is acceptable in normal conversation is often skewed.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
I used to love the Wu-Tang Clan. They took my school by storm, by which I mean the three kids in my year who listened to hip-hop. I skipped lectures to go and buy their second album, 'Forever', and then rushed home to listen to it.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
There's nothing less funny than somebody trying to be funny. I loved Jack Dee, then I met him and I became the least funny human to exist because of my desperation to say something amusing.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
I used to do standup about footballers; they are easy targets because they are traditionally seen as stupid.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
The contrast of being in the spotlight when you're very young and then suddenly not can be really bad for your mental state.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
Actually, the reason I'm a huge Arsenal fan is because when my dad moved over from Sri Lanka, he lived in north London and fell in love with Arsenal. Then he moved to East Grinstead and bought a pub, which he turned into an Arsenal pub.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
I have Asian friends - second generation - and I am the worst in terms of being in touch with my heritage.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
One day, I brought home Eddie Murphy's 'Raw', and Dad and I would watch that together.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
I've always loved American stand-up. Richard Pryor is one of the main reasons I got into stand-up. After Pryor, I made my way through the other great American comics, then finally got into the British ones over here.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
When I first started watching stand-up, I fell in love with American comedy before British comedy.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
What we're increasingly seeing is comics are becoming better known across the world. They're recording shows wherever they are, then putting them online for everyone. It has definitely changed in that way.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
I mean, my stand-up is very honest and exposing in this way. I probably carry that into everything I do.
- Romesh Ranganathan
Image of Romesh Ranganathan
In the 10 years I've been with my wife we've probably argued twice.
- Romesh Ranganathan