Roger Miller

Image of Roger Miller
Some people walk in the rain, others just get wet.
- Roger Miller
Collection: Nature
Image of Roger Miller
I want my music to leave an indelible mark.
- Roger Miller
Image of Roger Miller
It's one thing to have talent. It's another to figure out how to use it.
- Roger Miller
Image of Roger Miller
I always took a great deal of pride in being original.
- Roger Miller
Image of Roger Miller
The human mind is a wonderful thing, it starts working from before you're born and doesn't stop till you sit down to write a song.
- Roger Miller
Collection: Song
Image of Roger Miller
Wow. Imagine what God could have done if he'd had money.
- Roger Miller
Collection: Wow
Image of Roger Miller
But you can be happy, if you've a mind to!
- Roger Miller
Collection: Mind
Image of Roger Miller
If I had my life to live over... I wouldn't have time.
- Roger Miller
Collection: Ifs
Image of Roger Miller
Without missing a beat Roger says, All the moneys right down here and points to the 1st three frets.
- Roger Miller
Collection: Guitar
Image of Roger Miller
Trailer for sale or rent, rooms to let, fifty cents. No phone, no pool, no pets, ain't got no big regrets. Two hours of pushin' broom, buys an eight by twelve, four-bit room. I'm a man of means, by no means, king of the road.
- Roger Miller
Collection: Travel
Image of Roger Miller
Age doesn't make a man.
- Roger Miller
Collection: Men
Image of Roger Miller
My uncle used to love me, but she died.
- Roger Miller
Collection: Uncles
Image of Roger Miller
. . . And some people sing and dance.
- Roger Miller
Collection: People
Image of Roger Miller
Third box car, midnight train, destination Bangor, Maine. Old worn out suit and shoes, I don't pay no union dues.
- Roger Miller
Collection: Work
Image of Roger Miller
Junk bonds are the Holy Grail for hostile takeovers.
- Roger Miller
Collection: Holy Grail