Robin Benway

Image of Robin Benway
Some people leave, yeah, and it sucks. But some people don't leave, and they never will. And sometimes people are there, but you just can't see them. But they're still there.
- Robin Benway
Collection: People
Image of Robin Benway
Because there's one thing stronger than magic: sisterhood.
- Robin Benway
Collection: Sisterhood
Image of Robin Benway
It's just how it is sometimes. Things hurt, and they hurt for a long time. You have to fight back, or it wins.
- Robin Benway
Collection: Hurt
Image of Robin Benway
You have no idea how crazy I am, I should be wearing yellow Caution tape, I'm that bonkers.
- Robin Benway
Collection: Crazy
Image of Robin Benway
It's funny how bed and pillows and covers can change a conversation. Words turn quiet and you mean more and say less. It's like you can build your own little world, Population: 2.
- Robin Benway
Collection: Life
Image of Robin Benway
I wished I stayed at the movies, where I could have at least had some popcorn with my drama.
- Robin Benway
Collection: Drama
Image of Robin Benway
If you really want to know something about me, you should know this: I like my music loud.
- Robin Benway
Collection: Want
Image of Robin Benway
I guess even when you can see everything, some things will always be a surprise.
- Robin Benway
Collection: Surprise
Image of Robin Benway
Get over here and talk to her. She's a reporter, not a Dementor.Harry Potter nerd.Whatever. Take the damn phone.
- Robin Benway
Collection: Phones