Roberto Firmino

Image of Roberto Firmino
I always modeled myself on Ronaldinho. He was one of my favourites who I followed a lot - his magic made us want to imitate him and his football. Is my goal celebration a tribute to him? Yes, of course. I like him a lot.
- Roberto Firmino
Image of Roberto Firmino
I've been quite hyperactive since I was a child.
- Roberto Firmino
Image of Roberto Firmino
I do have moments when I like to relax, but I'm always moving, and that has always been the case since I was a boy.
- Roberto Firmino
Image of Roberto Firmino
It comes easy to me to run. I picked a lot of it up from Germany. I had four-and-a-half years there, and I learned you have to be on the automatic button. Press it, and you go: you keep running, chasing and working.
- Roberto Firmino
Image of Roberto Firmino
I always try to do a bit more than I am asked.
- Roberto Firmino
Image of Roberto Firmino
I come from Maceio, where it is very hot all year around. I moved to Florinoples in the south, which is very cold. I passed the tests that were asked of me there, and that got me the move to Germany. I could have stayed in Brazil, but I wanted the challenge.
- Roberto Firmino
Image of Roberto Firmino
I remember the first day getting to Hoffenheim. Minus 20! The weather was different; the food was different. It was cold, and I found it difficult, but I am not someone who gives up.
- Roberto Firmino
Image of Roberto Firmino
I like to relax; of course I do! But when I am inside the pitch, that is it. You have to go on full on from the first minute.
- Roberto Firmino
Image of Roberto Firmino
Being shy has never held me back.
- Roberto Firmino
Image of Roberto Firmino
I'm not used to doing press conferences, and I don't like giving interviews.
- Roberto Firmino
Image of Roberto Firmino
I always want to win games... and titles.
- Roberto Firmino
Image of Roberto Firmino
My family mean a lot to me, but I guess that's like it is with every other player.
- Roberto Firmino
Image of Roberto Firmino
My parents gave up things for me when I was growing up.
- Roberto Firmino
Image of Roberto Firmino
We lived in a tough neighbourhood where there were gangs, and although my mum made sure I studied at school, they also allowed me to follow my dream to play football.
- Roberto Firmino
Image of Roberto Firmino
I knew Jurgen Klopp from my time in Germany.
- Roberto Firmino
Image of Roberto Firmino
Anfield is the best place in the world to play football; there's no doubt about it. The atmosphere is incredible, and we always get so much strength from our supporters in every single game.
- Roberto Firmino
Image of Roberto Firmino
Playing for Liverpool at Anfield is a very joyous and positive experience.
- Roberto Firmino
Image of Roberto Firmino
I love playing for Liverpool FC. The fans are excellent and fantastic in how they support us all the way. They support us throughout the games, and the work they do during the match is beautiful.
- Roberto Firmino
Image of Roberto Firmino
We all know how big Liverpool Football Club is. It is a club with a lot of tradition.
- Roberto Firmino
Image of Roberto Firmino
If you are in the draw, then you cannot be afraid of anyone.
- Roberto Firmino
Image of Roberto Firmino
I just worry about playing well and helping Liverpool go as far as possible in the Premier League. If that is achieved by me scoring goals, even better.
- Roberto Firmino
Image of Roberto Firmino
I am very happy here at Liverpool. It's a very good club at a very high level - a big club.
- Roberto Firmino
Image of Roberto Firmino
I really enjoyed my time in Germany but didn't actually win anything.
- Roberto Firmino
Image of Roberto Firmino
It's strange, but I remember just before I moved to Hoffenheim that I had a dream about playing in England.
- Roberto Firmino
Image of Roberto Firmino
A lot of Brazilians are very superstitious, especially footballers. I'm the same. I always step on to the pitch with my right foot first.
- Roberto Firmino