Robbie Fowler

Image of Robbie Fowler
If you pray enough for things, I am proof that they can happen. I feel like a kid on Christmas day now, every day. It's something I have wanted for a long time and I am as happy as anyone to be here. It is great to be back at my first love.
- Robbie Fowler
Collection: Christmas
Image of Robbie Fowler
The treble parade would have been the most perfect moment of my footballing life, but for the two people standing behind me, clearly already plotting their next move.
- Robbie Fowler
Image of Robbie Fowler
An image has stuck for most of my career and it isn't flattering.
- Robbie Fowler
Image of Robbie Fowler
When I got there, all the pasta and science stuff hadn't quite caught on in England - things that were perfectly acceptable then wouldn't be tolerated now.
- Robbie Fowler
Image of Robbie Fowler
We had been getting some bad results, now it is up to us to make up the ground and catch Manchester United.
- Robbie Fowler
Image of Robbie Fowler
Nothing had changed in my routine, except that when I went down the chippy and got me special fried rice, it would be wrapped in a newspaper that had my picture all over it.
- Robbie Fowler
Image of Robbie Fowler
Maybe if I'd not been able to kick a ball it would have been different, but I doubt it because all my mates are decent blokes now, just normal fellas with families.
- Robbie Fowler
Image of Robbie Fowler
It's inevitable now, because everyone is a superstar, even if they're just an average player, and maybe that was part of the process set in motion when I signed that contract in 1994.
- Robbie Fowler
Image of Robbie Fowler
It strikes me that these days, clubs don't even want players who can truly play any more; they just want athletes, quick guys who don't have a football brain, can just run and run; some of them, Jesus. I can never imagine acting like that.
- Robbie Fowler
Image of Robbie Fowler
It sounds mercenary and it smacks of rats leaving the sinking ship. But get real, when everyone is bailing out, you don't want to be the last man standing.
- Robbie Fowler
Image of Robbie Fowler
I was a boy, suddenly treated like the men and expected to act like them.
- Robbie Fowler
Image of Robbie Fowler
I sometimes think I've needed a bit of an arm around me in my career - which I've not always got from certain managers and coaches who didn't understand me.
- Robbie Fowler
Image of Robbie Fowler
I get paranoid about people staring at me. Even now I don't deal with people looking at me. I can't do it sometimes. I can't go out. I don't know how to react when people stare.
- Robbie Fowler
Image of Robbie Fowler
I don't want people losing respect for me as a player. I want to go out in every game and perform to the highest level. I have no retirement plans. I've had a lot of injuries but I want to continue playing.
- Robbie Fowler
Image of Robbie Fowler
After taking temporary charge last season he took us from looking down at the fringes of another relegation scrap, to within a kick of getting into Europe.
- Robbie Fowler
Image of Robbie Fowler
A goal is a goal no matter which end it goes in. I'm pleased to get off the mark again.
- Robbie Fowler
Image of Robbie Fowler
Anyone who doesn't learn from Ian Rush needs shooting.
- Robbie Fowler
Collection: Needs
Image of Robbie Fowler
Time always seems long to the child who is waiting - for Christmas, for next summer, for becoming a grownup: long also when he surrenders his whole soul to time and I am as happy as anyone to be here. It is great to be back at my first love.
- Robbie Fowler
Collection: Christmas
Image of Robbie Fowler
I hate talking about football. I just do it, you know?
- Robbie Fowler
Collection: Football
Image of Robbie Fowler
I used to hate Ian Rush when I was young, because I was a devout Evertonian in those days, and he seemed to score every time Liverpool played against us. It's strange to think he used to support Everton too when he was a kid. He was brilliant to me at Anfield always giving me good advice.
- Robbie Fowler
Collection: Hate
Image of Robbie Fowler
To say that I haven't been motivated to play is absolute nonsense.
- Robbie Fowler
Collection: Play
Image of Robbie Fowler
Houllier did what he had to do – I’m not the first person to be treated like a disposable commodity
- Robbie Fowler
Collection: Firsts
Image of Robbie Fowler
I don't really think kids care much these days - they just tell you to f*** off.
- Robbie Fowler
Collection: Kids
Image of Robbie Fowler
The best player EVER (Leo Messi) without a shadow, if you didn't think/know already.
- Robbie Fowler
Collection: Player
Image of Robbie Fowler
As a young kid, I wasn't really interested at that stage - getting financial advice was far from my mind. I was focused on playing football. But I got onboard with this financial adviser and I heeded his advice, and that was my smartest money decision.
- Robbie Fowler
Collection: Football
Image of Robbie Fowler
The money I try and earn is for my family. It's not for me. It's always about my family.
- Robbie Fowler
Collection: Trying
Image of Robbie Fowler
I do a fair bit for children's charities. The big ones I support in Liverpool are Zoe's Place Baby Hospice, and Claire House Children's Hospice. I donate money and time but the time is what they value the most. If my inclusion at any event they're doing, helps them to raise more money, then of course I'll be there.
- Robbie Fowler
Collection: Baby
Image of Robbie Fowler
Houllier couldn’t deal with players expressing any anger or questioning any of his decisions
- Robbie Fowler
Collection: Player
Image of Robbie Fowler
After spending so much money Liverpool were a lot further behind the leaders when Houllier left than before he arrived
- Robbie Fowler
Collection: Leader