Rob Halford

Image of Rob Halford
The thing about rock & roll, and the black leather biker jacket - it automatically creates an idea about what that person might be about, about their musical taste or their attitude.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
You've got to be able to compromise in a band; otherwise, somebody's more important than the next guy, and that's never been the case in Priest.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
When you make that choice of stepping out and facing the issue of disclosure, you do create this kind of self-imposed negative fear. It's unfortunate it still happens today. 'Do I step out and say I'm a gay guy?' But you have got to do it and live your life on your terms and no one else's terms.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
There are gay and lesbian people in all walks of life, in all different types of professions. I just happen to be a gay man who sings in a heavy metal band.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
Just the basic principles of what makes America work for me are very strong in my heart. It's like no other nation in the world.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
They talk about the American Dream. I still believe in that. I still believe that this is a great country, where great things can happen, where anybody can become president of the United States. Just that simple statement there defines so much about the whole business of liberty and freedom and the pursuit of happiness.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
I discovered that I was gay when I was about nine or ten. I did go out with girls for a while, but it didn't last.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
It's a myth that I received any flak from the metal community over my decision to come out. I have, in fact, received numerous positive responses from fans, as well as e-mails from people who were going through much the same thing. It's horrible to keep something like that secret, and I felt I had to make it public.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
I like to remain somewhat anonymous. I could never handle the whole Britney Spears syndrome of being noticed everywhere.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
I think the last thing you want in life is to live with regret.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
You don't fully appreciate your band until you're away from them.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
I kind of blew the doors off the myth that all heavy metalheads are Neanderthal and very limited in their ability to take on subject matter of any human depth.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
We can either rip your face up with 'Painkiller,' or we can play this beautiful thing called 'Last Rose of Summer' from 'Sin After Sin.' And people love us for that because they don't really know what to expect.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
It's very tempting for certain generations to say, 'Well, I just want to be in a band, and I want to be a rock star,' or whatever. That's not what it's about. Firstly, you've got to be in it for the love and the passion that you have for the music, and then you take it from there.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
When you start in any band, I don't think you have any idea as to how long your particular journey is going to last. You really don't have a clue. I think that when you come together as musicians, that's the furthest thing from your mind.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
I've always felt that where Priest has been able to get to, it's been down to discipline, our real love and commitment to making the best music that we can make, and never forgetting our fan base.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
Sometimes when I'm writing lyrics, it's a very loose train of thought, and wherever that takes me, I let it flow.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
This band isn't mostly about being a political protest band. We want to entertain; we want to give you a good time. At the same time, if you look through the history of Priest, there's always been an intelligent factor.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
Most of humanity just wants to live a peaceful life, don't we?
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
When you're a musician, one of the things that comes to you in the beginning that is quite unexpected is the reaction from your fans, and to the way your music plays an important part in their life in figuring things out.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
The moment I came out as a gay man, I never really thought of the consequences. Of course, the proverbial happened: it hits the newswires, and it's this big, big thing.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
I don't think it's right that there's one set of rules for one individual and another set of rules and laws for another individual. That's not the way the world should work.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
'Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk,' that's my big Emperor album.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
I think I've improved in a lot of ways because of being able to stay clean and sober.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
When I got clean and sober, that was a major change in my life.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
I pray quite a bit, actually. And even if you don't believe in prayer, just have a go. Pray for a good day, or just pray for your friend, or whatever it might be. And it's amazing, man, 'cause it absolutely works. I guarantee, it genuinely does work.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
I will always remember the first show I did clean and sober... It was in New Mexico, in Albuquerque. I literally felt elevated, as everything was coming with such clarity.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
When you have the thrill and the pleasure to do something that means so much, you'll do whatever you've gotta do to get to that next gig and play that next song.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
There's always someone that's dealing with a bigger challenge than you are. You've gotta have perspective.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
Oh, I've never gone off into that 'the room's not the right temperature, take this tea back' stuff. I still scrub my own toilet and vacuum the carpet, and I have to be able to push my trolley around Morrisons and do my shopping.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
You've gotta learn to love yourself and live your own life. Then you can go out in the world and try and figure everything else out.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
It's your human right to push back against something you disagree with. You do that by voting for that guy instead of that guy, or that lady instead of that lady.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
Treating one bunch of people this way, and treating this bunch that way. You can't do that. You have to give everybody the same rights.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
To have Judas Priest together? It's a real adventure, and we always feel excited when it's time to create a new record.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
We're not a band that takes any kind of political stance. That's not what we're about as Priest. But we're observers of what's going on around us in the world.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
When we talk about 'Firepower,' we're talking about the fire and power of heavy metal to prevail and endure difficulties. 'Children of the Sun,' is, to some extent, about climate change and the ecosystem... We want to deliver a message to the people without being too much of a teacher.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
It doesn't matter how many records you've made; there's always a new experience you can get with a new producer.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
It's fun for musicians to step into each other's world. It's like different football teams - it's the same game but a different play.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
I love heavy-metal music more than anything in the world, but I'm equally drawn to Michael Buble or Michael Feinstein.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
I kind of have to bite my tongue sometimes with my lyrics.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
Teachers should not need to have to buy books for the kids, or pencils and pens. That's absurd.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
The fact that there are now gay men and women who can openly serve their country is a wonderful thing.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
When I listen to Michael Buble, it's exciting; it's inspiring. I feel the same way with Michael Feinstein or Ryan Adams.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
I'm drawn to singers who have something different to say vocally, and Adele would be in there.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
When I was a kid, dealing with trying to discover myself, I didn't have anybody to talk to. I didn't have any Internet and didn't have any friends. You felt very alone and very frightened.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
I think that the fact of the matter is that metal isn't really part of the big picture of the gay, lesbian, transgender music scene. But it's certainly there. There's gay metalheads all over the world.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
The first thing I will say about looking after your voice is get a pair of in-ear monitors because one of the most common problems singers have is trying to hear themselves on stage.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
When I come off stage, I just shut up. I try as best I can not to use my voice at all. You know I love to talk, but I try when I come off stage to have the minimum amount of vocal interaction because I need at least a good 10 hours to just recover from my form of extreme singing.
- Rob Halford
Image of Rob Halford
I think my heart will always be made of metal, but it would be ignorant of me and kind of foolish to ignore the other emotional connections you can make in all kinds of music.
- Rob Halford